Is This Even Happening

I Hate Bacon.

"Baby you don't have to go alone~"

I couldn't even pay any attention to U-KISS's new single "Time To Go" that was playing for the first time on the radio because I was too taken aback at what these "boys" lived in. Baekhyun had just pulled into the gate and looked over to me for my opinion. 

"This is where you live"?

In front of me and Baekhyun stood a two-story White mansion-like house. Outside, the circle shaped driveway centered a Fountain that profusely sprayed water even outside its boundaries, letting the water trickle somewhat along the pebbled ground. The house itself was surrounded by several rose thorn-bushes. The house-or mansion- was astonishing. I'd have expected SNSD or APINK to live here, but certainly not EXO.

"Are you that shocked?" Baekhyun shook his head. "Nevermind that. EXO-M is visiting China for the week so if you favor them over us, i'm quite apologetic." He parked his car in front of the house and grabbed Benji's leash, leading him out as Baekhyun himself stepped out. I opened the car door, stepping out smoothing out my soccer shorts i'd been running in. I also let down my hair, realizing I wasn't especially appealing.

"You look beautiful." Baekhyun grabbed my hand and put it to my side.

"What?" I think my heart stopped. I needed confirmation because i'm 99% sure i didn't hear correctly, i couldn't have.

Baekhyun ignored me and bent down scratching Benji's ears. Benji Baekhyun's face and barked at him, opening his mouth and letting his tongue fall out carelessly. Baekhyun let off his leash and Benji sprinted off. 

"No worries, me and the boys own a pretty big property-but it's safe and fenced in with golden gates." Baekhyun exlaimed as if to read my mind. But then again I don't think he's that stupid, I could have figured. 

I couldn't handle this anymore, I had to know. "Weren't you guys still living in a dorm?" But as soon as I said it i realize it sounded better in my head.

"Not that- i mean. I just figure because you know, rookie group." 

Baekhyun grinned and cleared his throat. "This house is well hidden with trees and such, not to mention the huge gates. No one really knows about this except, well. You. Ta-da." he smiled before walking up to the white front door. I nodded and followed him behind, kind of nervous, not to mention feeling a bit self councious. 

Then he unlocked the door. Then he shouted "Yah hyungs!" and I thought I felt my knees go weak. I was suddenly over the top afraid of what the boys might think of me when they saw me. Was I trying to impress? Not like i could even if I tried. They're glamorous and rich and beautiful and as for me? Well I can't even afford to be standing here with Baekhyun.



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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^