Afterlife- The Rules

Chasing You


(Hoya’s narration)

“There are rules to being a ghost. You’ll learn along the way.”

“What do you mean? I’m dead already, how can there still be rules?”

“So, as I was saying, basically there are two levels of dead people: the guardians and ghosts.”

“I don’t see any difference between the two…”

“There is, young man. Ghosts are dead people with one or many regrets. While on the other hand, guardians are those without any more regrets.”

“Erm, do I look like I understand?”

“You will soon. So there are three basics to this. One, everything is not within your control, you cannot go against free will. Second, you can enter people’s thoughts and their dreams but like I said you can’t do anything inside…”

“Let alone speaking?”

“Yes. No talking at all. Lastly, if you go against the flow, you’ll lose your license to come to earth.”

“Lose my license? So my license is a passport… What?!”

“Basically you lose the ability to descend onto earth again. And if you still have regrets, you’ll become a lingering spirit.”

“Let me conclude it this way: I can’t do anything. Right?”


“Then what is the point of telling me so much?”

“Just in case you forget, sunny!”

“Stop with the cuteness overflow, it’s creeping me out.”



so basically this is a conversation between the chief angel person and hoya... sorry for the slow and short update., I haven't fully regained my inspiration to write. :( 

i'll update like a snail now~ guuuuuuu~ :< 

so byes for now ppyeong~! :D

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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10