Pitter-Patter Rain

Chasing You


The rain pitter-pattered against the window, droplets of rainwater slid down the glass, each competing to reach the bottom.

Numerous lightning flashed across the sky, thunder boomed and roared wildly. What a rainy day.

I pouted my lips and made drumming sounds against the glass, when suddenly I noticed Jiyong and Youngjae. Jiyong is struggling to pedal the bicycle while Youngjae is slumped against her, weak and shivering.

There was nothing I could do to help, I watched helplessly as she carried him in single-handedly into the house. Quickly I rushed out to the living room.

Jiyong rested Youngjae’s trembling body onto the couch, then she dashed off to the kitchen and came back with several towels. She wraps them tightly around Youngjae’s frail and powerless body. It strikes me that she kind of looked like a mum…

Next, she paces into and out of the kitchen, bringing in her arms more towels and medication.

Following that she disappears up the stairs and returns back with a white tee together with a pair of pants. “Here, use my brother’s clothes. Better change out of there, if not you’ll catch a cold. Undergarments, go to my brother’s room to take it.”

Youngjae nods feebly and utters, “Thanks.” Lifting himself off from the couch, Youngjae weakly walks towards Yongguk’s room, with numerous towels covered over him.

Seeing that Youngjae’s clothes have been taken care of, she strolls towards the kitchen. However not long, she hears a whooping sneeze travelling from her brother’s room. She grabs another thicker towel and runs up the stairs.

“Youngjae, are you oka-” Jiyong stops awkwardly as she realizes the sight before her: Youngjae half at the top. She gulps and stutters before closing the door, “I’m sorry…”

I watched her lean against the wall beside the door, her back slids down. She panted short, quick breathes. Her cheeks were bright pink.

Jiyong shakes her head a few times before heading back to the kitchen. Just a few seconds later Youngjae emerges from the room. He strides towards the kitchen and sees Jiyong making a cup of hot drink.

He takes a step closer to her, slowly his arms move towards her waist. Youngjae’s arms snake around Jiyong’s waist and hug it tightly.

Shocked, Jiyong turns herself around and pushes Youngjae away. “What the hell are you doing?!”

Youngjae bites his lower lip and stares downward at the cold hard floor.

The heck! He likes my Jiyong?!

My fists curls into a ball as my blood boils in a pot full of anger. He thinks he can just touch her like that?

Without another word, Youngjae grabs his bag of wet clothes and runs out of the house. Awkward silence permeates the house.

Jiyong squats in the middle of the kitchen, her hands pressing against her hands. An exasperated sighs escapes from . I wish I could give you some comfort, but I can’t.

Her face tilts up slightly, I could see her lips gradually turning paler. She wobbles slightly before collapsing onto the freezing white tiles.




it's been a long while since i've actually been actively updating. /sigh/ i'm gonna cry here, my writer feels just got wiped out.
so i'll be temporarily on hiatus. i'll update but it'll take a while.

sometimes i cant get why other authors just upload a foreword and they instantly gain 100 over subbies. perharps i'm just unlucky.
oh wells~

so anyways please comment (they really encourage me to write more and update faster, and i'm kind of the 'people's' person. like i'm easily affected by response so yah) anyways do subsribe if you like it ^^

till the next update

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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10