Eunhyuks story part 1

I Cant fall in love with an 18 year old!!

Donghae p.o.v---

"My wife.. she's.. she's passed away..." 'Oh no.. STUPID HAE STUPID!!'

"Oh.. Me.Lee im so sorry... i didnt meant to make you upset..." I said, he looked up at me and just gave me a small smile, my heart hurt seeing him like that. Kyu patted his shoulder and gave him a hug, oh no he looked so depressed...

"No its fine... I should just tell you what happned.. Sungmin Hyung, im ready to tell the story.."

"No No Eunhyukkie! Its okay! We dont want you to say anything if it makes you uncomfortable or upset! You dont have too!" Said my dad, not taking his eyes off of the road but i could tell he was concern for Mr.Lee just by the sound of his voice.

"No No, i think its better to just to let it off my chest.. Jessica was my wifes name.." 'Jessica? Thats a very pretty name..' "She was born in the United States, but moved back to Korea where her parents were originally from, her father didnt want to live in San Francisco anymore.. She was 13 when she came back." 'So she must have had a difficult time learning korean.. unless she already knew it.. Okay thoughts stop clouding up my mind! Im trying to listen to the story!' "We met in middle school.. I was 12 and she was 12. At first glance i thought she was mean.. i was scared to approach her.. when it was time to go to our homeroom class i saw that she was in the same homeroom as me. I decided to sit next to her because she seemed a bit lonley, when i sat at the desk right next to hers, she turned around to see who it was. When she looked at me i gave her a warm smile but then she looked away, i thought she disliked me right away. The whole hour i tried to talk to her but she would either just give me a nod or ignore me, i felt bad and i felt like i was bugging her so i just stopped. When the bell rang we all left to our other classes and i had her for 3 classes, she never spoked in the classes i had with her, but she looked really lonely i thought she didnt have any friends. I was right, she didnt have any friends because when it was lunch time i saw her sitting alone on a bench writting some things in a notebook she had, i was with my friends but i told them to go eat without me because i needed to go to the bathroom. I walked over to her and tried to start a conversation with her.

(Flash back 1)

I was walking towrds this girl, she looked really lonely since the begining, i just want to talk to her and be friends.. I was finally close to her and thats when she looked up.

"Hey." I greeted her, she just kept staring at me. 

"Mind if i sit?"I asked her, she just nodded her head and motioned me to sit, we were silent for a while so i decided to ask her some questions, "Are you new to Seoul? I noticed that you're not hanging around with anybody.. and you're really quiet.. Are you shy?" I asked her, she was staring at me and it seemed like she was going to say something back to me.

"Me.. Not.. very.. good.. korean.. language.." She's not korean?! Holy !! DOES SHE EVEN KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?!

"Oh im sorry, are you not korean? Do you understand me?"  She nodded, which i assumed meant that she understood what i was saying.

" good.." 

"Where are you from?" 

"I.. not.. korean.."

"Well say it in your first language! Maybe i will understand!!" I said smiling at her to make her less tense.

"Im from the united states, i was born in San Francisco." HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, WHAT DID SHE SAY?! I KNOW ITS IN ENGLISH, UGHHH THE LANGUAGE I AM A FAIL IN.

"You are from the United States? That was the only thing i understood.. hehe.. im not very good in English.." I said scratching my neck, i heard her giggle. She giggled! Her giggle is so cute!

"Its.. ok.. I.. will.." She struggled to say but managed, she gave me a very cute smile, and i felt butterflies in my tummy.

"Haha okay! Are we friends? What is your name?"

"Jessica. Neh! Friends!" She said in english and we both pinky sweard.

(end of flashback one)

"That was when i first met her. Her Korean wasnt very fluent because she mostly spoke english at home because she had a korean american mother and a korean father who learned how to speak the language while living in San Fransico." 

"Did she ever get better? In speaking Korean?" Asked Kyuhyun, Mr.Lee nodded.

"Yes, she got better. The first 6 months of school were tough because she couldnt speak it well but thats to the teachers and me offering her help she caught on pretty fast. We were able to communicate alot more because she was able to speak it more fluently, she had an accent but i thought it was really cute. I would always about it and i would laugh at her facial expressions, she made alot of friends too, i was really happy for her. 

"How did you guys get together Eunhyukkie?" Asked my dad looking back at him.

"MINNIE!! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GOD DAMN ROAD! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" Yelled Kyu, My dad just stuck his tounge out and parked on the side of the road.

"YAH! You stupid poo head! There i parked the car! And careful with your choice of words!" He scolded Kyu pointing at Mr.Lee becuase he used the word "Kill"

"Oh.. Sorry Eunhyuk hyung.." 

"Its okay, dont worry."

"Soo... how did you two end up together..?" I asked curious but then something clicked in my head, 'Krystal is a junior... which most likley means she is 16... Mr.Lee is like what? 30? He.. OMFG HE HAD HER WHEN HE WAS 14?!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!???' "MR. LEE!!!!??? DID YOU HAVE KRYSTAL AT THE AGE OF 14?!!!!!!!!!" I yelled a bit too loud since i saw my dad flinch.

"YAH! HAE! YOU SCARED ME!!!" He yelled at me, holding his heart.

"Oops.. sorry.. but... Mr.Lee!! Thats too young!!" I said looking straight at him, he just scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeaaahhhh... i know.." 

"WHOA!? WHAT THE HELL!? REALLY!?" Said Kyu, he only nodded.

"Well let him finish his story you guys." We nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Erm.. as i was saying... She started talking more fluently and it was great. I was able to get her something for her birthday because she could actually tell me what she wanted, im older then her by 3 months. We were allready 13 and i didnt realize that i developed feeling for her untill valantines day..

(Flashback 2)

"HAPPY VALANTINES DAY HYUK!" Said a couple of girls in my classes giving me chocolates.

"Thanks you guys.." I said and gave them a smile, it was nice recieving chocolates from girls but there was only one girl i wanted to recieve chocolate from so bad.. but i wasnt even sure she was going to give me any. I walked out of class and headed to my locker to put all the chocolates in, once i opened my locker i heard someone cough right next to me, when i turned around it was exactly the girl i wanted chocolates from.

"Hi Hyuk..." She greeted me.

"Hey Sica! Whats up? Arnt you supposed to be hanging with your friends since its break?"

"Yahh, do you not want me to see you!?" She pouted, i laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Ofcourse i want you to see me!" I said, she smiled and nodded.

"Anyways... i want to give you something as a thanks for being the first friend i've had since i came to korea! Hold out your hands please. Oh! Close your eyes too!" I did what i was told to do, i closed my eyes and held out my hands. I felt something heavy on my hands and i was curious to see what it was.

"Can i open my eyes now?????" 

"Hmmm not yet!" She said then she handed something else to me and i really wanted to see what it was.


"Hmm okay! Open em Hyuk!" I opened my eyes and i was really touched. She gave me a brown teddy bear with a heart in the middle that says 'Thanks for being there for me Hyuk, im really lucky to have you. Love Sica <3' then on my other hand i had a huge box of chocolates, i asked her to hold the bear for me so that i could open the box when i did there were heart shaped chocolates and chocolate covered strawberries, It looked delicious!

"Um... Since you like strawberry so much and i like chocolate, i decided to make the things we both liked! See? Chocolate covered strawberrys.. they really taste good together.. i also made the chocolates myself..." She said shyly. I couldnt help it, i was so happy that she had made me all this by herself i was really touched. I out them all in my locker and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"Thank you Sica.. For everything.. you made me really happy today.." I said, she hugged me back and let out her laugh that always makes mem smile.

"You're Welcome Hyuk! I love you!" She said, i pulled back from the hug and stared at her straight in the eyes, "Whats wrong Hyuk?"

"Sica? When you said you love me you mean as friends?"


"Well, i dont want to be friends anymore Sica.. I want to be more.. Sica, will you be my girlfriend?" She didnt answer me, instead she stepped on her tip toes and pecked my lips.

"Ofcourse Hyuk!" She smiled blushing, i smiled and took her hand in mines.

(end of flashback 2)

"Then what happned... How did you two end up.. you.. know..." Asked Kyu.

"Kyu, you're so nosy.. but.. i wanna know too.." Said my dad. I also want to know.. wow.. it sounds like he truly loves her.. my heart hurts right now knowing how much he loves her....





Heeellloooo readers!!! :D Sorry for the short chapter but i dont want to add everything yet you know xD hahahaha!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed some of his past, i feel really lazy so sorry if its short xP Hyukkie seemed to be really in love with Jessica eh??? But Hae will get into his heart! 

Im going to a party tomorow yayyy! Im going to get ed up and dance till i passout!!! jkjkjk but im going to have an awesome time even if i have to make my friends dance! I love dancing :3 even more when i have alcohol in my system ;) Lmao 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i would love comments! :D

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Ohoodl #1
Chapter 15: Are you going to update this story or not because it's a nice one and I hope that you will finish it
melta881 #2
Chapter 15: Please keep updating beacuse I really like this story. This is the only one story that make smile and laugh. Please. Im begging you.
Chapter 15: Wehehe.. This id fun.. . Yes Hae keep trying ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶

You're still younger than me.. :p
FlowerNeko #4
Chapter 15: I was screaming when I saw the update.
It has been ages. AGES. XD
But it was worth it. The chapter was good and now the drama starts.
And lmao. Hyukjae is definitely too handsome for prison. XD
ehmura #5
Chapter 15: So funny donghae
Chapter 15: Lol Sungmin, come on Eunhyuk you know you like Hae. If it goes wrong a handsome guy like you will just fine in Jail ;) thank you for the update Author-nim
Chapter 14: Nooooo... why stop there???
Chapter 14: You can't end it there Author-nim
his_girl #9
Chapter 14: awww finally hae got his kiss ;)
thank you for the chapter
pleeeease update sooooooon
fighting :)
FlowerNeko #10
Chapter 14: Yaaay ~ you updated ! <3
like always nice chapter !
you had to end it like this ,don't you ? XD