Couple weeks past you again transfer from SM to T.O.P. Of course L.Joe won't let you go there except to visit your idiot friend. Hyorin and Dongwoo dated, but you never get a chance to see Woohyun or L then. Dongwoo said they went back to normal, and pretend nothing has happened between them. You were so-called friends with the Qeenkas! That was shocking! Now everything was settle, Thank god.

You were playing soccer with Teen Top, and then you sprigged your ankle "Arg.OwOwOw." L.Joe come up to you "I told you that you're bad." "Buah!? You want to be dead!" he squat down "get on my back "Ok." "Wait." " Huh?" "How much do you weight?" "Are you serious?" You got on one of your foot. C.A.P. oppa! Can you carry me?" L.Joe yelled "No need." you glare at him "Fool." you whispered and smile. L.Joe was carrying you and his back was full of warmth that sent you to sleep. When you woke up you were already in his room. "Why did you take me here?" "I want some *he puff his lips* this to night." "Stop joking where is Hyorin?" "Who else with her hubby." "Don't say that, it's just her bf." "Well you don't..." You stood up trying to walk but your ankle hurts. "Told you your spending a night here." "Arg! Why don't you take me home at the first place?" "What you'll be a my wife here soon." "Tsk." the bell rang "Did you invite you buddies?" "No. i told them to back off today." "Hyorin?" "No." "So who?" "I'll go check."

When L.Joe opens the door you heard someone said "Mr. Lee, your mother wants to see you." You surprisingly thought *Mr.Lee that's formal. Parents? Why haven't he mention them to me?* There was a silent. You can't really hear anything and then "No! I won't go back to the house! NEVER!" L.Joe yelled. Then a woman's voice "Byunghun, honey I beg you, your father is sick. If you don't go back then who'll take over the companies, and hotels?" *Buah? Byunhyun? Companies? I'm totally confuse.* "Is because of that girl?" L.Joe's mother said. "No." "If not why don't you go back?" "I don't want to, he cause the death of grandfather, why should I go back to a fake dad!?" 'SLAPS' *Omo L.Joe* You quickly went out jumping on one foot.

His mother eyed you. L.Joe looked at you *Bad timing to be out.* "So you're the girl -------------?" you bow "Hello." the mother came up to you. "Let go of Byunghyun." your eyes widen "Buah?" "He has a fiance, no need for you to be in his life to mess it up." everything went blank in you head *Am I hearing this wrong?* "Umma!" "Go back or you'll never get to see this face again!"

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><