Let it go?

Will you be my last love?



It's over.... I'm sorry.




Seohyun's body asked her to get out of the room, but her mind, her heart, it says the opposite one. Without her even realising, she closed the door back and locked it once again. Yonghwa went to her and holds her hand but Seohyun quickly dodged her hand. Though she really wanted to feel the warmthness from his lovely choding again, she just..... she just can't. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun went to sit on a yellow couch, the same colour like the couch they used to have back then in WGM days. 

Seohyun was just looking at the floor. She feels scared and awkward. She just didn't know what to do. Yonghwa secretly looked at Hyun and can't help but bleeding inside his heart. He regretted. He made a mistake. A mistake that causes him to lose this kind of Goddess who is just beside him. He sighed and began to say something. 

"Hyun~ I'm....I'm..... I'm sorry. I'm just truly sorry. Words just can't describe how sorry I am to you. You wanna know something? I wasn't angry with you at all about the Happy Together incident. No, I didn't. It wasn't me. It's just... it's just.... Argh! It's just too complicated for me to tell you. Only God and myself know the truth. I didn't mean to hurt you. Not at all Hyun. I'm sorry."

Yonghwa stopped and looked at Seohyun, but Seohyun didn't even lifted her head for an inch and she totally zipped . 

"Sigh... I guess this is the right decision for both of us Hyun~" He said silently while looking at his goddess.

"Hyun~" He continued.

"I've been reflecting on myself a lot ever since we stopped texting and calling. I'm a human too, Seohyun-ah. Human make a lot of mistakes, so am I. Unfortunately, an innocent one like you got a boyfriend who makes a lot of mistakes and it's none other than me. The more I think about it, I can't help to think that you deserve an even better guy than me. There's a lot of guys who will take good cares of you, even better than me.  I lost your scarf, I lost your letters, I'm being mad at you, how many times should I've hurt you? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? I don't want to hurt you anymore. Another guy will make you happy and smile, unlike me I made you cry. I wanted you to have a perfect relationship. I guess that..... the best decision for both of us is..... "I.....I....I have to let you go."

Yonghwa swallowed as he said that. His throat hurts so much cause he was preventing himself from crying. He never thought a day like this will come. Never. 

Yonghwa looked at Seohyun. She still didn't lift up her head. Yonghwa smiled plainly. He looked at Seohyun once again. He wanted to treasure the moments so much because it might be his last time to be so near like this with Hyun. He stood up and make his first step, heavily. 


When he was about to walk away, he felt something was holding his hand. Something warm, something smooth and he knew that the "something" is what he have been waiting for.

"Oppa....." Hyun said, simply while holding his hand. 

Seohyun stood up and faced Yonghwa. She had something to say too. She holds both of Yonghwa's hand and looked into his eyes.

"Oppa.... you know what? I have forgiven you for such a long time. It's my fault. You shouldn't be sorry. I'm the one who should be. Why did you say that I was unfortunate to meet you? Why?! Actually, I'm one of the luckiest person in the world because I got to meet someone like you. Someone who can totally changed me in a year. My unnies were very thankful to you for changing me. I don't want to have a perfect relationship. What's the point of having a perfect boyfriend and a perfect relationship? I don't want that kind of relationship where everything was going on well and there's no fights and stuff. . No, I don't want that kind of relationship.It'll be boring if everything was going on so well. I want a challenging relationship. A relationship where we will still stay strong when both of us fall apart and will love each other as we've met yesterday . I want that kind of relationship and you make me feel the true taste of a relationship. Who says I'm not happy with you? My everydays is brightening because of you. Who says I should meet another guy? There's not even a single man can change me like you did. No, none of them."

"Oppa, whatever it is, promise me that you'll never say the word "I'll let you go again." Seohyun unexpectedly hugged Yonghwa while crying. 

Yonghwa who have been silent for a long time hugged Seohyun back, tightly. His throat hurts even more. Those sweet words from Seohyun had totally made Yonghwa feel touched. Seohyun was crying non-stop. This is what she have been longing for. The warmthness from his boyfriend, Jung Yonghwa. Yonghwa rubbed Hyun's hair for a few times while closing his eyes. It was just wonderful for him. He thanked God hundreds of times and smiled. Yonghwa looked at Seohyun and smiled sweetly to her. He wiped off her tears and hugged her again. They hugged for a longggg time, not wanting to let go of each other. They miss each other so much. 

"We forgive each other easily right?~" Hyun asked with her bright smile.

"That why we are Yongseo (Forgiveness) Couple". Yonghwa gave his charming smile and gave Hyun a back hug.


Author Update.

Fiuhhh. Finally! The fights between the love birds is overrrr! Yeayyyy! Haha. So... how's this chapter? Tell me. Tell me! Haha. Kindly feel free to leave your comment and subscribe! Owh, as usual.... I won't forget to show my appreciation to those who have subscribed and commented! Oh myyy! Thank you! You guys are jjang! Hahaha. So here's my lovely new subscribers:

 I would like to thank goguma08 for your cute comment and  for your support too! Kamsahamnida~ :))

Thank you also to HoneyPie who always tell her opinion about my story. *make a heart* Thank youuu

And...... thank you to Snsdcnblue14 who left a comment that totally make me teary because of her sweet words. Haha. Oh! She also upvote my story too! Thank youuuu. I love chiuuu. :)) 

Anyway, thank you to all of you for reading this story. Thank you.

May God bless you guys in anything you do and may you have a nice day. 


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x-ray, Drama, Explorace, Went here and there, I'm so busy. I'm sorry. I hate myself so bad for not updating! :((


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yongseo14 #1
Chapter 8: please...make a longer chapter and update till the end..please... I want more yongseo...
Chapter 19: It's okayyy! You can go
Hiatus for a while!
You have a life too!
Speaking of updating...
maerd82 #3
Chapter 19: I can wait, pls don't stop halfway
Chapter 18: Awww what a lovely update author-ssii ^___^ this really made my day. Good thing that YS are making up for the time that they did not communicate with each other. Can't wait for more YS moments.
maerd82 #5
Chapter 18: Honestly I love reading and I thank all the authors in the world for providing free good reading materials. It really cheer me up after work or any stress. Great job
HoneyPie #6
Chapter 18: Sigh....happy they made up.....
goguma08 #7
Chapter 18: They are back together again? Yonghwa did a really nice job to-get-her. HAHA. HWAITING AUTHOR-nim. ^^
faisazali #8
Chapter 18: they are indeed Yongseo couple..
love how you write about Seohyun's expectation about relationship..
a perfect relationship without ups and downs will not last long..
these ups and downs are what make the relationship stronger..
thanks author-nim for the awesome chapter!
can really feel how they actually really longed for each other..
till the next update! =)
heavenlysins #9
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaa finally!!!
At first I was afraid that they would be separated in this chapter, because the title was soo horrifying. Kekeke~
Thanks for the update authornim!
Can't wait for the next chapter!! Fighting! ^^,
Chapter 17: Ugghhh!!! This story is too good!
I will vote + subscribe!
Ahh why you! Seohyun shouldn't put an X
While Yonghwa should listen to her!
Umm by the way the "ahh why you" it's wasn't for you!