Nearing The End Of Breakfast

I Hate Bacon.

"My my my, you're my~"

I peered down at my phone. Meghan was calling. I hit ignore quickly. Now wasn't the time. I looked up and smiled nervously and then caught Chanyeol's eyes on me. , I drew attention to myself.

"Wah, yeppeo yeppeo!" Channie scurried over the empty seat next to me and sat himself down, grabbing my hand that'd been in my lap. The temperature in my face rose and I pulled away quickly. He payed no mind to it and smiled showing his white flossed teeth. I wanted to melt in my seat.

"He's very touchy." Suho said, laughing lightly before taking a big gulp of his half empty milk. Channie kept his eyes on me and I instantly felt conscious. He began to ask a series of questions to the boys like who I was and why I was here and if I was somebody's "chingu". I rolled my eyes; how many times have I been claimed to be someone's girl today? I can't say I don't enjoy it though. But I'll act as if I don't. 

Kyungsoo explained what happened once more and I looked over to Baekhyun wondering why he hadn't been telling the story himself. I nudged him softly under the table and he met brief eye contact with me. I smiled warmly and he avoided it, turning back down to his phone. What was so damn interesting on that device of his? I can't decide if I was upset because Baekhyun wasn't paying attention to me or maybe just because he'd went from charming and sweet to dull and bland. 

Chanyeol began to cut his omelet into little square-like pieces as a 5 year old would have his mother do. I have to say it was super cute. I admired him out of the corner of my eye and he caught my glance, smiling at me. My face felt hot once again and I looked down at my food, picking up another omelet piece this time smaller in size. I felt really uncomfortable and self conscious sitting here next to him. 

"You're really pretty. How old are you?" Chanyeol asked, chewing his food simultaneously. Suho and Kai were finishing up their food and having a side conversation. Kyung was inhaling his omelet as if he hadn't eaten for a week. Baekhyun was doing whatever he did on his phone, and Sehun slurped his ramen sauce with a plain expression sprawled across his face. 

"E-eighteen." I mouthed. He clapped his hands together and I almost jumped. 

"Call me Channie-Oppa! Cha-nnie- O-pppppa. Try it." I bit my lip really hard that I thought I might have tasted blood. 

Before I could return Chanyeol's favor, Baekhyun placed his phone on the table and sighed. 

"Should I take you home?" he said coldly to me. Although I felt saved from having to humiliate myself in front of Chanyeol, the way he said it stung my heart. I managed to smile coolly but everyone grew quiet and stared at Baekhyun. 

Sehun nodded for me and got up, taking his bowl to the kitchen. Chanyeol pouted and raised his voice.

"Yah Baekhyun! What is wrong with you? We were having a nice conversation." 

Baekhyun stood and grabbed the keys out of his pocket. Kyungsoo also stood.

"I'll take her." Kyung could tell I would be in an uncomfortable situation so he once again saved me. He gave me a look of reassurance and pushed in his chair. 

"Aish, whatever." Baekhyun stormed out of the kitchen. Everyone watched and Suho turned to the boys and me, leaning in and whispering. 

"Not good. Baekhyun's in one of those moods again. If we talk to him we'll end up nearly dead. Remember last week when Kris and Baek almost got into it because Kris insulted his skills on Angry Birds? The only angry bird around was him, phew." All of EXO-K stared him down. 

"Whoops" Suho shut his mouth. I looked away pretending not to hear any of what was just said. Kyung shook his head disapprovingly and stood in the kitchen doorway. I was picking up my plate and silverware when Kyung assured me not to worry; he's used to cleaning off the table himself. I stood slowly and bowed several times, giving thanks for letting me stay and treating me to breakfast. 

"Yah, will you be cheering for us?" Baekhyun told exo-k boys that I was a huge fan so I couldn't very well deny this.

"Of course, I will always be cheering for you all in the back. Do good, Hwaiting!" All the boys except Sehun-who had gone off somewhere after putting up his dishes- stood and surrounded me with warm hugs, causing me to heat up. I snuggled into them and then saw my way off. 

I approached the front door and before opening it I heard quick steps behind me. I was grabbed and turned around by Chanyeol. A mix of disappointment and despair swept his face.

"I wish you could stay longer." he pouted and stomped his feet. I chuckled and patted his head.

"Yah, am I dying? Maybe we'll bump into each other somewhere. Seoul is small after all." 

"But there are never cutesy girls like you around. Baekhyun and Kai have horrible taste in girls. They go for y. But I go for adorable. I go for girls like-" Chanyeol stopped in mid-sentence. He must have realized he was talking way too much into it and shook his head. 

"Ah, if you're that worried then why don't we take a picture?" I yank out my phone from my pocket. Chanyeol nods his head up and down excitingly. I hold the phone a distance from me and wait until Chanyeol snuggles his cheek onto mine. I try to keep still but being this close with him was almost unreal. 

I cleared my throat. "Say Kimchi-ah!" Me and Chanyeol flashed eye smiles as the camera sounded a ~click~. I pulled the phone up to my face examining the picture.

"Ah we're so cute together. I want this! Here." Chanyeol grabbed my phone and punched in some digits. He passed it back and I read "Channie-Oppa" across my screen.

I smiled. "I'll send it." Chanyeol also made me promise to text him from time to time; that I "wasn't a girl to just let off easy". I tried to keep from my face turning tomato red.

I heard a honk outside. I sighed.

"I gotta go. I'll send the picture later." I started toward the door. I opened it and then turned to meet eye contact with Chanyeol as painful as it was for me.

"Annyeong..Channie oppa!" his eyes widened and I closed the door before me, scampering off the property all of a sudden embarrassed. 



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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^