Apparently I'm Delusional

I Hate Bacon.

"What is back? We gonna' rock dis. Uh huh, B.A.P.~"

I stepped into the door of my apartment to hear the beginning of B.A.P's "Warrior" blasting on the stereo. I had Benji with me-no worries- I bent down to unhook his leash. Then I used one of my fingers and stuck it in my left ear. It was so loud. Benji pranced over to Meghan who was sitting on the couch reading a kpop magazine and that's when she noticed me in the doorway. No wonder she couldn't hear me come in; she's going to go deaf one of these days I swear.

Meghan watched me, finger in ear, and scurried over to turn down the stereo. I sighed and thanked her. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the water pitcher out of the fridge. As soon as I closed it Meghan stood before me. I jumped.

"So? Where were you?"

"Running." I mumbled. I took a glass out of the cabinet and poured in the water. I took a sip and Meg shook my arm.

"Yah, you think I can't tell by looking at you?" my eyes sprung open wide and I held my fist up to her arm. She laughed and sat herself down at the kitchen table. 

"Where were you after is what I meant to say." Meg waited, propping her elbows on the table and balancing her chin on her hands.

I sat next to her and took another sip of water before putting down my glass.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I eyed her and she looked around, what I took for her to be thinking? 

"Aha, did you lose your ity finally?" I slapped her arm across the table and released a puff of air.

"What?!" Meg began to laugh.

"You're so insensitive I swear. No, that's not it."

Meghan gave me an annoyed look and demanded me to tell her already. Might as well right?

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my pictures, clicking on the most recent with me and Chanyeol doing Aegyeo. I didn't know how to word it properly without sounding stupid so I just handed it to her and waited.

To my surprise, Meg didn't squeal or scream or fan girl or even look shocked. She examined the picture zooming in and out several times before handing it back simply. I took it and squinted my eyes at her, trying to decide if she even believed it or if she was just stupid. 

Meghan nodded. "Great editing. Did you take it to a professional or?" wait this is a joke right? Please tell me she's  joking. As if I would even do that. Pft. 

"That's real." I choked out. 

This processed in Meg's head and after a matter of seconds she bursted out laughing. This went on for a total of maybe 5 minutes of me watching her laugh until it hurt and tears sprung out of her eyes.

"It really is! I met Baekhyun on the street after letting go of Benji's leash and" I explained the situation to her the best I could. All through it she muffled out her laughs. 

"You're delusional. I'm not buying." 

I gave up and shrugged. "Yah, whatever. If you think I somehow fabricated this then you must be right, am i right?" I was now annoyed and didn't care whether she believed me or not.

But Meghan was no longer paying attention. She was soon enough in the living room after having checked the watch that rested on her right wrist. I mouthed what the . That's when I heard B.A.P's "Hajima" and fans screaming. Omo, Inkigayo!

B.A.P. meant Zelo. I ran into the living room and sat beside her on the floor 2 inches away from the television screen. I began to sing along to B.A.P.'s new comeback and waited in anticipation for Zelo's rap. Everything that happened today vanished from my head. 

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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^