I dont think this is a good idea..

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Continuation of previous chapter----

Krystal p.o.v---

'Wh...what the heck... Donghae likes.. m..my dad?! Donghaes GAY?! GAY FOR MY DAD?! Omo... wha---'

"Krystal?" A voice broke me from my thoughts, i  looked up and saw that it was Donghae and his friend who were looking at me weirdly...

"Heheh, um hi.." I awkwardly said looking some other way. Donghae giggled and ruffled my hair.

"Hi to you, what were you doing over here? You looked like you were thinking about something." ''

"Ohh.. aha.. well i was debating on.. on.. whether to go to the bathroom or back to class! Yeahh.. umm i'll see you later, i have to go to the bathroom! You know how us girls are! Hehehe.. heh.." I half ran to the bathroom to get away from them, once i was inside i was rewinding the words that i heard Donghae say.

"He's in love with my dad.." I breathed, "Oh my god."

Kibum p.o.v---

"Yah, Hae. Who was that girl?" I asked, i was curious i havnt seen her around before...

"Her? She's Krystal." 'Krystal..'

"She's pretty." I grinned, he laughed at me and nodded.

"Yeah she is, she's the daughter of the man i like..." My eyes shot open and looked at him like : \O.O/ "Thats her?! You like her dad?!" I whispered loudly, he gave me a puppy dog look and nodded. I rubbed my temples sighing loudly..

"I dont think this is a good idea buddy..." 

"Its not like she knows so calm the down and lets get back to class."

Amber p.o.v--

"Yah, Krystal! About time, what were you doing in there? Changing your tampon?" I joked, she looked lost, 'She usually laughs at my jokes..' "Yah, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or somthing?" I poked her shoulder, she flinched a bit then smiled a bit.

"Oh? Sorry i was thinking.. What about a tampon?" She asked confused, i laughed then told her it was nothing. We were writting notes that the teacher had left up on the board when someone tapped my shoulder, i turned around and the kid that sat behind me handed me a small piece of paper to give to krystal.

"Psstt... Krystall..." She didnt turn around, "Krsytaaalll..." I said a bit louder.. Fed up with her not hearing me i tapped her shoulder.

"Oww! Amber! That hurt!" She whinned, i laughed and handed her the piece of paper.

"Well if you would have turned around when i called you this wouldnt have happned now would it?" I smirked, she stuck her tounge out at me then looked at the little pieve of paper.

"Whats this?" She asked pointing at it.

"Its from Chin Ho. He told me to give it to you." She was about to reach for it when another hand suddenly grabbed it.

"Well well well? Passing notes in class are we?" 'Crap. The ing teacher.' 

"Noo.. it was just a piece of paper that i found on the ground..." I said smiling up at her. She Arched an eyebrow at me then walked away to throw it in the trash bin, she pointed her ruler at me threatingly.

"Get back to work Amber, or i'll have you sit outside!" 

"Yes ma'm.." Once she left i turned to Chin ho.

"Sorry Dude." I apologized, he just rolled his eyes at me and smacked my head. "Oww! !" 




Donghae p.o.v---

I was eagerly waiting for the bell to ring so i could see Mr.Lee to invite him and Krystal over for dinner.

"Ughh stupid bell ring already!" I whinned, Siwon who sat next to me chuckled.

"Whats the hurry Hae? We have Soccer practice today, are you that excited for soccer?" 

"Ofcourse im always excited for soccer! But i need to meet with Mr.Lee really quick!" I happily said, Kibum who sat next to Siwon whispered something in his ear.

"WHAT!? DONGHAE!?" I jumped up at his sudden outburst, he looked at me with crazy eyes! Crazy eyes i tell you!

"Y..Yes?" I nervously asked, he looked at me then at Kibum, then at me again.

"Kibum just told me something... is it true..?" I looked over to Kibum who looked at me like 'I told him so just go ahead and say it'

"Well if its about likeing someone then yes its true.." 

"Well.. as long as you're happy.. i guess.." I beamed happily then hugged him.

"You're the best cousin ever!" He laughed.

Krystal p.o.v--

"Yay! The bell finally rang!" I sang happilly, Amber and I met up with the rest of the girls and walked out together, i saw my dads car and said goodbye to all of them. 

"Hi Appa!" I greeted happily.

"Hi sweetheart! Have a good day?" He asked, Donghae's faced popped out in my head.

"Umm it was just a weird day.."

"Weird? How so?" 

"Just weird Appa. Heheh." I was about to open the car door untill i heard some heavy footsteps, i looked and saw that it was Donghae panting.

"Donghae?" I asked, my dad, upon hearing his name, put his head out the window and greeted him happily.

"Hi guys, i have to do this quick since practice starts in a bit. My dad asked if you guys would like to have dinner with us tonight?" He asked smiling, 'Donghae looks really happy.. he must really like my dad since he's smiling that widely around him.. I think i should have a talk with Donghae and dinner at their place sounds like a good place to have it.'

"That sounds great Donghae, would you like to go Appa?" 

"That sounds good! At what time?"


"Thanks for the invite, we'll be there." My dad said, he waved to Donghae then got inside the car. 

"Donghae's such a good kid isnt he?" My dad said, i nodded in agreement.

"You guys seem like good friends."

"I wouldnt say we're friends.. but we do talk here and there." I said a matter o factly, appa chuckled.

"Friends or not, i would really like it if he would be more than just a friend for you." He winked at me, i blushed.

"APPA!" I shreiked

"What!?" He innocently looked at me.

"Nothing Appa, Nothing..." I looked out the window, 'Aish Appa.. saying weird things... besides he doesnt even like girls...'

Eunhyuk p.o.v--

'Aww my little baby's all flustered cause of Donghae! My babys growing up so fast!! YAH! IM GETTING OLD!!! OHH NOOO!!!'

"SWEETY! IS APPA OLD!?" I hysterically asked, she gave me a wtf look.

"Appa, you're 30 you tell me." She responded sarcastically.

"Aishh, so sarcastic." I knudged her with my fist, she giggled then knudged me back. 'She's all i have left... my pride and joy... my little princess.' 

Donghae p.o.v--

Soccar practice ended early today, not that im complaining you know, gives me more time to go home, get ready, and look fresh infront of my lovely y old man! Haha i make my self laugh xD ( authors note: omg forever alone.. just like me xD)

"Hyung! Donghae Hyung!" It was Minho who was running up to me, i smiled at him then ruffled his hair.

"Whats up Minho?" 

"Hyung are you busy tonight?" He asked me.

"I sort of am Minho.. why?" I asked, he looked somewhat disappointed..

"Oh.. i was going to ask if you wanted to go watch a movie with me but i guess some other time then Hyung!" He laughed, i laughed along too.

"Yeah next time, i got to go Minho i'll see you later." I waved at him and walked off to the locker room.

"He so likes likes you Hae." Kibum suddenly said, i rolled my eyes.

"Every one says that, we're just Hyung and Dongsaeng, he doesnt like like me. Even if he did he would tell me directly i know he would." Kibum slapped his forhead, "What?"

"Seriously Hae, no normal person would go up to their crush and directly say they like them. Even if they have a direct personality." 

"Whatever Bummie!"

30 minutes later------

I finally made it home, when i looked at the clock it read 5:50pm. 'Theres still alot of time.' I went to sit on the sofa when my head collided with the coffee table.


"OWW!! WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled, rubbing my face and the back of my head. 

"Go take a shower, you smell." Kyuhyun said.

"Why? Its barely 5:55! Let me do homework first then i'll shower!" I whinned.

"Aishh this kid.. Fine! Hurry up! Your father and I can smell you all the way in the kitchen!" 

"Why are you guys even in the kitchen in the first place, they're not comming till 8:00." I said while rummiging through my back pack.

"Actually no, your father called and said that they should come over at 7:00." 'se..seven?!' 

"Seven!? Ughh omg im going to go shower now!" I ran to the bathroom leaving all my behind. I could hear kyuhyun yelling that i left it and that he wasnt going to clean it up, 'Aishh i have exactly one hour to get ready... yah dont look at me like that! An hour isnt enough time for me to look my best for MR.LEE!! Yeah im worst than a girl dont judge me!' I got out the shower around 6:33, i hurridly ran to my room and despretley tried to look for a y outfit, well not y more like 'I want to look y but at the same time classy and well mannered.' Once again, worse than a girl. I finally decided on what to wear, a navy blue button down elbow sleeve shirt, khachi slim jeans, and white vans, i decided to have my hair in a messy fashion. I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with the outcome, i looked at the time and it was 6:50 i remembered that i had my stuff in the living room so i went over to get them.

"Yahhh... look at Hae. You look Handsome!" Dad said, eyeing me over.

"Thanks dad!" 

"Why do you look so fancy?" Asked Kyu.

"You guys look pretty fancy yourselves, plus it doesnt hurt to try and look good right?" They nodded in agreement, as i was getting all of my stuff the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" Said dad, i sneaked away to my room befor he could open the door. When i finally got out of my room my mouth almost dropped to the floor, Mr.Lee looked Y AS ! Krystal looked beautiful as always but Mr.Lee looked, once again, Y AS . 'Jesus i can feel a comming..' 

Krystal p.o.v--

We arrived at their house, im guessing the one who opened the door was Donghaes dad. He greeted my dad then looked at me.

"So you must be Krystal, you're really beautiful more in person!" He smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Lee" I blushed, he may be old but he looks cute! Just like a bunny! I want to pinch his cheeks! Another man walked towrds the door, im sure that one is his boyfriend, yeah Appa told me everything about them.

"Hello Mr.Cho." I greeted him.

"Hello Krystal, its nice to finally meet Eunhyuks beautiful daughter." He smiled, 'Gosh, i should come over here every day now since im getting so much compliments. hehehe,' I gigled and gave him a thankyou. They invited us in, i was looking at the house and it was very big and nice, i heard a door openeing and saw Donghae who looked.. shocked? His mouth looked like it was about to fall off. I think he noticed that i was looking at him because he composed himself right away, i smiled and waved at him, he did the same. He walked over to us and greeted us.

"Well everybody, lets go to the dinning room!" 'Okay, i should talk to him now!' 

"Hey Donghae?" He stopped walked then turned to face me.

"Whats up Krystal?" I bit down on my lip, 'Aishh.. how should i say this? I dont want to sound mean.. he really is a good person.. i dont want to upset him and make him think im being mean by telling him that i know he likes my Appa... i like him i really do! I want us to be friends! Aishh..' 

"Donghae.. I want you to know that i think you're a really good person.. i really like you..."

Donghae p.o.v--

"Dongahe... i want you to know that i think you're a really good person.. i really like you.." ''Whoa, whats going on here? Is she confessing?! This sounds like a love confession! Oh my god talk about making things awkward!'

"Yah Krystal? Are you confessing to me?" I teased, she looked at me then shook her head really fast.

"N..no! What im trying to say is.. We're friends right?" She asked.

"Ofcourse!" I said.

"Okay good, whatever happens we'll still be friends right?" 'Eh? what she trying to say?'

"Krsytal? Whats going on?" 

"Im sorry.. but i.. i know you like my Appa.." 

Thats it right there. I felt like the end of the world was comming soon, his daughter knows that i like her father! 

"Ho..How did you find out?" I asked looking straight at her.

"I accedently heard you talking to your freind about it.." She said looking at her feet. My chest started hurting, it felt tight.

"Im pretty sure you're going to tell me to stop liking him right..." I whispered.

"I dont think this is a good idea.. but.. im allowing it."
















Hello everyone! I've missed you all! Sorry for not updating in like 5 months but im back! :D I updated two other stories but so far i think this one is a lonnnngggg chapter xD but who cares as long as it makes you guys happy! I bet you guys were expecting Krystal to be like GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DADDY! 

Nope! Not in this story! LOL Damn Hae really is worse than a girl xD He wants to look all good for his man xDD Shhiiittt 

I hope you guys enjoye this semi long chappie, i hope it didnt dissapoint anyone of you :) 

Subscribe&Comment! :D Love you all!! 


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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD