Story part 2

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Continuation from last chapter...


"Um... well..." 

"Wellllllll????" We all said staring at Mr. Lee, he looked a bit uncomfortable but responded nontheless.

"It was Valantines day.. Obviously. After school, we went to my house... No body was home I had no intentions of doing anything like that, we watched a movie for about two hours. I was so happy that we were a couple so i started kissing her, then it turned to a makeout, and me being a young boy with hormones i started touching her. She didnt complain, she enjoyed it alot  she was touching me too, she made her way on my lap and circled her legs around my waist, i carried her to my bedroom and layed her down the bed and then you knowww... you know what happned next..." He looked away blushing, my mouth dropped, MR.LEE WAS A TEENAGE BOY!!! 

"So um.. how did.. you find out what happned?" I asked, still in shock. 

"After that it was awkward for a bout a few days but then we got over it. Okay so it was mostly me whos was awkward around her she wasnt, she would always say whats done is done. After a few days i became normal around her, we were normal with each other but we didnt do that again.. It passed two months since we did that and suddenly in class she ran out the classroom, i was worried so i went to check on her. When i ran out the class i saw her kneeling on the floor throwing up, i asked her if she was okay but when she looked up at me she started crying, i panicked because she starting saying "Im sorry Im sorry" over and over again, i didnt know what was going on."


"Hyuk.. *cough* Im.. sorry... im sorry...

"Why? Whats going on Sica?"



"Hyuk... Im sorry..." Whats going on? 

"Sica.. please tell me whats wrong... why are you apologizing?" She looked at me again, her eyes were filled with tears.. she grabbed my hand and slowly put it on her stomech, i was confused, i didnt know what this meant..

"Im.. Im pregnant..." I froze instantley, i didnt remove my hand. 'Pregnant..?'

"Hyuk.. Please say something.. Do you hate me?" She asked fear written all over her face. I couldnt say anything my mouth refused to say anything, "Hyuk please dont hate me! If you.. if you want to leave me then you can... but if you want me to abort this baby im not going too.. Hyuk i love you! I'll understand if you hate me!! I.." I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"How can i hate you?  I love you sica Im not going to leave you.. But are you sure about keeping it? We're.... really young." I looked at her face, strocking her cheek.

"Yes.. How can i kill a life that we made? The baby is not at fault.. Im not going to kill it.. i love it.. its mine.. its ours.." She looked down at her flat belly, it wasnt big like the other pregnant ladies.

"I love it too. Its going to be hard though.. we're only 13." She smiled.

"Im happy you love it! We have to tell our parents.."

"But how do you know you're pregnant?" I asked her.

"I took a pregnancy test that my older cousin bought for me.. It came out positive but i dont know how far long i am."

"Well we have to tell our parents and go to the doctors..." 

"Yeah.. I love you Hyuk.."

"I love you too Sica." 

(End of flashback)

"What happned when you're parents found out?" Asked Kyu.

"Jessica's parents flipped out, they kicked her out of the house. She was devestated.. she thought they'd be understanding since she was an only child but that wasnt the case. My parents just told me that my childhood was ruined and that i had alot of responsibilities since i was going to be a young father.. But they didnt kick me out, they let Sica live with us since her parents kicked her out. My parents loved Sica, Sica didnt like feeling like a burden so she would help my mom around the house she even learned how to cook since my mom had taught her, my parents would try to talk some since into Sicas parents but they wouldnt listen.. They ended up moving back to San Francisco.. They didnt even bother to let Sica know.. We only found out because when we went to their house to ask them to be there when Sica gave birth the house was empty.. a neighbor told us that they moved back to San Fran.. Sica cried her eyes out for 1 month.."

"Thats Horrible..." My dad said, i feel sorry for his passed wife..

"Then before we knew it.. It was already time for her to give birth.. We were 14 then.. You have no idea how scared i was.. If i was scared, Sica was more.. When i heard her scream that night.. my heart almost fell when i saw all that blood.. The ambulance took her to the hospital and then they started. They had asked me to go in but i didnt want to i was terrified.. But Sica had asked for me so i went in. All those long hours of pushing.. all those long hours of her crying and screaming.. All those hours of me being scared... Were all forgotten when we finally heard the baby cry... I remember when the doctor handed me my baby, i cried.."


"WAHHHHH!!!" Wailed the newborn baby, i looked at the baby crying, i couldnt believe that it was my baby... our baby...

"Here son.. would you like to hold your daughter?" Smiled the doctor who was holding her.

"My..Daughter?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, son. You're daughter." I held out my arms to carry her, when he gave me her i just stared at her.

"My baby... My beautiful baby... Hi baby, im your daddy Eunhyuk. Im really young, im only 13, but im happy.. Oh my god you're so beautiful.. You look like your mother.." I said looking at Jessica, she only smiled. My mom and dad were crying and looking at their grandaughter in aww. I handed my baby to my mom so she could hold her, When my mom held her she started crying. My dad held her and he started crying. I went over to Sica and kissed her forhead.

"Hey Sica."

"Hi Hyuk."

"How you feeling?"

"Good, happy, a bit sad."

"Your parents?"

"Neh.. but i have my other parents here with us." She looked at my parents smiling, "Im really greatful." I smiled and kissed her hand.

"Excuse me?" A nurse came in the room, "What is your daughters name?" 

"Hmmm.. Sica? What would you like to name her?" Jessica thought for a moment.

"Krystal.. After my passed Grandma. My grandma was always caring and loving, i want our daughter to be like that."

"I like it. Her name is Lee Krystal." She nodded then left.

(End of flashback...) 

"My teen years were very difficult, i struggled with school, getting jobs, and being a father. Jessica struggled the most but she never dropped out of school, she stayed in school. She was very strong and a very responsible mother, when we graduated from high school we got married and moved out. We got our own place and everything went smoothly, when Krystal was 14 she got her first boyfriend and boy let me tell you, it was crazy, Jessica went crazyyy. I remember her telling her many things about but in a way that Krystal couldnt tell it was about , it was really funny, i remember Jessica dragging me to stalk Krystal and her boyfriend when ever they would go out, when they boy was going to kiss her Jessica threw a pen that was in her purse and hit the boy right in the nose! Krystal eventually found out were the ones who threw the pen ahaha."

"Eunhyukkie? How did Jessica pass away?"

"Dadd.." I hissed nudging him in the elbow.

"Its okay Donghae. We were in a car accident, we were on the freeway with Krystal, it was extremely windy and dirt was everywhere. You couldnt see anything at all, I had the headlights and everything but you still couldnt see anything. Then suddenly i heard Jessica scream..."



"OFFF! Oh !!" I looked at my hands, they were bleeding, glass shards were stuck on my knuckles, "KRYSTAL!? KRYSTAL! ARE YOU OKAY!!" I yelled trying to move my face away from the air bag.

"Appa! Appa! Umma!!" She cried, i looked at Jessica who was next to me, i felt like time had stopped.. Jessica.. she had glass shards all over her face and neck, she had a huge cuts on her arms from trying to cover her face. I looked at Krystal, she only had a few cuts on her arms but she was okay.Men were pounding at the car doors, they got my door open and pulled me out.

"SIR! ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU CRASHED WITH OUR RV!" One yelled sounding panicked, i grabbed her shirt and shook him.

"MY WIFE! MY DAUGHTER! GET THEM OUT OF THERE PLEASE!!!" I Screamed at the top of my lungs. He nodded and motioned for the other 3 men to get them out. They got Krystal out and what seemed to be a 17 year old boy came to her with a first aid kit, he was trying to get her still but she kept crying and screaming for Jessica. One of the men told us that an ambulance was on their way.

"GET MY WIFE! PLEASE!!" I started balling, "GET HER OUT OF THERE!!" Two of the men pulled her out, i ran to her and hugged her, "SICA!! PLEASE!! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!!!" I felt a hand touch my cheek, i opened my eyes and saw her looking at me.

"Hyuk.. How.. How is Krystal..?" She asked her voice sounding faint, i grabbed her hand.

"She's okay! She's fine!" 

"Thankgoodness..." She said, her eyes were falling.


"Hyuk.. I love you.. tell Krystal.. I love her.. very much.." 

"We love you too! Keep your eyes open!" I begged. The ambulance finally came and took her, Krystal went with her but i had to stay because of the police. After i was finished with the cops they took me to the hospital, i ran inside of the hospital and didnt even bother to ask what room she was because i saw Krystal infront of a door room.


"APPA!!" She ran and hugged me, i hugged her back trying to calm her.

"Is your mother in there?" I asked, she nodded.

"Neh, please check on her Appa, they didnt let me go in." 

"Okay, i'll see in a bit." My heart was beating like crazy, i opened the door and saw Sica.



"You're going to be fine honey, we'll get you out of here and go home." I said, she didnt open her eyes, only was moving.

"I'll Be in a good place soon Hyuk.. There are so many things that i wanted to do with you and Krystal.. so many things that i wanted to say.. but it seems we wont be able too.. Heh.." I grabbed her hands.

"Baby, dont talk like that! You.. You'll be better and all of us will go home together! We'll be happy, we'll do everything! We'll have a bigger family!" I said, she only giggled, oh my god.. that giggle..

"Hyuk.." She said, a tear falling down... I didnt notice that tears of my own were also falling, "Hyuk.. can i tell you something?" 

"Anything babe.."

"You were and always will be my first love.. When i arrived for the first time in Korea i was scared.. But when you came into my life you made me feel happy, and safe. I had nothing to fear as long as you were there with me.. When i got pregnant at 13 i was scared that you would leave me.. the fear of comming to Korea was nothing compared to the fear of you leaving me. But when you said you wouldnt leave me i felt so much happiness that we would be doing this together.. as a family.. All these years were the happiest for me you and Krystal gave me so much happiness, so much that i thought i would ooze out happiness hehe.. Im going far away.. Far away Hyuk.. Please.. please take very good care of Krystal.. i know her grandparents have passed away as well, that hurt her very deeply.. when that hurt returns when she find out i've passed.. please comfort her..Please give her all the love you've given her and more.. for me"


"Please take care of Krystal.. I wanted to grow old with you and get to know our grandchildren.. and our grandchildrens children.. but.. *Cough cough*"


"Take care of yourself and our daughter Hyuk... I love you both.. Thank you for being my bestfriend.. thankyou for being my best boyfriend.. thankyou for being my best husband.. and last of all.. Thank you for being the best father..." Her heart beat was decreasing...




"I love you.. i love you Hyuk.. Tell Krystal I love her.. Goodbye My loves..." *BBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP*


(End of flashback)

"Oh my god.." Kyuhyun said.

"Eunhyukkie im sorry.." Said my dad. 

"Mr.Lee.. im so sorry.."

"Its fine.." I heard him sniff, he hid his face in his hands, "I miss her... I miss her.." He started crying, Kyu hugged him and rubbed his shoulder, my heart ached.. Mr.Lee must have been devasted.. i cant imagine how horrible it felt going through something like that... Im sorry Jessica.. Im sorry Krystal.. But i feel for your husband.. I feel for your father.. Please forgive me...



Hello everybody! Im sorry for the longggg wait! I hope this chapter makes up for it! Omg i cried a bit writting it.. This car crash happned to us.. and remembering it made me cry a bit.. but none of us died we could have died but god saved us. When i was writting the car crash i thought to myself, 'Wow, i wouldve been dead right now...' I thank god for letting us live, that crash was so extreme it could have killed us, my mom screamed my dads name just like Sica screamed Eunhyuks :( My mom was the one mostly injured, my dad had shards of glass in his knuckles, i had a brocken leg and it ed up even more and i had shards of glass in my arm, my brother just hit his cheek on the front seat but he didnt have any scratches thankfully.. ahh just writting it made me cry a bit.. :(( I was in fifth grade when this happned. This chapter made me cry! I hope you guys enjoyed it and i hope you could feel the feelings i had while writting this :) Finally Eunhyuks passed is revealed! :D

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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD