An Unending Tunnel & A New Stalker

Chasing You


Hoya watches from Jiyong's main house door. His blood slowly being embroiled in a cauldron filled with jealousy. Jiyong's hands were touching Youngjae's shoulders.

Slowly, Jiyong gets off Youngjae's bicycle and ambles towards the main door. 

With a stuttering voice, Youngjae calls out to her, "Uhm... Jiyong..."

Slightly surprised, Jiyong turns around and mumbles, "Yes?" There's an awkward silence between both of them. Hoya watches from the sidelines, praying hard that it would not be what he thought Youngjae would ask.

Timid Youngjae finally breaks the silence and stutters, "I, erm... I mean... I like-" 

"Jiyong are you back?" Yongguk interrupts. His voice causes Jiyong and Youngjae to look at him, then he realizes something, "Oh am I interrputing anything?"

Youngjae shakes his hands, "No it was nothing. I better get back home now. Night guys!" With that he ascends back on to his bicycle and pedals off in a huff.

Next to Yongguk, Hoya gives a sigh of relief, I thought was going to confess...

"Are you sure I wasn't interrupting anything?" A still confused Yongguk asks. Jiyong gives a little chuckle and gives  a kiddish punch at his chest as she entered the house.


 Jiyong snuggled into her bed, she turns over and picks up her phone and clicks on her contacts button.

Text      Call

To: Youngjae
From: Jiyong

what were you trying to say just now? sorry about my older brother... :(

With her phone still in her hand, she delves into the comfort of her blanket. Her phone vibrates and lights up in the dark surrounding, she picks it up and looks at the screen.

To: Jiyong
From: Youngjae

​no. it was nothing. haha! go and sleep early. goodnight ^^

Upon the completion of reading the message, she leaves her phone on the bed side table and faced the opposite side. Soon, she fell into a deep sleep.


From the end of her bed, Hoya looked suspiciously at Jiyong. He gives her a piercing stare, who the hell is she texting?

He continues to eyeball her until she hides in her blanket. Must be that Youngjae trying to confess to her. I can't let him do that!


(In Jiyong's dreams)

This time I'm in a room with walls painted pastel violet, all there was: a wardrobe, a bed and a table. I take a step closer to the table and discover that there are tons of envelopes with my name on it. Baffled, I look around the room, I gasped as I saw who was on the bed. It was Howon just inches away from me. "Howon!" Lifting up my leg, I try to walk towards him but my leg refuses to budge. My heart races and my breaths quicken, how can this be? I shoot a 'help me' look towards Howon, yet all he does is to point towards the table with the stack of envelopes on it. "Help me, you idiot! Why can't talk?" 
Then without warning, Howon begins to fade bit by bit. "Stop! Lee Howon! Stop! Stop, you idiot! Don't leave me alone!" This is it, I blinked my eyes once again, everything is pitch black.



"Stop!" Jiyong shouts as she sits upright, beads of sweat roll down the side of her face. She checks the clock beside her, 7 a.m. She shifts herself off from her bed and walks towards her bathroom.

Moments later, Jiyong, clad in her school uniform, climbs down the stairs. 

There's a tasty smell wafting through the air. Sensing something delicious, she quickens her pace and jogs towards the kitchen.

While enjoying the smell, Jiyong pops her head into the kitchen, her eyes closed. "Yongguk, what are you- Youngjae? What are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm making breakfast?" A dense Youngjae asks.

Jiyong points her index finger towards the clock and shifts it back towards Youngjae, "No, I mean what are you doing at my house at 7 a.m.?" 

"Oh, Yongguk went to work so he asked me to make breakfast for you. And, I'll be transferring to your school's college section." Youngjae holds up the pan in his hand and flips the egg inside.

Still at a lost of words, Jiyong settles on one of the dining table chairs. "Okay..."


Youngjae bends down to tie up his shoe laces, he gazes up at Jiyong. "So how was the eggs and bacon?"

Jiyong takes a seat next to Youngjae and laces up her shoes. "Well it was okay, at least better than-" She gulped, Youngjae's round brown eyes were penetrating deep into her plain black pupils. Her face was just inches away from his. His face is too close, she thought.

"Better than what?" Youngjae's question throws her off and immediately she snaps out of her thoughts. "Better than Yongguk's! He literally burns the eggs. He can't even boil water."

"Glad you enjoyed that, " Youngjae gives a wide smile and continues to tie his other shoe. 

A minute flies by and both of them are walking towards Youngjae's bicycle. Out of the random, a voice calls out, "So pretty girl has a boyfriend eh?"

"What?" Angered by the comment, Jiyong looks around and sees Daehyun on his bike. "You flirt! So you're stalking me now? I'm warning you, get as far away from me as you can."

"Oh come on babe, don't get so fiery now. It's just making me like you more, you know?" Daehyun smirks and throws a wink over to Jiyong.

Jiyong makes a disgusted face and hisses, "Save me from your flood of mushy good for nothings. Let's go Youngjae."  With that she hops onto to Youngjae's bicycle and it goes away at lightning speed.



Omg, yes, i have finally updated this chapter ^^ sorry for the long wait. i got busy with my other fic :( 
hope you guys enjoyed this update, do leave comments :D and suscribe if you like it.



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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10