You and Hyorin got up early to tour around the campus.

You guys got to the field for a rest fir a bit but you saw familiar faces. You looked closely squinting your eyes " Are those..." *OMG it's them! What the heck are they doing here?!* "Hyorin ah we should just leave".

As you and Hyorin was about to leave a ball slighty hit your foot and then someone called. "Hey!" you gulped. "Throw the ball over here!" you looked behind you keeping your head down so they won't notice you. You grabbed the ball. Without turning your face towards them you just ramdomly throw it over your head.

"Thanks!...L.----!" BOING! Everyone on the campus stopped and look. "Uhhh...--------- I think you hit someone." she said poking you. "WHAT!." you turned around"I don't care let's go"you hold onto Hyorin's arm and walk on.

"OMO, she just hit our L.Joe oppa!" a girl said. "She'll be outta here soon" a guy said.

L.Joe stood up looking your way. "YOU!" pointing "Come here" you just keep walking "I said come NOW!" He said in a loud angry voice. You ignore.

Teen top came surrounding you. *What the-* you kept you head down. "Hyung I think-" Chunjo bent down and saw your face "Hyung! It's HER!" Chunjo said out loud. "It's the girl from yesterday!". You shoved Chunji outta way but then someone grabbed your arm and you twist. Not knowing, you accidentally tripped your own feet. You land flat on top of L.Joe. He looked at you and thought *It's really her*. You blinked.

"Omo! Look That is trying to seduce L.Joe oppa!" one of the girl said.

You try to get up but L.Joe was putting his arm around your waist and holding onto you; which you couldn't get up. You struggle "Let go of me!" you whispered angrily. "Why? "
"I said let go before you regret!" but he didn't dare listen; he pull you closer and harder.


 Suddenly Hyorin came and drag you off of L.Joe. "YAH! Watch your manners!" Hyorin yelling to L.Joe "-------- let's go we're late". You and Hyorin walk away.

Ricky gave out a hand to L.Joe. "Hyung. Are you ok?" "Of course!" he said happily. Teen top just look at him like wtf. "Hyung are you sick?" Neil asked. L.Joe just smile happily and walk away.

You and Hyorin went to your first 2 classes and then have to split.

"------ if you need anything call me immediately ok?" "Hyorin you don't have to worry too much, just focus on your classes. I'll be alright." "You sure?" "Of course. Let's go we're late now." you said smiling "Ok. Bye" Hyorin wave, and you wave back.

You went up to your room and sat down at a desk.

You were taking out your stuff noticing someone talking about you.
"Omo! It's that !....Minah she was the that went to seduce your L.Joe" "WHAT! Really?" she said in a shock "Well she'll be sorry."

Minah came up to you putting her hands 'BOOM' on your desk. "Yah. Stay away from my oppa or you'll regret. Araso?!" You looked at her not knowing who she's talking about. "I'm sorry you have make a mistake" you said in a soft voice. "Tsk. Do you know who I am?" you looked at her "Uhh--a student of course." the kids in the class laugh. She turned to them and they shut up. "So, you're new, well this is just a warning. We are the queenkas of this academy called TOP BEAUTY who ever messes with our Teen Top will live miserably." you look at her weirdly "Well I don't know nor care so just don't bother me." you got up and move to another seat.

Your 3 period was worst staying with the queenkas. you have one more class until the day ends. You enter you 4th class and saw a blonde sitting at the way back looking out the window. *He looks like---OMG are you serious! It's him!* you were about to leave the class to the office but all the students came inside pushing you back 'BRRIIINGG' "Sit down the teacher is coming" a kid said.

You look around not a seat open except the one next and in front of L.Joe. You sigh*Are you freaken serious why only seats near him* The teacher is walking in, and you have no choice but to walk over and sit next to L.Joe. Everyone in the class look at you walking to sit next to L.Joe *What the heck why are they looking at me?* You sit down the seat next to him.
Students mumbling "She has the guts to sit next to L.Joe. She'll regret so bad." L.Joe slowly turn his head to see who sits next to him because he'll tell that person to get out immediately.

You just don't care what people said because it ain't your business. You just keep looking down to your notebook and notice someone breathing next to you. You turned around.
L.Joe and you face were only inches away; you just blinked.

"Nice to see you again. Beauty." he said in a y voice that almost melts you down. *No -------- focus he's just a random jerk* You just look at his beautiful eyes and didn't notice that the teacher and students were watching you guys. You move back and said "Uh...What are you doing?" "Trying to kiss you." you look at him with your eyes wide open "What?! YAH! Go back to your seat" you pushed him hardly that he almost land on the ground.

No one has ever pushed him once not even his group especially your a girl.

"Oh ! She's dead." the kids said.

L.Joe looked at you and smirk "Do you know who you just pushed?" "Not my fault you're the one that bothers me first." you said angrily. 

You turn back and look at the front. L. Joe came next to you "YAH!" you turn and then...his lips were pressed against to yours.

Your eyes were wide open, and the people were shocked because he has never kiss a girl in public and also he's the kingkas. Students' start taking out their phone taking pictures and texting friends. His lips were warm and you just wanna hold there a a long time *--------WHAT the heck are you doing! GET UP* You pulled back and slap L.Joe.

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><