The Art Of Forgeting

Chasing You

I flipped through my photo album, looking back at the memories I had with Howon. I really wish I could back time. I shook my head, no, its time to move on.

Pushing aside the photo album I got up on my knees and packed my room. I sighed, this 'Forgeting Him' was so tedious. It was beyond me.

I stood up and grabbed my messenger bag, I can't do this anymore.

I dashed out of my house and rushed to the nearest pub.


The loud music was blaring in my ears, the sound of basses resounding. Oblivious to my surroundings, I grabbed a cup of light alcohol and drank it up. I need more. I reached for another cup and finished it within seconds.

I got up and wobbled to the toilet, being half drunk only after 2 cups. Struggling to walk upright, I leaned against the wall for support as I neared the toilet.

Yes, I'm in. I shut the door tight.


I slid back into my seat, glad that's over. I picked up my glass of drink and drank a big gulp of it. I stood up and walked out of the place, enough for now. 

After coming out of the pub, I looked around and contemplated to use the shortcut. It was a alley that would lead me to my house in exactly 5 minutes. Tsk, what could happen.

Hiding my hands in my pocket, I brisk walked through the silent alley.


Turning back, I looked into the looming darkness, no one. I give a sigh of relief and continue walking. Suddenly I felt a black spot appearing at the top left corner of my eye. Pressing my hand against my head, I felt it pounding heavily. My footsteps started to become wobbly, I leaned onto the cold wall for support. What? Was it too much alcohol?

Then in front of me, a figure appeared, I could barely see what was happening but I felt its hands on my shouler and it shoved me against the brick wall. In between, I heard its murmurs, "You're pretty, guess you didn't see what I placed in your drink..."

My vision switching from blurry to clear, I could hardly focus on anything. I felt myself all limp and weak, I had no energy to fight back. This is it. Its the end of me.

I closed my eyes in denial and imagined the worst.


"Don't touch her, you piece of dirt!" A voice shocked me.

I struggled to identify this mysterious person, the pixelated image started to form. Youngjae, my god.

Everything was in a mess and a flurry. In the midst, I could see Youngjae hurling several punched onto the ert. And within several minutes, the fight is over.

A surg of energy escapes my body and I collaspe, knees first, on to the concrete ground. 

"Gwaenchanha? Why did you go drinking? What if you really got , silly?" Youngjae picks me up bridal-style and carries me towards my home.



double chappie update, hope you guys enjoyed it~ because i had a hard time trying to picture the scene and put it into words. :<
so yes, please wait anxiously for the next chappie!


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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10