The Beginning of All Endings

I Hate Bacon.


The whole mansion was silent. I'm sure everyone was up by now and I could only depend on Chanyeol to clear things up. This did not look good on myself, it being only the first day. What did he even trip on? I lowered my gaze down to the carpet and let my hands feel around the object. It was a medal. It fit around his neck so why did he have to be so irresponsible as to leaving it on the floor? 

I picked up the gold medal and turned it in my hands. 

"1st place Varsity Soccer? I didn't know he played Soccer." I read the engraved words and by the mass of it I'd suspect it was truly valuable. I had to return it to him. So I closed out twitter and smooted out my clothes before leaving my room and facing the rest of EXO-K.

"So you're trying to tell me you didn't come on to her? Why not, she's hot?" I heard Kai scold Chanyeol in a not too serious tone. I stopped at the stairs and watched Kyungsoo, Kai, and Baekhyun circle a bright red colored Chanyeol. Poor boy. 

"I'm not like you. Or Baekhyun. I respect girls." I smiled at this until I heard a new voice interrupt. 

"She's nothing. Stop treating her like she's worth something to us, that gets girls confused." Baekhyun. With every little thing he said my temper had come closer to losing it. Kyungsoo in his lip and came between the two before things got heated.

"While she's living in this house with us, we're going to give her everything she deserves. She's still a girl, for christ's sake! She hasn't done wrong, remember that you were being reckless in the first place. Now stop arguing, especially with your hyungs. Do you understand me?" Kyungsoo sounded irritated. I sighed and stepped down the last two steps, interrupting the squabble. 

"Speaking of the princess" Baekhyun scoffed. I bit my lip and held my tongue, careful not to worsen the situation. I knew when to speak and when to not speak.

Kyungsoo's face lightened a bit, but I knew better than to think he was alright. I felt horrible myself, but I managed to smile weakly. What could I say? I had it all played out a minute ago, but now I just stood there dumbfounded. 

"Ah, Rin! You look so yeppeo today, did I tell you that yet?" Chanyeol winked at me and seemed to lighten the tension in the hall. I strained not to smile and shot him a look of embarrassment instead. But he didn't stop. "You can't simply be locked up in this house looking like that. We'll have to do something about that," he put his long index finger to his mouth and thought for a second, only a second, as if he hadn't even thought realistically, before adding "Ah! I got it: Let's go see a movie!" 

"What?" I simply knew nothing else to say. I was in shock: did he just ask me on a date? Whose "girlfriend" was I? Kyungsoo looked at him and arched his brows. Even Baekhyun was quiet. Kai, well Kai, knew exactly what to say in this case. 

"It's really dark in the movies."

"I don't like movies" Baekhyun said quickly. I rolled my eyes instantly. 

"No one said you were going" Chanyeol said quietly. 

"Oh, I'm going" Baekhyun responded sternly. Kyungsoo nodded in agreement. Kai seemed to be pleased either way. As for me, I felt disgusted by even the thought of sitting next to him for more than 2 seconds.

"I don't like movies either," I said clearly, "Thank you though, Chanyeol. Oh, and here." I handed him the gold medal he'd dropped and tripped over.

"Hm?" He grabbed it puzzlely. 

"What you tripped over" I clarified. Kyungsoo coughed and left the hall after I answered him. Chanyeol grabbed the medal, and frowned.

"So, no movies?" His lips poked out in a sad manner. 

"No movies for you," I hear Kyungsoo as he skips back into the hall. He seems to have a nasty smile played on his lips. 

"Come here, Rin." He says seriously; so seriously it might have sent chills down my back. I tip toed to him and questioned his orders. 

Right then and there, Kyungsoo pushed me towards Baekhyun, who revoltingly recoiled, but it was too late. I heard something click, and as I tried to pull myself away from him, it was impossible. Around us, were a pair of silver, tight handcuffs that linked us together.

I let out a cry and tried to, foolishly, slip my hand from the cuff. Baekhyun's mouth dropped and he glared at Kyungsoo, who laughed lightly and praised himself. 

"That should do it." Kai and Chanyeol both giggled as well, though Channie probably wasn't too thrilled. Everyone seemed to be laughing except for us. 

"Now you two, go see a movie you both dislike, with whom you 'dislike'." Kyungsoo said. Then, Kyungsoo ushered the other boys off, and we were left in that hallway alone. It seemed colder, sadder, and duller around me. 

"I hate you." Baekhyun said, looking straight at me. I only laughed, and tugged the cuffs with much force. He cried out quietly, and I gained much satisfaction from it.

"Don't you think we go great together, honey?" I smiled, a smile that I knew made his skin crawl. To my shock, Baekhyun regained his composure and gave me a much dirtier smile. 

"What are you smiling about?" 

"Nothing yeobeo...." his eyes pierced through my soul it seemed with his devilish smile. "Today should be rather interesting." 

"Don't make me puke." 





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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^