Chapter Ten

Falling In Love


Jieun P.O.V
''Lay? LAY !'' I wave my hands infornt of him and finally he snapped back to the real world.''Oh , sorry Jieun, what are you talking just now?'' He asked while rubbing the back of his neck.''I was asking you do you believe the Queenka, Ji Min , words?'' I asked him while taking a spoonful of ice cream.''What words?'' He asked. ''Aish , are you that forgetful?! Just now at the rooftop! Remember?!'' I stretch out my hand to hit his head. ''Ouch! At rooftop?... Oh yeah i remember , she say she will get you soon later right? Well i don't believe her words.'' he pouted while rubbing the part that i hit him.
Lay P.O.V
''Aish , are you that forgetful?! Just now at the rooftop! Remember?!'' Jieun stretch out her hand to hit my head. ''Ouch! At rooftop?... Oh yeah i remember , she say she will get you soon later right? Well i don't believe her words.'' i pouted while rubbing the part that she hit me. Ouch , that hurts. ''But i somehow believe...'' Jieun stop eating . ''Just forget her words and move on ~'' I continue to eat my chocolate fudge ice cream. ''Move on? To where?'' She tilt her head while looking at me. ''What i meant was forget about Ji Min words and continue to be yourself.'' I told her with a spoon in my mouth.
Jieun P.O.V
''Jieun , hop on!'' Lay told me after he finish putting the helmet on my head. I just nodded and hop on his bike and off we go~ I did not even know i fell asleep during the ride.
Lay P.O.V
When i was stopping at the red light , i turn my head and found Jieun fell asleep. Jieun even when you are sleeping , you are still cute... ''HONK'' I looked up and saw there is a car behind me and the owner is making hand signs , like asking me to go. I turn my head infornt and look up saw the traffic light is green so i faster drive off. Sorry. 
No one P.O.V
Finally Lay reached Jieun's house and he carried Jieun in bridal style then ring the door bell. 
Lay P.O.V
A few minutes later, the door open and infornt of me is a lady. I think is Miss Shim and i think Miss Shim know who am i so she let me in and i went to her room put her on the bed. i took off her helmet and looked at her for a minute. She should look pretty without glasses. Before i know what i am doing , i reach out to Jieun's glasses and i took it off. She IS pretty without glasses! 
No one P.O.V
Lay smiled and kiss Jieun on the forehead and then left the house.
Jieun P.O.V
I woke up at my bed again... I think Lay sent me home again. I looked over to the clock and it is 7am. Finally i woke up early. Since i am already awake , i decided to go school early. I did my morning routines and wore my non-degree specs. I went down and eat my breakfast. ''Miss, forgive me for asking but who is that guy that sent you home yesterday and two days ago? Are you couple?'' Miss Shim asked me when i stab my hotdog and eat it. ''He is one of my school Kingka and Miss Shim , I and him are i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e.'' I answer her. She just make a ''o'' shape with and i continue eating then i hopped into my car and off we go~.
Jieun P.O.V
After i hopped off the car , i checked my watch and it is 7.20am. My class starts at 8am so i have 40minutes! I walked towards my locker to grab some books while someone bumped into me which make me fell on my .Ouch. I looked up and saw a lady running away, I think she is the one bumped into me... ''Need help?'' Someone asked me while i was trying to take my bag which flew far when that lady bumped into me. Without looking up, i answer yes and that person helped me pick up the bag and pull me up as well. ''Thanks.'' I thanked that person and looked up to him. It's Suho. ''Jieun? HELLO~'' Suho waved a hand infornt of my face and i snapped back to the real world. ''Yea?'' I asked him. ''Do you daydream a lot?'' He asked me while smiling. ''Yes! Wait No! ARG i don't know! How you want a person who is daydreaming know that he or she is daydreaming!'' I lightly hit his arm. ''So you admit you daydream?'' He started laughing. ''HEY!'' I hit his arm hard which make him stop laughing. ''Okay okay sorry, By the way ,what class you have?'' He answered me. ''I have Maths which i at it.'' I pouted well saying.
Suho P.O.V
''I have Maths which i at it.'' Jieun said while pouting. Cute. ''Then you are lucky , i am at the same class with you and i am good in Maths!'' I smile while patting her head.'' Great! Sit with me during Maths.'' She paused ''On a second thought , don't sit beside me...'' and continue. ''Why?'' I asked her. ''Well , who ever sit beside me will get killed.'' She answered me.
Jieun P.O.V
''Well , who ever sit beside me will get killed.'' I answered him. The scene where Ji Hye decided to sit with me popped out and i shrug it it away. ''Sit beside you and get killed? Wow'' He awed. ''I know right , so don't sit beside me if you still want your life!.'' I told him while walking to Maths class. I swear i hear Suho calling for me but i ignore it.
Suho P.O.V
When i walked into Maths class, the teacher is already teaching and Jieun was sitting alone. I knock on the door and the teacher mention me to come in. While walking to the treacher , i can hear girls whispering , saying i am handsome. But i ignore that. The teacher match the time table and asked me to introduce myself.''Annyeong , i am Suho , please take care of me.'' I bowed and end it with a smile that make girls squeal. 
Jieun P.O.V
While listening to the teaching , i almost fell asleep because it is totally boring. The teacher is telling us to study hard blah blah. I was about to close my eyes , someone knock on the door , then the teacher mention him to come in. There Suho! Oh yeah i forgot he is the same class as me. While he is walking to the teacher, some girls said that he is handsome and i agree with that somehow... ARG WHAT AM I THINKING?! After matching the time table with him , the teacher asked him to introduce himself. ''Annyeong , i am Suho, please take care of me.'' He bowed and end it with a smile that make the girls in the class squeal. Honestly , i also squeal a little inside... Then the teacher asked him to sit at any seats. The girls quicky do their makeup , and then batted lashes at Suho. O.h.M.y.G.o.d. They look gross, I can look better... I think. I bury my head in book not wanting to see such gross things. I am not planning to look up utill the next bell or teacher come and scold me.
Suho P.O.V
The teacher asked me to sit at any seat and the girls started doing their makeup and batted their lashes at me. Well, no offence , but they look gross. I saw Jieun bury her head in the book and i understand her is hard to look at gross things. I walked to Jieun's seat which is right at the back. When i was walking towards her , the girls are still batting lashes but i ignore it and continue to walked to Jieun.''No one sit here right?'' I asked her when i reach her table.''Nope.'' She answer without even looking up.
Jieun P.O.V
''No one sit here right?'' Someone asked me and i answer ''Nope'' without even looking up. I heard chair pulling out and i think that person sit beside me. My mind tell me do not look up while my heart tell me to look up. While i was stuck with this ''look up or not'' thinggy , i suddenly remember just now that guy voice sounds like Suho's! Don't tell me he is sitting beside me! I look up and i saw Suho staring at me smiling. ''What are you staring at?!'' I yelled at him but it is a soft yell so the teacher will not hear me. ''You'' He point to me. I rolled my eyes and ordered him '' Didn't i told you don't sit beside me?! Now since teacher is not seeing , go and random sit to a pretty girl or sit alone as long as not sitting with me!'' He tilted his head and answer ''I AM siting with a pretty girl and it is  you! And why do you sound like ordering me? I am older then you! And call me oppa!'' I rolled my eyes again and stick out my tongue to him. Soon , my mind is full of maths.
Jieun P.O.V

''RINGGGGGGGGGGGG'' YAY THE BELL FINALLY RANG! I FEEL MY BRAIN GONNA EXPLODE IF I NEED TO PUT ONE MORE MATHS SUM IN MY BRAIN. I rush out the classroom first leaving the students and the teacher in the class in shock i think because i usually the last one to go out classroom . I rush to my locker to put books wanting to faster go and eat. After i put finish my books , i turn to my left and i bump into someone chest. 

Lay P.O.V
I saw Jieun rush to her locker when i came out of class so i decided to go beside her. After putting her books , she turn in to my direction and she bump into my chest. ''Ah , mianhae!'' She bowed and without looking up she run away.Why did she run away? I thought she don't need to run away from us anymore? 
Jieun P.O.V
''Ah , mianhae!'' I bowed then i run away. Why am i running away? Because i am freaking hungry , so i just run to the cafe and get my food. After getting my food , i saw Ji Hye and i went to sit with her.''Hi!'' I smiled while sitting down. ''Hi~'' She looked up and smiled at me. When i was about to eat , someone put a arm over my shoulder. God! ''ChanYeol , i am gonna eat so shoo!'' I said while pushing the arm away but it just stay there. ''Do i even look like ChanYeol?'' Someone said behind me and i realise that voice is not ChanYeol's. I turn my head and i saw Baekhyun smiling and rest of the Kingkas standing behind him. ''Ah Baehyun sunbae , mian , i thought is ChanYeol.'' I stand up and bowed to him. ''Never mind~'' He smiled and sit beside me then all Kingkas sit on the chair so the order is : ChanYeol , Sehun , Ji Hye, Kris , Luhan , Tao , Lay , me , Baekhyun. We started eating and i totally wolfed down my food. ''Jieun , are you very hungry?'' Ji Hye asked me while giving me a ''O.O'' look. ''Ah.. Yes i am very hungry.'' I give her back a ''O.O'' look then stand up. ''NOONA , WHERE YOU GOING? DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE LEAVING SO FAST AGAIN!'' Sehun shouted. I look at him with a ''O.O'' face and answer him i have eat finish and i wanna be alone. And with that , i run away from them again...
Lay P.O.V
''NOONA , WHERE YOU GOING? DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE LEAVING SO FAST AGAIN!'' Sehun shouted. Jieun look at him with a ''O.O'' face and answer him she have eat finish and she wanna be alone. And with that , she run away from us again. ''Guys , i am going also.'' I told them and i know Sehun is gonna ask me some questions but before he can do that , i run away from them like Jieun. 
Jieun P.O.V
After running away from them , i decided to go to the garden. When i reach the garden , the flowers are so pretty... Natural is the best! I breathe in the air and natural always smell nice. I sit at the bench and closed my eyes. I feel wind hit my cheeks and it feel so good. I smiled and i heard someone footsteps. Oh no , what if is the Queenkas?! OMG I BETTER RUN. I was about to stand up , the person push me down and then he sit beside me. ''Hi~'' He smiled and it is Lay... ''Lay sunbae , stop scaring me please! Just now i thought it is the Queenkas and i was about to run for my life!'' I exclaimed and hit his arm. He just laugh and i pout in respond 
Lay P.O.V
''Hi~'' I smiled at her. ''Lay sunbae , stop scaring me please! Just now i thought it is the Queenkas and i was about to run for my life!'' She exclaimed. I laughed because it is funny , i did'nt hear anyone said before if he or she meet a Queenka , he or she need to run for he or she life. While i was laughing , i caught Jieun pouting and before i know what am i doing , my hands reach out for Jieun's cheek and her cheeks. Then she as well as me was frozen on the spot.
AN: HELLO~ My brain is not realy working when i am doing this so if it is not nice , forgive me D:  Oh ya i forgot , Merry Christmas~ I know it is late XD and listen to this song , is Juniel Bad man and i loveeee that song so i introduce you to this song :D Now good night is 1:02AM NIGHT~ XD AND DON'T FORGOT TO COMMENT AND SUB THANK YOU~ BTW Lay won the poll and he will be couple with Jieun XD
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Annyeong ~ please wait for a while for chapter 15 to be posted! School works make us cannot online everyday so please understand us! -Jinnie


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Will read soon!
Chapter 8: End up with lay+jieun !! XD it sounds cuteeee teheeeheee~xD i guess it.......who?-_- i'm clueless : |
ailisu #3
Chapter 6: cute!! ^^
hehe lay is getting jealous~~ XD
and baekhyun is so adorable ; A ; <33
Chapter 3: awwww how cute. Baekhyun likes Jieun...hopefully he finds out that Lay likes her as well. I wonder whom she chooses in the end...wait no telling me, I want it to be a surprise :3
awww no piccy pic of lu han? lol it's alright, this fic sounds so good and addictig. can't wait to see what's in store :3