Chapter Three

Falling In Love

Jieun's P.O.V

While Mr Song was driving me back home, I realised that my friendship and Lay's has began well. Upon reaching home, i when to my room, took a cold shower. I had dinner and went up to my room. While i was lying on the bed, I kept on remembering todays event. I still can't believe that i talked to the Kingkas and befriend them." I am sure that i will get more antis in school..." With that i fell a sleep. 

The next day, as usual, I took a warm bath, ate my breakfast. After breakfast I put on my non-degree specs and shoes and left the house. Mr Song drive me to school. When Jieun reached school, most girls were glaring at me while a group of girls bump into me and I fell down on my . The girls didn't help me up and just walked away.

No. One'sP.O.V

''Aish...'' Jieun said under her breath. She was about to stand up,when she saw a pair of hand appear infont of her face. Jieun looked up to see the owner of the hands were. Her eyes grew big as she saw Baekhyun standing there and smiling like some fool while saying'' Pali! My hand hurts.'' Moving his hand up and down while saying.She quickly slip her hands into his and he pulled her up.''Thanks,'' Jieun told Baekhyun while standing up. Baekhyun just smile and walked away. She just shook her head and just in time the bell rang.

Classes went by quickly and finally it was lunch time, Jieun walked down towardss the cafeteria when she saw Lay. He waved at her and making hand sign as he was saying to go to him. Jieun went to Lay and he asked her if she would like to join him with his friends for lunch.

Jieun P.O.V

I nodded my head and  I sat down beside Maknae Sehun. We talk a lot and i realised Baekhyun kept looking at me the whole time. After lunch, Beakhyun told me he wanted to speak to me privately, I nodded my head. So we went to a place that is quiet which is the school garden. He asked me if i have any plans this weekend because he would like to have a dinner date with me. I was very shocked when he ask me the question. I told him that if he could let me think for a day about it and I am kinda shocked about the question. As a respond Baekhyun nodded his head and said Sure.

No one P.O.V

After school, during the ride back home, Jieun was thinking about the conversation she had with Baekhyun earlier and if she should accept his dinner date, ''Mr Song , should i accept a dinner date?'' Jieun asked the driver because she don't know to accept it or not. ''Miss, you have already grown up so up to you but if i was you , i would accept it if i was you! '' Mr Song reply her.

Jieun P.O.V

I decided to accept it. The next day, I saw Baekhyun and I ran towards him. I told him "Baekhyun sunbae, i decided to accept the dinner date and can it be on Sunday?''  Baekhyun nodded his head and give me a smile that can melt me on the spot.

No one P.O.V

During the break time, Baekhyun and Jieun keep talking non-stop till the bell rings. Little did they know that a pair of eyes were watching their every move. The person were filling kind of annoyed cause he was the person who introduce Jieun to the members but was ignored, the person is no other than Zhang YiXing, Lay

Lay P.O.V

''Why are the both of them talking and being so close ? I don't  hate that alot ...'' 


(A/N) >.<  I hope this chapter is nice and Lay is getting jealous? Comment and sub please! Thanks :)





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Annyeong ~ please wait for a while for chapter 15 to be posted! School works make us cannot online everyday so please understand us! -Jinnie


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Will read soon!
Chapter 8: End up with lay+jieun !! XD it sounds cuteeee teheeeheee~xD i guess it.......who?-_- i'm clueless : |
ailisu #3
Chapter 6: cute!! ^^
hehe lay is getting jealous~~ XD
and baekhyun is so adorable ; A ; <33
Chapter 3: awwww how cute. Baekhyun likes Jieun...hopefully he finds out that Lay likes her as well. I wonder whom she chooses in the end...wait no telling me, I want it to be a surprise :3
awww no piccy pic of lu han? lol it's alright, this fic sounds so good and addictig. can't wait to see what's in store :3