Get Away From My Girl

Chasing You


(Howon as the narrator)

I am standing in the middle of the junction, cars are whizzing by the sides of me. I look at the surroundings. Where am I?

My mind is still as blank as a white sheet of paper, but I knew one thing. I was dead.

Then, I feel a rush of wind at my sides. Within a millisecond, the twins, Jung Soryong and Jung Daeryong were beside me.

With a sarcastic tone, Soryong questions his brother, “So what are we here for Daeryong?”

Daeryong replies by shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, ask him.” He points to me for an answer. I stared at him in bewilderment. What am I doing here?

“If there’s nothing on, then we’re going back to heaven. This place .” Soryong whines.

I protest back defiantly, “You guys are suppose to stay with me until I complete-”

Daeryong cuts my sentence, and with an air of superiority, retorts back to me, “You don’t even have the slightest clue what you want to do. Forget it, we’re heading back.” With that Daeryong disappears.

“Just remember that you can’t touch any of the humans if not you’ll lose your ability to come back to Earth.” Similarly, Soryong vanishes into the thin, crisp air.



“Life is fragile. It’s so easy to break. I wish I had another chance.”

The death angel on my right tries to comfort me. “Life will not be restarted you know.”

“Well some kind of advice that is. But if I had, I’ll make it right.”

He stares wide eyed at me and in a questionable tone answers, “What if you do?”

My jaw drops, “How? How?!”        

“We angels have the ability to visit Earth anytime we want, just to check whether everything is okay-”

“So you mean I can visit Jiyong?! Why didn’t you tell me before? What…? This is great news, which means I can still see her. Yes! Wait, I’m dead aren’t I?”


“Like I was saying, you can visit your friends but under one condition: you cannot touch them. If you do, you will slowly lose your abilities to come down to Earth.”

“So basically if I touch anyone, I’ll disappear forever?”

“You can say so.”



I turned at the spot, trying to figure out what was my motive for coming back, then suddenly, my whole body freezes. Jiyong with her arms wrapped around Youngjae’s waist.

“JIyong!” I try calling out to her but it yields zero response. In a state of agony and horror, I watch as Youngjae pedals his bicycle away.

Yoo Youngjae, you had better get away from my girl.



I updated three chapters like a snail~ sry guys. i had like zero motivation to write ans as a result my chapters are crappy. (well at least i think its crappy.) please forgive me guys T.T
anywyas triple chappie update, hope you guys loved it. Ppyeong~! :)

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inyourtshirt #1

Zeal95 #2
Chapter 13: Daww waited for so long and you just completely trolled me LOL. but why a guilty heart? She'll come to love him right *pouts* hopeful reader ;(
flooring #3
love this! :)
vanessachuaa #4
Chapter 12: Don't be discouraged! You write good stories, the subscribers will slowly increase over time! ^^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 10: turn daehyun as jerk as possible. haha. just update soon authornim~~
Author-nim requesting for comments from my beloved readers :-) so that I'll be able to improve on the story ^^ many thanks in advance
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 8: Youngjae~ x3
Cherry214 #9
Chapter 4: Daehyunnie, as much as I love you, please don't start being a jerk x.x
Cherry214 #10