Chapter Thirteen

Falling In Love

"How are we to go out without getting caught ?" Jieun ask. " I have my way, nan ttalawa(follow me)." Jieun nodded. She followed him till the back of the school where no one goes. Jieun was about to ask him when he pointed to a huge hole on the fence. She raise her right eyebrow. Suho walk thru the fence, Jieun followed. She stop in her tracks, "How am i supposed to jump it so high" Jieun say scared, Suho shrugged. "EVIL HO" Jieun mumble loud enough for Suho to hear. "What did you say ?" Jieun shook her head. Suho started walking away, "Yah, Comeback here" She shouted, he started running " Yah, EVIL HO COMEBACK HERE" She shouted her lungs out. No sign of Suho, she walked back towards the classes. 

"Park  Jieun, where were you all this time ?" She bowed her head and walked towards her desk. Durng the class she did not listen to the lecture. She stare blankly at the teacher. "Brinnngggngng" The bell rang. She walked out the class lifelessly. She bumped into someone "Jijin-ah, annyeong" Tao said happily, cheerfully, cutely. The voice of Tao made Jieun fully recovered. "Oppa, annyeong" She bowed at Tao then the rest. 

"What is wrong Jijin ?" Tao asked as he wrapped an arm around Jieun shoulder's. "Aniyo" She shook her head. "Kaja" Baekhyun said. Everyone in pairs; Jieun & Tao, Luhan & Sehun (a/n: any hunhan shippers?), Chanyeol & Baekhyun & Kris, which lead us to Lay being alone. Everyone was laughing and chatting among themself, Lay got angry he decided to go home "See yo guys tonight " He left. 

Unicorn's Flight Cafe

The cafe wasn't open, they all enter and take a sit everywhere, "Drinks ?" Kris asked. "I wanna Double Chocolate" Luhan shouted "Me too" "Me three" "Me four" "Five" One by one they say "What would you like Jieun ?" "Can i have an Oreo Ice Blend ?" "Sure" Being the barista and owner he when to the kitchen and started blending.

The whole day the 7 of them were in the cafe playing games, chatting, dancing and showing of skills. They got closer as the time flies, that day she forgot all her worries.


Crappy right ?? Sorry for this crappy, short update.  I promise to make it out in the next chap..

Bye bye :) 13/1/13|3.18pm

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Annyeong ~ please wait for a while for chapter 15 to be posted! School works make us cannot online everyday so please understand us! -Jinnie


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Will read soon!
Chapter 8: End up with lay+jieun !! XD it sounds cuteeee teheeeheee~xD i guess it.......who?-_- i'm clueless : |
ailisu #3
Chapter 6: cute!! ^^
hehe lay is getting jealous~~ XD
and baekhyun is so adorable ; A ; <33
Chapter 3: awwww how cute. Baekhyun likes Jieun...hopefully he finds out that Lay likes her as well. I wonder whom she chooses in the end...wait no telling me, I want it to be a surprise :3
awww no piccy pic of lu han? lol it's alright, this fic sounds so good and addictig. can't wait to see what's in store :3