That Rainy Day

Chasing You


“School’s over. Like finally!” My seat partner, Sungjong stretches his arms and collapses onto his desk.  I giggled a little at his reaction, “It can’t be that tiring, today was such a short day.”

Suddenly Zelo pops in and interrupts the conversation, “I beg to differ but school just .”

“Hey you guys want to have lunch at my café?” Sungjong’s eyes widen at the mention of food, he props himself up immediately, “Sure, can we go?”

Zelo’s brows slowly knitted together, he pouted his lips and whined, “Why do you have to choose today, you know I have extra school classes…”

I give a pat on his shoulder and remarked, “Well baby-jello, I guess you have to stay in school to learn how to grow up.”

He snaps at me and exclaims, “Hey I’m not ‘jello’ and I’m not a kid!” He stomps his foot wildly and folded his arms. With his eyes shut tightly, he faces his back to me and Sungjong.

I whisper softly into Sungjong’s ear, “Let’s go…” As expected, Sungjong’s realizes my hidden meaning and quickly grabs his bag. We both silently creep of the class, smirking as Zelo’s figure remained rooted and turned.

From a distance we could hear his annoyed whining, we roared with laughter, “We got him this time!”

Then we entered Sungjong’s car and it drove off.


(Youngjae’s POV)

My bicycle screeches to a halt as I arrive outside Jiyong’ school, I could hear little childish giggling from girls walk past me.

“He’s so cute! He looks just like an idol. Kyaa~”

I could not help but cringe at the comments, it felt so weird to hear these things.

My eyes searched around the compound for Jiyong, she was nowhere to be seen. I checked my watch again, 2pm, she has to be at work soon.

The sky was growing increasingly dark, the wind grew stronger, seems like it’s going to rain soon. i opened up my bag and dipped my hand inside as I searched for my umbrella. To my horror and realization, I had forgotten to bring it along with me.

I bit my lip and looked dreadfully at the looming dark clouds, I hope the rain doesn’t come that soon.


Raindrops began to fall one by one. Soon, there was a slight drizzle. I hurriedly push my bike towards the trees which was the only shelter. Looks like I said it too soon.


(Jiyong’s POV)

Sungjong llicked his lips as he finished the last bits of his meal. “I feel so full! Thanks for the meal, Jiyong-gie.”

Carefully, I placed the empty ceramic plate onto my tray. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, otherwise Myungsoo’s efforts would go down the drain.”

Sungjong gives a soft chuckle, “I almost forgot that you have such a handsome co-worker now, you know if you to ever become a couple… Just imagine all the good food you’ll get to eat and-”

All flustered, I quickly interrupt, “Woah, hold your horses, who ever said anything about dating? We’re just co-workers, don’t let your mind go hay wired with these thoughts. Now go, shoo, I have to work now.”

“Okay, I’m going~ Jiyong and Myungsoo sitting on a tree-”

“Shut up!” I held up my hand ready to hurl a plate at Sungjong, he sees it and quickly runs out of the café.


(Youngjae’s POV)

I am soaked to the bone, not even my jacket could save me. ACHHOO! Seem like I’m catching a cold now.

The rain is gradually getting heavier, it’s now raining cats and dogs. My only shelter was a tree.

From a distance I spotted a black Porsche coming towards the school, it drove next to the tree and stopped. The window lowered and a chestnut-eye male asks, “Do you need an umbrella? You seem… drenched…”

I shook my head and declined, “Nope, actually I’m going back soon. Do you by any chance know Bang Jiyong?”

The feminine looking male nods his head, “Yup! She’s at work now though.”

“Thank you!” I thanked him as I hopped onto my bicycle. Quickly, I pedaled it through the pouring rain.


(Jiyong’s POV)


I whipped out my cell phone and clicked the answer button, “Hello?”

I placed my phone next to my ear, to my surprise it was Sungjong who called. “Sungjong-gie here! I just saw a guy who was waiting for you.”

“Should be good ole stalker Daehyun. Am I right?” Who else would be waiting for me?

“Nope, he had much shorter hair than Daehyun. Oh, he had a bicycle next to him.”

Scratching my head, I ran through my list of people who own bicycles. Yongguk? Nope, that’s a motorcycle. Myungsoo? No wait, he’s working. No, it can’t be Youngjae?

“Thanks Sungjong, I’m hanging up now.” Without waiting for a reply, I hung up the call. I took off my apron and dashed out of the door. As I exited from the café, I could hear an angry Sunggyu, “Jiyong? Where are you going?!”

“Emergency, I’ll be back soon!”

Please be safe, Youngjae.


I ran along under the cold, hard rain. “Youngjae? Where are you?”

Upon reaching the junction in front of the school, I gasped as I saw a fallen figure. “Youngjae!”



omg, terribly sorry guysss!! this chapter has taken the longest time to be updated. i hope i havent kept you waiting for too long. but still its finally updated! :(

and ohmymama, my poor youngjae... he got injured in the rain. T.T /cries/ jiyong, please rescue him soon~ :<

please look forward to the next update~~~ :D

and check out my new fics, theres a christmas special too :3

till the next update(omg gif spam)



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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10