The Mall

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Donghae p.o.v--

"DADD!! IM GOING TO THE MALL WITH SIWON AND KIBUM!!" I yelled from downstairs. I went to the kitchen to grab my car keys then i heard my dad yell back.

"Okay! Be safe! No illegal U-Turns again Hae!!" I snickerd, man those U-Turns were fun! Cept when you get caught by the police... eh not so fun... xD 

"No promises dad!" I heard him yell something, i laughed, grabbed my leather jacket and opened the door.

"Oh! Hey Hae!" Said Kyu who was now standing right infront of me with his hand in a ball form, guess he was about to knock but since i already opened the door he doesnt have too.

"Hey Kyu! Come on in! Yah, dont you think it'd be better for you to move in with us alreay? So you wont have to keep comming everysingle day." I asked him

"Well still discussin things Hae, you know your dad.. He doesnt want to make any rash decisions since you live here." 

"No, i think dad just doesnt want me to hear you guys having your "quality time" together." I smirked, he turned red and attempted to hit me but i backed away.

"Bye!" I laughed as i got in my car.

Eunhyuk p.o.v-------

"Appa, take me shopping." Demanded my daughter, i looked up from the t.v and groaned, 'Ughh man, today is my day off.. all i want is to spend the whole day relaxing and eating on this couch till i get fat and die! Okay maybe not the last part.. but relaxing and eating is all i wanna do!!'

"Krystal, its my day off. I dont want to go anywhere, why dont you go with that friend of yours?" I said putting my attention back to the t.v. Oh! He got hit with a coconut! Whats a coconut doing underwater anyway? Its spongebob.. nothing makes sense xD

"Amber? No! I dont know her well enough to go hang out.. Please Appa pleassee!!!" She whinned, i sae her giving me her puppy eyes and i couldnt say no.

"Aishh!! Fine! Get in the car!"


At the mall----

"Appa! Look Look! Isnt this dress pretty?" She showed me a baby blue strapless dress, i eyed it for a few seconds then ordered her to put it back.

"What?! Why!?"

"Its too short! No daughter of mine is wearing a hootchie dress like that!" She pouted then went to return it to its proper place.

"You're no fun to shop with..."

"You dragged me here. All i wanted was to eat and relax all day!" I pouted

"Fatass." She giggled then punched me in my arm. I heard a gasp but when i turned around to see who it possibly couldve been.. no one looked like they were paying attention to anything. Well i guess i wouldnt know who it was anyway since this mall is freaking huge!

Donghae p.o.v------

Kibum, Siwon, and I were walking around the mall looking at some random stores, we walked into one of the stores that we usually like to shop in. I went to go look if they had any good clothing today, as i was looking i got sprayed with something in the back of my neck.

"Smell good?" Asked Kibum, i sniffed it and nodded, it did smell pretty good.

"Cool im gonna buy it." He went to go buy it, i was still looking at the clothes when i heard a very familier voice.. When i turned to see who it was i gasped! 'OMO! ITS MR. LEE!' Siwon and Kibum must have heard me since they looked at me weirdly, i felt a bit embarrased. I saw that Mr. Lee was with his daughter, 'Hmm he must be taking her out shopping?'

"Hey guys, im going to the bathroom real quick." I walked out the store and began stalking, i mean following, Mr.Lee and his daughter, 'What was her name again? Karin? Krystina? Ah oh well i'll figure it out later!' I was a few people behind them when his daughter told him she was going to go into victoria secret, it looked like he didnt want to go in there so he told her he'd be in another store. She left, i kept following him, He entered this shop where they sold very nice looking suits. There was a bunch of people in here so i decided not to hide. I was behind this rack of business pants when i saw a woman approach Mr.Lee.

"Hello sir, how can i help you today?" She asked, a wide smile plastered on her face, Mr.Lee asked the lady if the cologne he was holding smelled good. 

"Hmm, why dont you spray some on you sir? I'll smell it for you." 'Oh hell no, this is so flirting! I gotta come up with something fast so she wont get her nasty too much makeup face close to him!' I was thinking that i should jump on her like the ninjas do in the movies but then thats too much work and i feel lazy... Plus i dont want to get into mall jail... Again..

"Hmm Okay!" He said, he sprayed some around his neck and chest, the lady was leaning in when i suddenly popped right infront of her. 'Hehe im a genius'

"Excuse me miss? How much is this suit?" She looked annoyed, but then took the suit and put it in this weird machine that says the prices.

"Donghae? What are you doing here?" I heard Mr.Lee ask, i turned around to face him and gave him a innocent smile.

"Oh! Mr.Lee! I didnt recognize you! Sorry for inturupting your conversation." Heh, im really not.'

"Oh no problem, i just wanted to see if this smelled good, it smells good to me." He said, showing me the cologne.

"Here, let me smell!" I leaned in close enough for my nose to be an inch away from his neck and chest, i inhaled the scent and thought i died and went to heaven!! 'Mmm!! It smells so manly.. and y!! Just like you!!'

"It smells amazing!" I told him giving him two thumbs up. He smiled at me then went to the cashier to buy it. The lady came back with the pants and told me they were 34.00$

"Yeoowwzzaa thats too much! Anyway thanks but im not going to buy em." She looked irritated then left, i smirked in victory and went back to Mr.Lee. He and i walked out of the store together, we sat on the furniture that was in the middle of the mall.

"Are you here alone?" He asked me, 'Oh , i forgot all about Siwon and Kibum!"

"Actually im here with some friends.. I went to the bathroom then went into the shop you were in because i liked the suits.. I should be heading back to my friends now." I didnt want to leave i wanted to spend more time with him, but he was with his daughter and i was with my friends.. ugh life . 

"Oh, okay bye Donghae. Say hello to your father for me neh?" He gave me a gummy smile, my heart skipped a few beats!!

"Neh! Bye Mr.Lee see you again soon!" 'REALLY SOON PLEASE!' I got up from the couch, waved him goodbye then left to find my friends. 

'IF ONLY THIS MAN WASNT MARRIED!! AISHH!!! I REALLY REALLY LIKE HIM!!' I mentally screamed, i kept walking when i bumped into someone.

"Oww, sorry sir." I said rubbing my forhead.

"Hae, its me Kibum!" 

"Oh! Haha my bad bro, where Siwon?" 

"Taking a somewhere." He casually said, i laughed then we walked off to see which bathroom Siwon was in.



Hello my lovely readers! :D I hope you enjoyed reading this chappie and i hope it put a smile on your face :D Is it me or do my chapter seem to get shorter and shorter? D: Blahh ahaha anyways i hope you liked it! Dont forget to leave comments ;) They make me happy! :D 

I was put to work in my first class D: My teacher made me screen print some freaking shirts, put them in the heat machince thing then fold them by sizes and i dont even get paid! UGH CHILD LABOR MAN XD LMAO but it got me out of doing a power point so not all bad ;) Just wanted to share something about my day lol ^^

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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD