Everyone stop what they're doing and look at you. *Oh I'm dead meat* you think to yourself. You got embarassed and pack up your stuff.

You ran out of the classroom. L.Joe in his slap position, he snarled "You dare slap me" he ran out after you.

You text Hyorin that you're going home first.

You got out of the building near the gate then someone grabbed you by the arm. You turn and it's L.Joe.

You angrily ask, "What do you want? Why do you keep following?" He did a smirk, "I want you!" and then he grabbed you be the shoulder "Oww! Let go you're hurting me." "Not until you're willing to be my girlfriend." your eyes were wide and shock that you haven't even know that dude's name nor him well and he's asking you to be his girlfriend.

"NO! There's so many girl on campus here. Go ask them instead." you swing your arm and he let loose. "---------" you turn and thought *how do he even know my name?* "I Aim You!" he said.

You turn around "BUAH!? For what killing me?" "No loving you" he said in a sweet voice that you almost fall for it, and you turn pink "We'll I--I gotta go." you ran out the gate.

You've been walking for 10 min. thinking of what he said. "I Aim You!" "I Aim You!" "I Aim You!" You shook your head *--------STOP he's just a stranger*

You've been thinking too much that you forgot where your heading *Oh I'm doomed. Where am I* You look around not knowing the place.

You kept walking and saw a school called WOOLIM ACADEMY. *Tsk i won't trust the word Academy.* You keeping walking straight looking on the map of Seoul and bumped into man. "Mianhe." you bow and look up *Omo Why's he so handsome*

He suddenly spoke "Watch where you're going." You froze, *did I heard that* you turn "YAH! I said sorry so stop making a fuss about it." you walked on. "Stop" you pause; he came up to you "Do you know who your messing with?" you think to yourself *I keep hearing those words a lot lately now?* you just rolled you eyes and walk off.
"L" Sungyoel called, "What happen?" L speak quietly to himself "No one has ever talk like that to me, I bet you'll see me soon." "Did i miss something?" Sunggyu asked.

L ignore them and went into the school.

You finally got home. You lay on your bed and then came up that thing again. "I Aim You!""I Aim You!""I Aim You!" *ARRGG! You dumb keep making me think of that* DING DONG *Who is it? I thought Hyorin wasn't suppose to be home until 2pm* you wonder.

You went to open the door forgetting to check. "Hyorin Why-" you pause "What are you doing here?" L.Joe just came in without permission and sat on the sofa. "Ya-Yah! Get out of my house!" "Hey girl chill, your boyfriend is just visiting you" "Boyfriend! Are you nuts I haven't even answer you yet!" "That's why I came for the answer" you just wanna beat the hell outta him."Ok I'll answer" he sat up and listen carefully "No" "WHY!" "3 reasons. 1, I don't even know your name. 2, I don't know who the you are. And 3, you're not my type. So I gave you enough reasons so GET OUT!!" "Babe," he said"My name is L.Joe, I'm gonna be your best boyfriend or let's say husband, and I'll be your type soon" you just can't take it anymore, so you grab his hand and tried to drag him out but he harshly pull back and you lad on top of him inches away from his face.

"You want another kiss?" you blinked and pulled back but he hold onto you too tight that you can move. "Let me go! or i'll yell." "Then yell, I'll just kiss you so anyone won't hear you." you pause and didn't know what to do. "What do you want?" he replied "You." "What?! Why?" "Because your my type." you turn pink "Ah Hah i know you like me too ----------" you stare at him "No, and Ne--" He pressed his lips against yours. You ere shocked, and the kiss felt so good that you don't want to let go. You tried to pull back but he grasped on tight.

DING DONG *Hyorin* You let go of the kiss and went to open the door.

Hyorin got in and said "--------The school's been talking a...." she turn and saw L.Joe laying on the sofa. "-----------What is he doing here?" "I-I-I don't know" Hyorin raised an eyebrow. L.Joe cut in "I came to visit my girlfriend." you both turn to look at him. "So you two are dating?!" you replied " No! He just came in without permission." "We just kissed." he said. Hyorin look at you in shock and stare at your lips. "So That's true?"v"Hyorin it's a mis-" L.Joe cut in "Babe see you tomorrow at school" he winked and blow a kiss; L.joe went home.

You and Hyorin talk and talk until you two finally understand.

Hyorin ask "But-------- You two seemed really comfortable" "Uhh no. I'm going to take a shower, and come do my homework." you went to the bathroom.

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><