This is it

Will you be my last love?

After that awesome "date" they had, Yongseo keep texting and callling. Whenever their members asked if they had a special relationship, their answer is always the same, which is "Aniyaaa, we're only best friends". They said that because they wasn't sure about each other's feelings. They were afraid to tell each other about their feelings because both of them think that they might have a one sided love. 

The thing is, they both had the same feeling. 

They might be saying they're just friends to their members, but each of CNBLUE members and also SNSD members knew that one day, their "only-friend" relationship gonna turn to something special. It's just all about TIME.

Yonghwa POV

" Should I tell her about my feelings towards her? Should I? Should I try to ask her about her feelings too? Should I? ARGH! Why is this too complicated?"

I keep thinking those things whenever I text Seohyun.  I wasn't sure about her feelings toward me but there's something in my mind that was very sure, Seohyun had the same feeling like me. The point is..... How could she knew the difference between Love and Like if she didn't even love me?! I'm pretty sure that reading a book can't actually tell you the difference between love and like, you have to experience it. 

And One day....I was watching "We Bought A Zoo" story with my dongsaeng. The story was amazing and there's a part in the story that gain my courage to confess my love to Seohyun. The father told his son that ......

"Sometimes, all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and trust me....something great will gonna happen."

The father then continued "Years ago, I was walking as usual to my workplace. I suddenly saw someone in the Cafe, looking so pretty... just like an angel. She was a stranger to me and I've never talked to a stranger before this and I thought to myself "20 seconds" huh? . I then went inside the cafe and said to your mom "Excuse me, why would an amazing women like you even talk to someone like me?. She replied "Why not?". Then...months after that, we got married." The father smiled.  "Remember, 20 seconds of insane courage and something great gonna happen."

At that time, I was so sure that I have to confess to Seohyun. All that I need is, 20 seconds of insane courage. So.......... I texted her.

End of Yonghwa POV.

"Seohyunnie, you had nothing to do this night right?"
"Hmm, this night?! Nee, I have told you before this right? Kekek ^-^ Wae oppa?"
"I'm not sure, that's why I asked you. Can we meet at.... Han River?"
"Han River?! Okay! How about if we meet around 9 pm?"
"9 pm? Okayyyy! ^^ Can't wait to meet you this night! Aishh, Minhyuk is asking me to make him food. Got to go. Byebye Seohyun"
"Kekeke, tell them I miss them ^-^. Annyeong oppa"


Yahh, where are you going? Hyoyeon asked.
AIgoo, Aigoo, it looks like you're going somewhere with someone "special". Sooyoung, said that, while the fact is that she knew with whom Seohyun gonna meet at Han River.
 By any chance, is it.... your "bestfriend" Yonghwa? Sunny, teasing her lovely maknae. 

"Eh? EH? Ahhh, neee." Seohyun said slowly, embarassed. Her unnies seriously love to about her "bestfriend".


Yonghwa was wearing his shoes when suddenly Minyuk popped out of nowhere and said "Hyunggggg, I wanna go with youuu". 

"Aishh, chincha, this kid. I'm not gonna let you ruin my plan." Yonghwa said silently.

Yonghwa: I'll bring you later but not today, arasso?
"Wae not today? Hmmm, arasso." Minhyuk said while pouting. 

Yonghwa has arrived. He was waiting anxiously at the Han River. Unfortunately, it started to rain. Luckily it didn't rain heavily. It was just light rain. "20 seconds of insane courage", "20 seconds", "20 seconds", Yonghwa mumbling the words while waiting for Seohyun to come.

"Seohyunnie, it's raining now. Let's just go home" The manager said to Seohyun. "Aniyaa, it's just a light rain. Gwenchana. Don't worry. Kekeke" 

"Beside....... Yong oppa is waiting for me" Seohyun said silently.

She got down from car while holding an umbrella. "Anyyeong oppa" said Seohyun, bid her manager a goodbye.
She walk along the riverside. "Ohhh, it's so pretty here" Seohyun talked alone. She walked, walked and walked, until she saw a man wearing a hoodie
, rubbing his hand anxiously. "Ohh, there's Yong oppa!" Seohyun smiled excitedly. 

Yonghwa on the other side was so nervous that he didn't even realize, Seohyun was at his back. He keep rubbing his hand anxiously. Seohyun, at Yonghwa's back keep preventing her from laughing. She then changed her voice like a man and said  "Heyy, it's cold and also raining right now. Let me lend you my umbrella" Yonghwa replied "Owh, nevermind. I'm okay" Yonghwa was so nervous that he didn't even being curious about the person at his back. Seohyun suddenly bursts into laughter and said "Oppa, it's me" while tapping his shoulder. Yonghwa turned his back and saw Seohyun was smiling at him excitedly. "Ahhh, she's so pretty" Yonghwa said silently after he saw her. "Oppa, let's go and have a walk around here. It's gonna be amazing!" Seohyun said with her sparkling eyes. 

"Yahh, give it to me. Let me hold it" Yonghwa said, asking Seohyun to give him the umbrella. Seohyun gave it to him and they started to walked along the riverside, together, under ONE umbrella. They keep joking around, teasing each other, talking about their works and played with each other. They were so happy that they keep laughing and smiling non-stop. Actually, back in Yonghwa's mind, he keep thinking about the right time for him to confess it to her. They keep talking and then suddenly..... it turned silent. 

"Ahhh, God must have helped me" Yonghwa said in his mind because of the silentness.

"S..S...Seohyun-ah" Yonghwa broke off the silentness. "Neee" Seohyun replied. Yonghwa stopped and faced Seohyun, so as Seohyun. He then put the umbrella on the ground. Seohyun felt weird with Yonghwa's action.

"20 seconds, Yonghwa. 20 seonds!" Yonghwa reminded himself.

"I....I..... I don't think We Got Married is just a show for me. I think I....... I..... I...L...L...Love you, Seohyun-ah."

Seohyun widened her eyes as she didn't expect to hear that from Yonghwa. She can't deny that she was so happy and shocked at that time.

"So....we feel the same" Seohyun said in her mind. 

"Op..." Seohyun can't finished her words as Yonghwa suddenly put his index finger at Seohyun's mouth.

Yonghwa suddenly hugged Seohyun and whispered "Seohyun-ahhhh, will you be my girlfriend?". Seohyun hugged Yonghwa back tightly,and whispered back "Yes". Suddenly, it started to rain heavily. Yonghwa then whispered to Seohyun......

"God bless us Seohyun-ah" They hugged for a few minutes. 

Yonghwa looked at Seohyun's face and he saw that her eyes were teary. "Seohyun-ahhh, your eyes..... why were they crying?" Yonghwa felt worried as he thought that he had make a mistake. "It's because they were very happy and touched" Seohyun replies, smiling. Yonghwa wiped Seohyun's tears and kissed her forehead. "Thank you Seohyun-ah" Yonghwa said. 

"I'm the one who should be thankful," Seohyun replied.

They then hold hands walking along the riverside and decided to go home because it's almost 11' O Clock which means the Han's River gate will be opened and paparazzi will come. Even when their clothes were wet, and they were very cold, remembering the confessions made them stay hot, and warm together. :))

Yonghwa POV

I was really nervous that I stuttered. That 20 seconds insane courage totally give me something great! I didn't expect Seohyun to hug me and even said YES!  While I was walking back with Seohyun, I keep asking myself, "Is this real life? DId Seohyun just said Yes? Am I dating her right now? We're a couple?" I....I... I can't explain my feelings right now. It was....AMAZING! Thank you Seohyun-ah. 

Seohyun POV

Now I knew why girls cried in a drama when their boyfriend confess to them. Before this, I didn't understand about it. I can't understand at all. But today...... I cried when oppa hugged me and said "Will you be my girlfriend?" . Seriously, I don't even know why my tears keep dropping. My feelings..... I can't explain it. It was wayyy too wonderful~ It just can't be explained. Even there's no ring, no bouquet of roses, or balloons or whatever it is, I still think that it was one of the romantic things Yong oppa had done to me. It was full of sincerity. Yong~ gomawo.

Author Update
Guys!Sorry for not updating! So this is quite a longggg chapter! Do you guys love it? Leave your comment! <3 Thank you!


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x-ray, Drama, Explorace, Went here and there, I'm so busy. I'm sorry. I hate myself so bad for not updating! :((


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yongseo14 #1
Chapter 8: please...make a longer chapter and update till the end..please... I want more yongseo...
Chapter 19: It's okayyy! You can go
Hiatus for a while!
You have a life too!
Speaking of updating...
maerd82 #3
Chapter 19: I can wait, pls don't stop halfway
Chapter 18: Awww what a lovely update author-ssii ^___^ this really made my day. Good thing that YS are making up for the time that they did not communicate with each other. Can't wait for more YS moments.
maerd82 #5
Chapter 18: Honestly I love reading and I thank all the authors in the world for providing free good reading materials. It really cheer me up after work or any stress. Great job
HoneyPie #6
Chapter 18: Sigh....happy they made up.....
goguma08 #7
Chapter 18: They are back together again? Yonghwa did a really nice job to-get-her. HAHA. HWAITING AUTHOR-nim. ^^
faisazali #8
Chapter 18: they are indeed Yongseo couple..
love how you write about Seohyun's expectation about relationship..
a perfect relationship without ups and downs will not last long..
these ups and downs are what make the relationship stronger..
thanks author-nim for the awesome chapter!
can really feel how they actually really longed for each other..
till the next update! =)
heavenlysins #9
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaa finally!!!
At first I was afraid that they would be separated in this chapter, because the title was soo horrifying. Kekeke~
Thanks for the update authornim!
Can't wait for the next chapter!! Fighting! ^^,
Chapter 17: Ugghhh!!! This story is too good!
I will vote + subscribe!
Ahh why you! Seohyun shouldn't put an X
While Yonghwa should listen to her!
Umm by the way the "ahh why you" it's wasn't for you!