A Bike Ride For The Siblings (1)

Chasing You


Lying motionless under my blanket, I had no intention of budging. Or at the very least getting up; I was exhausted from pulling an all-nighter yesterday.

Everything was not passing as I had thought it would, especially with all the new revelations and truths. And as much as I wanted to bring back time and rewind to the past, it was not possible. Not even by a slim chance.

It was a chilly day, outside of my window it had just rain and there was still an ongoing light drizzle.

At the same time I had also not fully recovered from my flu, the weight of my sickness was pulling me deeper.

 “Hey little penguin,” my elder brother, Yongguk enters my room, “I heard you crying last night, ar you okay?”

He brushed my stray hair aside from my jaw; I stared blankly at the floor. “Stop hurting yourself, Jiyong, it really hurts me.”

No words came out from my mouth, it was shut tight, and I could hear the rasping of my brother’s voice. “Come on, you’re going out for a while with me.”

He tugs me by my hand and drags me out of the house.


Yongguk beckons me over to choose the colour of the bike that we were renting, I pointed towards the metallic red one and folded my arms.

Clearly, I was not in the mood for such fun.

And to add on to my troubles, Yongguk had rented the two sitter bicycle. This meant that I had to ride with him, which was the last thing I would ever want to attempt.

Number one, I was not in the mood for cycling. Number two, my brother was the worst rider, no one can beat him in the number of times he has fallen from a bicycle with training wheels.

No need for any more explanation, I was definitely not riding with him.

Unfortunately, with much agility and strength, and as if I was a feather he lifts me up onto the front seat of the bicycle. It was as if I was an object.

While he himself climbs onto the second seat, I rested my chin onto my palm as my elbow propped up on the bicycle handle balanced it.

This was going to be such a fun ride.



hello everyone, i am back, like finally. and this story is no longer on hiatus. /party hard and celebrate/

and i will definitely update this more regularly from now on :)

hope this chappie has made you all happy (like DO-umma, lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala~~~)

do leave lotsa comments ^^


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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10