Sungmins story

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Eunhyuk p.o.v---

"Eunhyukie! Lets go out and eat neh?" Asked Sungmin

"Sorry Hyung. I have to pick up my daughter from school, next time neh?" I asked, he nodded and we both made our way to our own cars.

"Bye Eunhyukkie!"

"Bye Hyung!"

Krystal p.o.v---

'Ughh why is Appa taking so long?! I want to go home!' I was standing in the parket lot waiting, when suddenly a hand touched my shoulder, i turned around and saw that it was a tall boy with highlights in his hair.

"Hey! Arnt you that new girl thats in my math and history class?" 'Great, told ya you old man.. people would notice im new..'

"Ahh yeah i think so..." 

"Lets be friends neh? Im Amber whats yours?" 'A..Amber?! GIRL?!' Yes.. its exactky what it looks like.. A WTF moment indeed

"Im Krystal. Nice to meet you."

"Krystal! Krystal!" I turned around and saw that it was my dad, i waved bye to Amber and got in the car,

"Who was that? Boyfriend already?" Teased Appa

"No Appa, Thats a girl. Her name is Amber, she is really nice." I said, we were driving for a while when suddenly...


"WHAT!? WHO DID WE HIT!? I DIDNT FEEL ANYTHING!!!" I yelled clutching onto my seatbelt

"Yah... Krystal... Dont say things like that.."

"Then what happned?!"

"I forgot something in my office, lets go and get it." 'Aishh you are such a forgetful Appa..'

Eunhyuk p.o.v---

I drove us to the company, we got out of the car and made our way inside.

"Whoa you work here now? Cool." I chuckled

"Yes, Appa works here." I was walking then i spotted Someone inside the lounge.. 'Hmm?'

"Sungmin Hyu..." 'Eh? What is he doi... OMG!!!' I stood there staring at him... wait let me rephrase that.. I WAS STARING AT HIS BODY! HE IS ON THE TABLE WITH A GUY!!!

"Hey, Appa why did---HEY! WHAT ARE YOUD DOING?!" I covered Krystals eyes befor she could see.

"Hey sweetheart? Can you get Appa some water? Its upstairs on the the third floor." She nodded and left. I opened the door and marched right in, Sungmin looked shocked as to the other guy he looked annoyed.


"I THINK THE QUESTION HERE IS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled, i dotn care if he's having , its just that he is having in the lounge.. on the table where we all eat!!!!

"We're having , get out." Said the annoyed looking guy.

"Get off of me Kyu, erm... Sorry you had to see this Eunhyukkie." The Kyu guy got off of Sungmin, i turned away because i dont want to see his junk you know what i mean?

"My daughter, she almost saw too!! Hyung why here of all places!? Who is this guy!?" I pointed at the guy who was pulling up his pants. Yes i know his name is kyu but who is he hmm you never know if he's just a e who like to cosplay as a worker.

I am Kyuhyun, nice to meet you." 'Bipoler?' He extended his hand and i just stared at it.

"Im not touching that hand." 'Who knows where that hand has been.'

"Well then.."

"Eunhyukkie, remember that important information i was talking about? Yeah it was that i am gay." 'I think i kinda figured that much out. I shall never unsee this...'

So you and him have been together for...?"

"17 years." Said Kyuhyun

"How old are you?" I asked, he looks young but sort of looks older than Sungmin


"You are young! I guess im your hyung!" He only nodded and sat down. "So how did this happen?" I asked

"Well i guess its story time! Sit down!" 'Oh i dont think so...'

"mm No thanks, i'll stand."

"Okay so when i was 17 i was forced into an arrainged marriage with a girl named Sunny.. At that time i was still hiding in the closet, i didnt dare to come out to my parents. I was scared to tell them because my father was very abusive, he would hit me whenever things didnt go out the way he wanted them. I was secretley dating Kyu. Kyu was 14, i never had paid any attention to him but somehow he managed to win me over. We were almost a year i was very happy but then they told me the news and i had never felt so upset. I stayed in my room all that day crying my eyes out, kyu had kept calling anf texting me but i ignored them all. It was around 3am when kyuhyun climbed up to my balcony.


"Hyung... Hyung..." I felt him shaking me but i didnt want to face him.

"Go away."

"No. Why didnt you answer my texts or my phone calls?" He asked

"Kyu, just go away."

"NO! Whats wrong with you!? Why are you being like this!?" He pulled me out of bed, i was standing infront of him.

"Im getting married." I said, I looked up to see Kyu emotionless. He didnt bling and he didnt even move..

"W..What do you mean..?"

"Im being forced to marry..." Im sorry Kyu.."

"Forced? You can back out right? Right?!" I shhok my head.

"You cant? Or you wont?" He hissed, he knew i was afraid of comming out.

"Im sorry.." Tears were already forming in my eyes.. they were threatning to come down any moment

"You wont back out? Not even for me? I thought you'd love me eough to back out.."

"I DO!!!"

"Then why wont you back out!? Is it because you're afraid!? You're afraind of your father!? I'll protect you Hyung! Are you more affraid of him than afraid of loosing me!?"

"Im sorry..."

"We can run away together!!"

"Kyu... You're only 14..."

"Is it because im still a kid that you're not taking me seriously? Fine.. Live with regret if you can. Have a happy life Hyung."

(End of flashback)

"I never chased him because i was a coward.."

"Then what happned?" I asked, i was so curious this story is really interesting!

"I married Sunny.. We had , when we were having i didnt feel good it didnt feel right, she seemed like she enjoyed it but i didnt. I was happy that she was pregnant because it meant that i as going to have a baby! Once Donghae was finally born i spent all the time i had with him, i didnt want to be anywhere near sunny... One day she left to her parents house for something so i took Hae with me to the supermarket. I didnt expect to see Kyu there...


*Tap tap* 'Eh who is tapping me?'

"Sungmin Hyung.. Long time no see.." 'Kyuhyunnie?!'

"Ah.. Neh.. Long time no see..." 'Aish why is my heart pounding so fast!?'

"This is your baby? He's really cute.. He has the same nose and mouth as you.."

"Thanks.. I have to go now.. It was nice seeing you..."

"How was it?" 'Eh?' "How was it? Sleeping with that girl?

"Horrible. I dont love her. I love Donghae."

"Do you love me Hyung? I never stopped loving you.."

(end of flshback 2)

"Appa! I brought your water!"

"Shhh!! Krystal can you get me some bread?"

"Bread? There is no bread!!"

"Go find some!"

"But Appa!"


"Aishh!!" Krystal slammed the door, i put all my attention back to kyu and min

"Daughter?" Asked Sungmin, i nodded.

"She's pretty." Said Kyuhyun

"Thanks, now please continue!"

"Okay so after he confessed, we got together again. After Hae turned 1, a few days later i invited Kyu to come over. We were amking out which lead to other things.. Sunny came home and found us on the bed together. She left, my parents dishoned me, her parents tried to get Hae away from me but it didnt work. And here we are now."

"Whoa Hyung, that must have been some to go throught." I said, but Sungm looks really happy nontheless

"Its okay, i have Kyu and Hae. We're perfectly happy. 2 of Donghae's cousin are a part of our lives still, they go the same school they dont mind at all because those 2 love us. Those 2 are all the family we need." He said Smiling, Kyuhyun patted his back and pecked his cheek.

"APPA!!! THERE WAS NO GODDAM BREAD ANYWHERE IS THIS ING BUILDING!!" Yelled Krstal, well i guess we should go home now.

"Ah Arrasoo!!! Thank you Hyung for letting me know your story. Bye! Oh by the way where does Kyuhyun work in?"

"I work in the gaming company right next to this company."

"Hmm figures.. You look like a gamefreak Bye!!"



Hey you guys! Thank you all for subscribing! You made me very happy!! Im sorry if you guys had to wait a long time for this update hehehe ^^ But here it is and i hope you enjoy it! Eunhyuks story about his passed wife is comming in the 3rd chapter.. or maybe later... idk yet lol please leave me comments they'll make me happy ;) Bye bye till next time :D Im sorry about the math :/ Im not very good at math please dont jusge me >.<

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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD