You and L.Joe sat together. "So you have a fiance?" you whispered. "Ye." "Oh." "I won't let you go you know that." "What about your parents?" "I don't care." "You should visit your appa." "never." "L..umm Byunghyun." "Don't call me by that name *even if i love when you say it*" "They're your parents, even how much you hate them, they're still your parents." you hugged him "Please this once."

You went to visit you mom. You slowly enter the house and your mom was still cooking. Yu went behind her and hug her from behind. "UMMA!!!!" your mom was so happy and surprise to see you. "Omom, look how big our ---------- has grown. Aigoo." "Umma, I'm gonna stay two nights here." "As long as you want."

It was night time you snuggle in your old bed "Awg, so comfortable." your mother came in "Umma! is there something wrong?" "No." "Oh." you unpack you stuff "--------- ah" "Hmm." "I haven't tll you this." "what is it?" "-------------" you looked up to your mother "umma something wrong?" "----------- do you have a boyfriend?" "Why do you ask? Umma" she sigh "You have a fiance already." "Oh about.. BUAH!?" you in shock "What!? Who!? When di-" "I'm sorry ----------, I could've told you earlier." "To who?" "Your dad's best friend's son." *Uh-oh not good new for L.Joe* "His name is..." "It's alright umma, don't need to tell his name. I just want a moment alone."

Somehow when you went back to Seoul L.Joe seems happier. You asked him "Why are you like this all of a sudden?". "Because my fiance is beautiful." "oh...BUAH!!!?" you smack him on the head "You JERK!" Dongwoo and Hyorin came up to you guys holding hands "----------- what's wrong?" "Tsk, this jerk is marrying." "To whom?" "His fiance." Dongwoo in surprise "So Woohyun gets a chance now?" "I guess." L.Joe got up "No. She's mine." "Well, I also have a fiance too, so I'll be marrying him." "So." "Buah." "He'll be handsome." You got angry and drag Hyorin with you but Dongwoo held onto her "Nah-uh you get your own." he said "Jerks." you walk off. *How can he say nothing when I said have a fiance? Stupid Byunghun.* 'Text Message: ----------- you'll meet your fiance this weekend at (~~~~~) 7pm.'

That day arrivied. You wore a formal light yellow dress. You went there late because you can't get a hold of L.Joe *After this I'm gonna kill him.* When you enter the room you bow saying sorry from coming late and your eyes were amzed 'Lee Byunghyun was there' *Are you serious!?* "------------- come sit here." you mother offer. When you sat down Byunghyun can't keep his eye off of you *Why's she so beautiful?* "...right Byunghyun?" she shook his head "Y-yeh." "----------- I'm sorry for those harsh words from last time." Mrs. Lee said "It's alright."

After dinner you and Byunghyun went home alone. "You're beautiful -----------." "Don't talk to me." "What are you made?" "Who wouldn't!?" "I'm sorry, I'd thought it'll make you happier. So do you like the groom?" "Hell no." He kissed you on the cheek, your face turned red. "---------- you know I won't like anyone but you right?" "Of course." "Because....I only aim you." you turn to him "This will be the first and last time I do this. You tiptoe and kissed him on the lips. *Srangheo my funny groom*

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><