Dumb things people say when they're in love.

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

continuation of previous chapter

Donghae p.o.v----

"Alright how am I supposed to go about this...." instead of listening to whatever boring lecture my teacher was yapping on about I was trying to form a plan for Kibum and Krystal. 'Look at him, just writting his notes like he doesn't have a care in the world, pffttt.' 

"Why are you staring at me Hae." He said matter oh factly, how does he even know!? He didnt even look at me!

"Im not, anywayssss... sooooo about Krysta.."

"Stop. No. Answer is no." 

"BUT YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME FINISH!" I whinned, pulling on his sleeve, he pushed his pencil up my nose, "OWW WHAT THE HELL?!" 

"Look, I already know what you're scheming. I dont even know the girl so no." 

"But come on, im pretty sure she'll like you! You have that lady killer smile! You said you were on board with helping me with her daddy! Come on please bummieee!" I whinned louder, Siwon was trying to smack me to shut up but I, obviously being an awesome ninja, dodged it. 

"Firstly, Ewww dont ever say 'Daddy' ever again, and secondly yes you're right, but what if she doesnt like me." He said sadly, fidgeting with his pencil. 

"Well wouldnt you rather be her friend? Better that then nothing right?" 

"Well i guess... Fine I'll talk to her."

Krystal p.o.v----

'How do i get my dad to... wait what am i thinking.. i cant turn my dad gay! Well unless he wants to but.. AISHHH THIS IS SO HARD, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET MY DAD TO LIKE MEN!? Donghaeee... why did you have to like my dad?! GODDAMIT ITS GOING TO BE AWKWARD TRYING TO TALK HIM INTO LIKEING MEN, HOW DO I EVEN BRING SOMTHING LIKE THAT UP?!' I groaned, letting my head hit my hard math book, someone being me poked my back and i already knew it was Amber.

"Yes Amber?"

"You okay? Your groaning and agony is giving me some concern, whats wrong?"

"Nothing.. im just thinking too much." 

She shrugged and went back to doing whatever she was doing, god man, what am i supposed to do... should i just let Donghae do this himself? But i really want to help... ughhh Eff this im going to the bathroom.

Kibum p.o.v----

'Donghae, man what am i going to do with that turd.' I zipped up my zipper then went to the sink to wash my hands, i was looking in the mirror, im not bad looking right? Would Krystal really like someone like me? She is really pretty... this is actually kinda funny.. I like her Hae likes her dad, weird. I chuckled as i made my way out of the boys restroom, i was looking at the floor the entire time so i didnt notice anybody infront of me untill i ran into them. 


"OH MAN! Are you okay miss?!"

I bumped into a girl! Holy , poor thing, shes on her , I held out my hand for her to take and i tried not to shriek when i saw her face.

'Holy sh*t its Krystal!' 

"Oww, thanks.. Oh hey! You're Donghaes friend! Hi!"

Oh wow, shes bubbly. I grinned, i like bubbly girls.

"Hi, and yes i am. Im Kibum by the way, i dont think i introduced myself last time." I grinned wider, showing my teeth.

"Yeah i dont think you did, oh yeah im Krystal." She smiled, Holy molly, jesus please take me away! Her smile is so pretty! Kyaaaa!!! Did i just shriek like a woman? I think i did. Oh well!

"Yeah i know, I've heard your name before."

Krystal p.o.v---

'Whoa, Kibum... he... he's gorgeous... Omo... his smile!'

"Yeah, i know i've heard your name before." OH! He remembered my name?! Hehehehe im so giddy all of a sudden.

"Well Kibum, it was nice talking to you but nature calls. Lets talk next time okay?" 'Smooth Krystal. smoothh... nature calls omfg stupid.'

"Okay, see you next time." 

He walked off and i couldnt help but stare at him as he left, he actually has a nice ..

Eunhyuk p.o.v----

"Sungmin Hyung... What are you doing?" 

"Hm? Nothing." 

"Er... I need to get back to work so can you...?" Currently there is a man, a grown man, attached to me and has me wrapped up in his arms. I have no idea whats going on, all I know is that i need to get back to work but i cant since he is on me and i cant move.

"Eunhyukkie! Whh are you trying to push me away?! Cant you see im in turmoil?!?" He whinned, clinging onto me tighter, Oh god.. cant breathe.

"HYUNG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He let go of me and started pacing, looking at him pace back and fourth was making me dizzy, "Please enlighten me, whats wrong?"



He sighed loudly, "Yes its Kyu, he... he has been to lately and Im tired!" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.." I sighed and rubbed my temples, "You mean to tell me that you're distressed because your partner wants to make love to you? How in the world is that a problem?!" Honestly this man...

"Make love? MAKE LOVE?! IT IS NOT LOVE IT IS $EX! HARD $EX AND MY A$$ CANT TAKE IT.! ITS LI... OH GOD." Hes stopped mid sentence then literally jumped behind my desk, "He's heree!!" He whispered.

"Who?" I asked confused, "Hyun.."

"Eunhyuk Hyung! Have you seen Minnie!?" Kyuhyun poked his head inside my office then casually walked in, "I went to his office and texted him but he hasnt replied... Is he in here?" 

"Er actually he.. OUCH." 


I looked down and saw Sungmin pleading me not to say anything, god when is having ever a bad thing? I kicked him in the shin then looked back up.

"Sorry Kyu, my leg got caught on something. No i havn't seen him, maybe he went out on a break." 

"Aishhh that guy... Alright thanks Hyung see ya!" 

After he left, Sungmin crawled out. He sighed in releif and gave me a thumbs up.

"One question though, How on earth did you know he was comming?" I asked.

"My Kyuhyun sense were tingling." 


"Nah, while i was ranting i felt my phone vibrate and i already knew it was him. I knew he'd come in here."

"........Okay Hyung....."

After school Donghae p.o.v----

"She is so cute dude! Her smile is so beautiful!" 

"Yeah Bummie, i get it shes HOT." I've been listening to Kibum go on and on and on (i need therapy lalalala therapy) about Krystal since he got back from the bathroom and let me tell you, IT WAS 6 HOURS AGO. HE HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT HER FOR 6 HOURS STRAIGHT I FEEL LIKE MY EARS MIGHT BLEED.

"Awww dont say it like that Hae, let Kibum enjoy talking about his crush. Its been a while since he's had one. Remember what happned to you know who?" Siwon said.

"Hey, it wasnt my fault she ended up switching schools."

"Kibum, you asked her out in the most embarrasing way possible, Who in their right mind will print out their baby pictures and do a whole lifes timeline about how gorgeous she became!?"

"I thought it was cute...."

"Dude, you called her a baby troll and a preteen monkey. How is that cute?" 

"Well the ending was cute! Aish why did you have to mention her?!" Kibum whinned, Siwon and I just shrugged.

As we were walking we heard familiar voices, to our left were the girls; Luna, Amber, Sulli, Victoria, and Krystal. Krystal saw us and happily waved, we waved back and i saw Kibums goofy grin. I was about to joke about it until the girls decided to make their way over here, needless to say Kibum was spazzing.

"Dude, dude, dude, duuudddeee!!! She's comming over here!" 

"Bummie calm down..." 

"I cant!"

"Listen Kibum!" Siwon said, "You got this! You're a man, a manly man! Stay cool!" 

"A manly man, you're right! Im a man! A manly man! I got this!" He turned around, "I dont got this.. she's almos... Hi Krystal." He squeeled. I seriously face palmed so hard, tomorow morning there will be a hand print on my forhead.

"Hi guys, hey Kibum.. Umm my friend Luna here is going to do the talent show thursday and i was wondering if you guys would like to come with us?" 

Awwwww! How cute! Kibum looks like a blushing school girl!!

"I...Er...we... umm.." 

Oh god have mercy on his soul, i gave him a good kick to the back of his knee to make him realize he's sounding like a broken record. I guess he got my point, semi got it because he didnt say anything he just nodded. 

"Great! Its at 7:00pm we can all meet here?" She suggested.

"Yeah that sounds great!" We said.

"Cool, okay then come on gir... Hi appa!" 


I whipped my head back so fast that it made contact with a hard chest. Er ma gawd, this feels so gooooddddd! I dont want to leave it i want to cuddle with him!!

I heard his deep laugh, I looked up and saw him smiling down at me, "Hello Donghae, mind getting your face out of my chest?"

"Oh...ri..right." 'Stupid Hae, stupid.'

"Wow Krystal seems like you made some friends, hello everybody Im her father EUnhyuk." He introduced himself, the girls, minus Amber, were melting. I could see the hearts in their eyes, oh god did i look like that?! I cringed at the thought. Krystal and her dad were leaving when I heard my father yelling for me, i turned around and saw Kyu chasing my dad, Before i even had a chance to say anything my dad bumped into me which caused him to fall on me, and then i fell on someone.


"Dad! What the hell?!"

"Sorry Hae, Kyu was chas..."

"Err you guys... you two are hurting me... Donghae... you're on my pelvis..." 

Let me describe our postiong okay? Eunhyuk was on the floor, My back was on top of him and apparently currently squishing his pelvis, and my father next to us on the floor, Lovely. 

"Sorry Mr. Lee... But heeyyy, you're pelvis is really comfortable.... alright alright I'll get up now... Dad help me out will ya?"

Krystal p.o.v----

Did this idiot just say his pelvis is comfortable? Oh my gosh Donghae really? That sounds like a ual assault... My dads dense he wouldnt even know if it was or not.

"Sungmin Hyung, are you still trying to run away from Kyu? Im suprised he didnt have his way with you in the car."

"Oh believe me Hyung, i tried." Kyuhyun smirked, ewww gross man, there are kids here!

"Dad, you do realize you guys made a scene right..?" I looked around and saw all of the student body looking at us. The 3 "Adults" here looked around but didnt seem fazed.

"Get used to it Krystal, these two always make a scene that I dont get embarresed anymore." Donghae said, which got him a smack to the head. 

"Well I think thats enough action for one day everybody. It was nice meeting Krystals friends but now we have to get home, bye everybody."

I waved bye at them and i could have sworn i heard Donghae whisper, "Bye.. I love you Mr.Lee.." 

Gosh, its going to be really hard to help this idiot.... but maybe it would make my dad happy, maybe my dad hasn't discovered his inner rainbow yet... OKAT GAME SET! I Will do whatever it takes to release his inner rainbow and fall for Donghae! 

Oh god i hope my dad doesnt get arrested for child molestation..... Oh well fuhk it! Donghae's 18! Yeah! Lets do this Krystal you got this!


"Yes appa?"

"Why are you fist pumping?"

"Err.. Why arn't you?"

"......You're such a wierdo..."





Hello everybody ! This chapter is totally random but hopefully it made you guys giggle a bit, im trying to make the story longer bevause i juist dont want to just jump straight to the point, i think thats a bit boring lol. 

Awww i just love How Eunhyuk and Krystal get along so well together, Kyuhyun.. well he's just Poor Sungmin. 

Kibum has a crush! Krystal has a crush! Woohoo! Know...I dont know what i should do with Amber, im thinking of maybe having her have a cruSH On krystal but i dont know yet... Anyways tho i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and i shall see you guys next time! Dont forget to check out my other stories kay? Love you all! I didnt do my math hw just to type lmao ehh i'll do it in the morning! Wonder if you guys caugght on to my vixx reference lmao Love them! Leo is baeee <3

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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD