Little by little.

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Donghae p.o.v---

"Yah.. Krystal... are.. are you serious?!" I yelled in shock, how can she let me?! I mean im not complaining but what daughter would allow someone or some MALE get at her father?

"Its about time for my appa to be with someone, in all honestly better you than a women.. it hurts me that he will end up with someone that isnt my Omma but better you than another female.. does that make me sound weird?"

I laughed at how cute she is, i ruffled her hair then brought her in a hug.

'Thanks Krystal, You're awesome. I honestly thought that you were going to be disgusted..."

"Hmmm no...i was a little dissapointed.. You're hot." I coughed and she started laughing. I pulled back then smiled, "Haha whoa there girl. Hmm One of my friends actually thinks you're cute." Her eyes got big and shiny, she started jumping up and down asking who. "Its a secret. I'll show you tomorow."

-----Back at the dinner----

"Well what took you two so long? I already set your plates, its probably cold now!" Whinned my dad. 

"Dont worry dad, where here." Krystal and I sat next to each other since those were the only two chairs left over. I wanted to sit next to her dad but Kyuhyun got it. Lucky bastard.

We were all enjoying dinner, happily chatting away about unimportant things, i kept glancing at Mr.Lee and everytime that i did i caught him staring at me. I was trying really hard not to blush, so i ducked my head down and started eating my steak. 

"Donghae, what do you think of Krystal?" He suddenly asked. 

Well that was sudden..

"Krystal?" I looked over to Krystal, she was giving her dad a weird look, "She's very pretty and nice. Why?" I asked, wondering why all of a sudden he'd ask me about his daughter.

"Donghae, i was just wondering if you'd date my daughter."

The room went silent. 

Kyuhyun dropped his spoon.

Sungmin stopped chewing.

Krystal yelled. 

I just sat there, shocked.

"Appa!!!!" Yelled Krystal again, her face red.

"What? Honey i think Donghae would be a very good boyfriend for you." Whinned Mr. Lee. Sungmin looked at me then looked back at him.

"Umm Eunhyukkie... Donghae.. He.. OUCHHH!!!" I kicked my dad from underneath the table, i dont want him to say it outloud! Like really?! 

"Hmm? He what Hyung?" 

My dad was rubbing his leg, when he looked back up i gave him a 'You better not say anything' glare. 

"Oh nothing.. Its just he.. uhh.. he.. Doesnt really have any dating expierience! So im kind of worried." 'Well.... he's half right. No expieriences with girls anyway....'

"So he's innocent? Well, he does have a cute baby face. Thats all the better! So what do you say Donghae?" He asked me happily.

"Yah, Appa. We just met.. Dont you think this is a little too earlyyy!" Krystal said thorugh gritted teeth. 

"Umm.. Ah... Umm.." Oh , im stuttering, this is so awkward.. i dont know what to say now.. uhh.. oh my god...

"Yah, Eunhyuk Hyung! Theres someone near your car!" Yelled Kyuhyun. 

We all turned are heads alarmed and ran outside to see who it was. Once we were outside we were looking around and saw no trace that someone was near his car.

"Kyuhyun, are you sure you saw someone here?" 

"Well maybe. Then again i am like.. half.. blind?" Kyuhyun said, thank god he came to the rescue.

We got back inside and surprisingly the topic of me dateing Krystal wasn't brought back up which by the way i am thankful for. Sadly all fun must end and it was already time for those two to go home. 

"Bye everyone. Thank you so much for having us over, we really appriciate it." Said Mr. Lee

"Yes, it was very delicouse." Beamed Krystal.

"No problem, you two can come over when you want!" Invited my dad, in the back of my head im just like OH YEAH

"Thanks Hyung, Well we're gonna get going. Have a goodnight everybody." They got in their car and left.

Sungmin p.o.v---

Once i closed the door i tapped Donghae on his shoulder.

"Hey Hae. Why didn't you want me to tell them that you're gay? Eunhyukkie doesnt care, i mean he's perfectly fine with me and Kyuhyun." I really do wonder why this kid stopped me, he just smiled at me as he scratched the back of his neck, thats a nervouse habit of his.

"Its just.. Just too soon.. i mean we just met and all..." 

"Hmmm, well okay then. Go to bed its late, you have school tomorow."

"Alright goodnight dad, NIGHT KYUHYUN!" He yelled as he went to his room.

I went to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Kyuhyunnie, you're still hungry?" I asked as i nuzzled my face in his back.

"Yes.. im just waiting for my dessert." He sounded so seductive that shivers went down my spine. I started rubbing his tummy and playing with his belt.

"Well, once we go to my room you can have all the dessert you wannt." I sang in his ear, he turned around, picked me up bridal style and headed to my room. 

He threw me on the bed then jumped happily on me.

"I love you Minnie." 

"I love you Kyuhyunnie."

Thus we ended up having sweet lovey dovey all night. In the morning Donghae came in throwing a fit about how loud we were lastnight. 

It was so worth it.



Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update and sorry about the short chapter im kind of in a rush so i had to hurry and write it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and whooo hoo Sungmin got it in last night thoo xD


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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD