You and Hyorin set Woohyun on the couch. You bandage his wounds. You heard the door bell; as your about to get up Woohyun pulled you arms "no."he mouthed. "Buah? Mowrago?" you went closer, but the bell kept ringing "I think Hyorin is back by now." As you went closer you have this panic feeling *Should I open? Stupid![you shook your head] it's only Hyorin* You check and open the door "Hyorin why-" You pause, two man came out from each side of Hyorin holding a gun behind her waist. "What are you guys doing? Let he go." you reached for Hyorin, but the man said "Go with us or she'll die." "Buah?!" Hyorin shook her head "No, you can't..." she said breathing heavily. Hyorin was also wounded and your full of fear *Hyorin...Woohyun...Donghae...L.JOE... If I go all these people will be safe right?* You stepped out "I'm sorry Hyorin." The guys pushed Hyorin inside and she land on the floor "----------, NO!!" The guys close the door. Hyorin was too weak.

You went to the room in the highest level. You went quietly, and saw Kyunhyun standing near the window. "What do you want?" he turned "You're here ----------." "I said what do you want from me?!" "What else?" "Buah?!" "---------- you know what I want." "You...." he cut in "Only you that's all, so it won't hurt anyone." "Are you mentally ill? Why are you doing this!?" he came up to you and hold onto your arms "--------- if you could've love me before I wouldn't have done all this crap." "What the heck are you talking about!? Let go." you try to remove you arms, but he hold on it tightly "If I don't have you know one will!" you pause in shocked *Bua-bu-Buah! Is he obsess?* "Yo-you shouldn't be doing this, I- I'm leaving." "You can't." "Buah?" he kissed you and hold onto your waist tightly. You struggled and pulled back "Let go!" you slapped him. His face turned red *Oh-oh.* you ran out to the door but he pulled you back and carried you to the bed. He staarted to take off your shirt ripping it.

Your tears were falling down crying for help "HELP!!!!!!Get off of me your moron!" Kyunhyun kissed you from your jaw to your mouth and trying to rip your tan-top and pull your jeans off. All of a sudden you called "L.JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then the door slam open. You eyes can't imagine it was really L.Joe. He came straight up and pulled Kyuhyun off of you. L.Joe kicked him, and punch him hard. Then Kyuhyun fought back. You kept looking at them don't know what to do. If you stand you they'll saw your upper part because Kyuhyun harshly pulled off your bra-strap.As they're fighting you eyes went burly and you tried not to faint. From your burly eyes it seem like you saw Super Junior, Infinite, and Teen Top, but then you knock-out!

You open your eyes slowly and saw all the these people around you, but the one next to you caught your eyes 'L.Joe'. "L-L-L.Joe." you hugged him tightly and crying "You fool! Why don't you come!!? I'm so scared to death!!!" "I'm sorry ----------, I'm so sorry." Woohyun looking at you from the door *I guess she won't change her heart easily.* L eyed you and L.Joe *I bet I can't win your heart either.* The rest of the people went out except for you, L.Joe, Donghae, and Hyorin. "---------- you ok?" you glare at Donghae "You I freaken called you so many times!" "I'm sorry I was at the bar." "Bar my !!!! Tssk." you turn to Hyorin "Hyorin are you ok?" "I'm strong unlike you." L.Joe make an eye at her "I guess your mate won't let me say this." Everyone pause. Then L.Joe said "Why don't you know that it was him from the first place?" "Dude he freaken surgery. Who would know?" "Jerk." Hyorin said. "Yah! I'm not even a close friend of you talk to me formally." "I talk to jerk like this." she stuck out her tongue. They notice that you and L.Joe needs to talk so they left the room. You both look at each other, but you look away first. "Aigoo!" "you mad?" "Ye." "Why?" "Because... never mind, how did you find me?" he scratch the back of his neck "I followed you..." your eyes widen "Buah!? Are you turning to a stalker now?" "I know you like it." He smiles *Awg! That melt my heart! Stupid L.Joe!* "n-no." there's a long pause. "So are we back?" he ask "What about Min-" "It was made by Kyuhyun." "O-Oh." Something pop in your mind "Wait you said you followed me right?" he nodded "So that means you saw what happened at the..." he cut in "Beach." "Well I can explain that." "Don't need to." "Buah?" "I know he freaken ~ ehm-em" "Tsk. Jealous?" He looked at your smiling eyes "Nope because I'm gonna have more with you..." "Like what-" OMO! L.Joe kissed you.

Woohyun watched from outside the door *He'll make you more happy, right? I should just let go now -------. Sarangheo.*
L walked away *Bye, ----------. Sarangheo.*

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><