1st Night In

I Hate Bacon.

"I my me mine, I my me-~"

My headphones were yanked out. I shot up at Meghan who'd just arrived in my room with the last bag. 

"Ah, gomawo." I nodded, pulling the pink duffel bag next to me. Meg sat down and nudged me.

"Wae? Why are you so down about moving here. Do you know where we are? A couple years ago this was all you could dream." 

Meghan was right. I looked down at the fluffy white carpeting beneath me, a feeling of nostalgia hitting me. I used to be so for this, so for them. Now that I'm out making my own money and living without my parents, it just seems too unreal. Being shipped into my bias's house, well that I must say, has never crossed my mind. Not once. 

"I guess we all grow up." Meghan frowned at me. I know she wanted me to be just as excited as she was.

"I'll learn to love it." I finally breathed out, smiling. Meg's lips curved into a grin. She slapped my arm playfully before rising and scampering out the door. I wish I could be as happy as she was. 

Finally alone, I ped my duffel bag and began to hang my clothes on the pink hangers that EXO had provided me. My closet was a walk in with a rectangular mirror that covered one wall. It was gorgeous, and bigger than me and Meg's aparment altogether, that's for sure. I finished up the last of my clothes, and stood back. The clothes hadn't even covered one half of the wall. I gritted my teeth and examined the now awkward appearance. 

Closing the closet door behind me, I grabbed my other baby blue bag that held all my books and mangas and video games. I had a white shelf-like bookcase where I stuck these in order neatly. I had put away all my other things earlier, and now I was finally finished. 

My room was huge. The color itself satisfied me; white and light blue with a hint of pink. It had fluffy white carpeting and a wall with decorated blue and dark pink assorted flowers. The bed that was made up for me in blue and pink sheets was filled with water and so I'd been too careful with sitting on it. I was assured it wouldn't break without putting up a fight, but you can never be too sure right? A 16-inch flat screen TV sat above my desk which was filled with picture frames of me and my parents, some of me and Meg, and one of me and Jay Park when I'd been at his fansigning.  I sat at the desk and the blue mac desktop that I'd been most happy about receiving. 

I logged into my twitter. And to my not so surprise, ever since the newspaper articles I'd received thousands of followers overnight. Who knew someone like me would become so famous. I ran my cursor over my mentions and watched them update every 5 minutes. I sighed.

I heard my door open and heard giggles and kisses. Oh god.

Meghan and Kai stood at the door and waved nonchalantly. These two have gotten along great believe me. It was like lust at first sight with them. I wanted to say I was happy for Meg, but if Kai were to ever mistreat her I'd hate having to murder an EXO member. Oh well, it is what it is. 

"Waaaah, your room looks great." Kai roams around and touches everything he sees like a 12 year old. 

"Can you not" I politely ask. He apologizes and returns to his posture. Meghan and they went back to playfully touching each other. I'd begun to wonder why they even came in here.

Meghan went over and sat on my bed. She jumped up and down, her face shifting uncomfortably.

"Water bed. Jealous?" I grinned.

"Ha, no. It's better for you to have it anywway. I wouldn't want to break it." Kai skipped over to her and sat, eyeing her ily.

"You mean we." I wanted to throw up.

Just as I was about to ask them why they'd came in, I heard a knock and a cute bubbly Suho poked his head in through my door.

"Like the room?" I nodded enthusiastically and Suho turned his way to Meg who also nodded eagerly.

"You got the purple and pink splattered walls on point. That's so me." Suho smiled at Meghan's response. 

"I'm glad you two are pleased. Oh, that's right. Dinner's ready. We're having Lagansa." Kai and Meg exchanged confused glances.

"Lasagna?" Kai tilted his head to the side. I bursted out laughing, I thought I'd busted an organ. I fell off my chair and rolled on the floor. 

"Ah, you mean Lasagna!" Meg giggled and corrected him.

I laughed until it hurt and sat up. "What am I going to do with you?" 

Suho was the epitome of cute and even up until this day I wouldn't say otherwise.

Suho's cheeks flushed red. He ordered us to the dining room before shutting the door quickly. I heard him hastily run as his footsteps sounded softer and softer.

Meg and Kai left after I'd assured them I'd be out. I could hear "I'M STARVING" from the hallway. Oh Meghan.

I took this alone time to breathe the air around me. It smelled of cherries. The boys took much effort to please us with the rooms, seeing as they only had an amount of 30 minutes due to the urgent unexpected news.

Everyone was happy after hearing our stay, especially Chanyeol. 

Well, everyone except Sehun. Baekhyun's mind was blank. He showed no emotion towards me, and if he did he only left me confused. I stretched my arms and back, contemplating how to get into Baekhyun's head. 

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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^