"Oh! Oppa!" you excitedly hug him "Omo you're so grown up now!" he said happily "You too." you smile "So what are you doing in Seoul?" "I'm attending college." "Really? Which one?" "T.O.P. Academy." "That school, urg."he made a disgust look "What? you don't like it?" "No, bad school." "Well SM seems too much." you look at the school. "Nah, well do you want to tour around?" "Well I bet you still have classes, so..." he cut in "I can go anytime I want, I don't even have to go today, since I met you." "Well..." you laugh, and then he drag you "Come on, It's a beautiful school." you laugh and follow him. You were amaze! "Omo! Am I suppose to be here?" "--------- your still the same. Of course, don't worry you're with me." he laugh.

"Donghae!" a voice called. You both turn around "Hello hyung!" Donghae wave then turn to you "It's a friend, let me introduce you." "Donghae, Eunhyuk is finding you?" "For what?" "I don't know." "Well, Sungmin this is my friend ---------." "Oh wow! she's so gorgeous, Hello I'm Lee Sungmin." You bow "Hello, I'm -----------." you shook his hand. "She's looks too innocent, Donghae." "Well, she's not." Donghae said as he laugh, you elbow him hard "Ouch! I'm sorry ---------" "I can see." Sungmin smile. "Donghae I'll get going because you busy." "No I'm not." "Whatever, your friends are finding you." "But I haven't finish touring you yet." "Maybe next time." you walk away "Wait!" Donghae yell, you stopped "Tell me your number." "Wow." you laugh and add you number to his phone "Bye, Oppa!" you wave. Sungmin and Danghae waved back "Donghae, is she the so-called sister?" "Of course. Who else." they watch you walk out of the the school.

As you were walking you felt someone following you, so you look back but no one was there. You kept walking then you decided to call Hyorin "Hyorin where are you?" "I'm walking home right now." "I think I'm lost." "WHAT!" "Where are you?" "A chinese restaurant near SM Academy." "Whow, where the hell is that?" "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know?" "I lost track." "--------- I'm gonna kill you if I found you." you smile "Whatever just go home I can find my way." "Better!" you hung up.

You kept walking and a limo stopped in front of you. The windows rolled down and Kyunhyun was in the car "Are you lost?" "I guess" you bit your lips "But I'll find my way soon. Bye." you bow and walk out of the way. Kyunhyun got out of the car and grab your wrist "I'll take you home." "No...No thanks. I can find..." "It's dangerous." you nod and got in the car. You sat next to him and kept looking out the window because you felt uncomfortable. You didn't notice but Kyunhyun kept staring at you *--------- your still as beautiful and pure as before.* he gently smile.

You look to him "So are you in college?" "Yes" he gently reply. "Which college?" "SM." "Oh really?" he nodded "Then I bet you know Lee Donghae?" "Yes. He's a friend." "Really?Wow. Well the school is very beautiful." "Thanks." "Thanks for the ride Kyunhyun, take care." he gently smile and watch you jog up to your apartment *You never change my angel*

You open the door "Hyorin I..." you look around and L.Joe was sitting on the couch waiting for you "What are you doing here?" Hyorin walk up to you "I think you two need a private talk so I'm going to buy some things." "I'm going too." Hyorin stop you "No, I'll go alone." She left and close the door.

You walk to the bed, L.Joe followed you; you try to close the door, but he tries to open it. You wo fight for the door to open/close but he won. "Urg, what do you want?!" "------ I just want to clear the situation." "That has nothing to do about me." "Then why are you mad?" you pause and tears falling "It's...nothing. I just want to be alone." "---------It's not what you think!" he held your wrist, "Then what is it?" "An accident." "What?" he looked down. "I was too drunk, and I didn't know....." "Then it's your fault. Just get out." you pointed and crying at the same time. "-------- I'm sorry." you saw him crying *I Love you but... I cant take it, you with another girl, especially slept with her.* he kneel down "---------- please don't leave me. I can't live without you." you kept quiet and crying.

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Chapter 17: AWWWW NICE STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
itfanfics #2
AHHHHH!!! OMG!! Thank GOD you're back!!! I really really want to read your stories so much!!!!
Please also post up "Please Don't Ever Let Me Go" & "Beauty&Pain Follows Her" =D
Thank you so much for re-posting this story!:D
SeoBaby4ever #4
Chapter 17: Daebak~ Sequel please~~ XD
Chapter 17: Sequel? :3
Cherry214 #6
Chapter 17: DAEBAK! <3 I enjoyed this Fic author-nim! Please make a sequel if you have the time ><