Chapter 26

Do you really love me


It was the last day of vacation before all the SM academy students go back to school. Jieun woke up early like she usually does but this time she took a shower, put on a cute white shirt with a pink skirt, ate breakfast and left the house. Today she was going to the park for fresh air also visit some places that gyuri recommended her to go to. She first went to the park. She loved the fresh air. It made her feel happy. She was walking on the stone path in the park when she noticed beautiful red roses. She went to the flowers.

Kris was also in the park walking with the guys when he spotted jieun by the roses. He was glad to see her.

“Hey it’s jieun” xiumin pointed out

“You should go her” suggested Tao

“Yeah you should” agreed Luhan

Kris looked at them and went to her.

“Hey jieun” said Kris

“Oh it’s you” said jieun. She was surprised yet happy to see him in the park.

“So, what you doing” asked Kris

“Nothing much just enjoying the last day of break before school starts” replied jieun

“That’s true”

“So what are you doing?”

“Just walking in the park that’s all”

“There’s nothing much to do huh”

“Not really. Um…jieun”


“If you weren’t going to do anything else then would you like to hang with me?”

“I would love to”

He got excited when she said yes.

“Where do you want to go to” he asked

“Well gyuri recommended me some places that are really good to visit like Mimi’s sushi”

“I know where that is. I’ll take you there”

They walked to the sushi restaurant and ordered the popular dishes. Jieun loved the food and Kris was happy to see her filled with joy. It filled him up with joy as well.

“This sushi is amazing” beamed jieun

“It’s one of the best”

“It is”

“So, where do you want to go now?”

“There is one place that everyone at school goes to”

“What is it?”

“It’s called Moon bar”

“So it’s a bar”

“Well it has a bar but it also has other things like games for older people, food, and prizes”

“Sounds like fun, we should go there”

Kris guided jieun to the place and she was amazed by it. There was a bar in the back but in the front there was a bowling alley, dancing games, a food place, a prize counter and much more.

“This is amazing” beamed jieun

“What do you want to try first?” Kris asked

“What do you recommended?”

“Hmm…let’s try bowling”

They went to the bowling alley. There were a lot of people from the academy. Kris led jieun to their lane and played. Kris went first and jieun studied him and how he played. He let the ball go and it rolled down hitting the pins down. The pins fell down except for two.

“You’re really good” complemented jieun

“Thanks, now let’s see you try” said Kris

He handed her the ball but she didn’t take it.

“What’s wrong” he asked

“Um…I don’t know how to play” she admitted

“I’ll teach you”

Kris showed the position she had to be in in order for the ball to be in the lane. She watched him demonstrate how to let the ball go. She was focused on him because she wanted to be perfect at it.

“Okay, now it’s you turn”. Kris handed her the ball. Jieun took a deep breath and focused on the pins. She was hesitating to let it go but she didn’t want to look like a fool. She let the ball go and it rolled down to the pins. Next thing she knows is that she knocked down all the pins. Jieun couldn’t believe that she just knocked down all the pins and got a perfect score.

“Wow that was amazing. Way to go jieun” cheered Kris

“I got a perfect score” beamed jieun

She went up to Kris and gave him a hug. He was shocked to see that she just hugged him and jieun shocked herself as well. She didn’t know she just hugged him like that. She quickly let go and felt embarrassed.

“I’m sorry” jieun apologized

“It’s okay”. Kris gave her a smile that made her blush even more. She couldn’t help it.

“Want to try something else” asked Kris

“Okay um…like what” replied jieun

“How about you try to spend some time with me” said a voice behind them

Kris looked back and saw taeyang coming their way.

“What does this want” Kris said to himself

Taeyang approached them looking at jieun from head to toe. Jieun was hiding behind Kris.

“Get lost taeyang” snapped Kris

“Why don’t you get lost and let me spend time with beautiful right here” smirked taeyang

“She’s not interested in you” said Kris

Kris took jieun’s hand and walked away from taeyang.

“So you just going to walk away coward” yelled taeyang

Jieun noticed Kris was pissed.

“Look here taeyang, I’m not interested in you so stop wasting your time and go do something useful” snapped jieun

Kris was surprised to see another side of jieun. They walked out of the bar. It was night so Kris suggested walking jieun home so she doesn’t get involved in another incindent.

“So the sweet caring jieun has a mean side to her” said Kris

“Well he was making you angry so I had to step in”

“I could have taken care of him later”

“But then you would have gotten hurt again plus you just got out from the hospital not long along…besides I care if you get hurt”

“You care about me”

“Yes, you’re a friend and I want to make sure all my friends aren’t hurt”

“Well…I care about you too”

Jieun didn’t expect Kris to say he cared for her. It was a first and she felt happy.

“You care for me?” asked jieun

“I guess I do”

“You guess”

“No…I do care about you”

Jieun started to blush. She never had a boy tell her he cared for her except her brother.

They walked on the stone path in the park leading them closer to her house. It was getting chilly and jieun felt cold. Kris noticed her freezing so he took off his jacket and handed it to her.

“Here” said Kris handing her the jacket

“Aren’t you going to get cold” worried jieun

“I’m wearing a long sleeve top so I’ll be okay”

She hesitated to take. Kris was getting impatient so he put his jacket on her. She was shocked at his actions.

“Thank you” smiled jieun

She never felt this way before. They arrived at her house and said good bye. She thanked him for everything and went inside. Kris was super happy that he got to get closer to jieun every chance he got. Kris was about to leave when he heard someone say his name. He went to the side of the side and saw Chen.

“What are you doing here” asked Kris

“I should be asking you that” snapped Chen

Kris has a feeling that Chen knew something. Meanwhile, jieun was going up stairs when she noticed that she had Kris’ jacket on. She quickly ran outside to see if he was still here. She didn’t see him and thought he already left. She was about to go in when she heard a conversation coming from the side of her house. She quietly walked over there and saw Kris with Chen. They were talking about something so she listened to their conversation.

“Why are you here” asked Chen

“Can’t I be here” said Kris

“Why are you always here at jieun’s place?”

“Does it bother you?”

“No but you know what does”


“You not sticking to the plan”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not doing anything to get revenge on suho”

“So I haven’t been doing that lately so what”

“So what have you been doing lately…?”


“Spending time with jieun”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t care about you and jieun, the only thing I care about is the plan, remember when you were going to make jieun fall in love with you then break her heart…”


“What happened to that plan?”

“Just leave it alone”

“Did you stop it because you’re in love with jieun?”

Kris became silent. He had no idea Chen knew about it so he had to come up with something to say.

“No I don’t love her” Kris lied. He felt pain when he said that.

“Is that so?”

“Yes it is”

Kris couldn’t handle it anymore so he walked away. Chen went to opposite direction. On the other hand, jieun was tearing her eyes out. She couldn’t believe what she heard.

“I was only part of his game?”

Okay I finally updated after a long time and I did a double update because you guys deserve it and I'm sorry for not updating thanks to homework but enjoy thr two chapters and hope it wasn't confusing

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Did a double update enjoy the chapters


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romedori #1
Chapter 32: yeayyy update soon^^
SongjieunxExo #2
Can make Suho with suho and luhan? +-+<3
munierrah #3
Can you make suho with jieun??
romedori #4
Chapter 30: please add luhan to the new version .
Chapter 30: as long as this one stay :')
Krissie and Jieunnie is cute <3
Chapter 30: If you re-write ... will delete this version?
Please do not! I fully support you to write a new version :D
But please ... keep this. There would be two versions, it is not wonderful?! :D
Remember I'd love to read a new version would be awesome!
But do not delete this, keep it okay?! ^-^
secret221 #7
Chapter 30: When you say everything is re written over and it change even the two male lead charater cuz that will be so cool
This was such a sweet fanfic
I would like to see the new version of it
Chapter 29: OMG. im a big fan of Jieunnie. Jieun and Kris.. omfg so cuuuuuuuuuuute!!! *0* i got to say.. ure an awesome writer <3 <3 <3 if u can improve on typo it will be awesome. C:
RamaitaMemet #10
Chapter 29: Love this fanfic sooomuch!!!