The Deal

I Hate Bacon.

"I don't need a man, I don't need a man, what?~"

Miss A's comeback sang through the flatscreen. After dinner Suho and Sehun locked themselves in their room and treated themselves to Starcraft. Kyungsoo I learned was always exhausted no matter what task he took up, so he went off to slumber early. Chanyeol was where he always takes up his free time, the Vet clinic. He'd seemed very depressed about going ever since my arrival, but he had kept his word to the employees so he couldn't let them down. How sweet.

Kai and Meghan challenged each other to a fierce match of Just Dance in Kai's room. Meghan wanted Kai to desperately drive her down to EXO-K's dance practice room but he said he would save that for another day. They were truly cute together, but I couldn't decide whether their attraction was innocent or one of lust all in all.

I pushed my black glasses up with my middle finger and flipped the page in my Calculus textbook. I hated doing homework let alone studying, but already on the first day I'd been assigned 6 different books and here I was, the first night in EXO's mansion and I was studying my off. I looked over to Baekhyun who sat next to me, flipping channels on the TV. 

I have really no idea why Baekhyun was in my room, but apparently he always took up his time with someone. He was seldom ever alone.

When he told me this in his cool, bad boy interpretation. he'd said  "I just want to make sure you feel comfortable in your room. Why else would I be in here? Don't get any foolish ideas." I thought it was personally cute, but I wasn't going to let him know this

I tucked a strand of my hair that hung loosely from my messy bun back into it's holster and closed my textbook. Enough studying or my brain is going to fry. I don't know what it was but when I turned to look back at Baekhyun who'd sat carelessly next to me on the bed, there seemed to be a gleam of light around him.

I observed  the way he sat with his legs sprawled across my bed. How he blew his curled hair out of his face and watched the Tv hard like if he'd taken his eyes off of it for even a moment it'd run free. I giggled at this thought and covered my mouth immediately. He was truly a beautiful boy. Watching him and sitting so close to him secretly made my heart  race. I'd acted so cool up until this point, so I rewarded myself by mesmerizing myself with his presence.

I'd been fine with staring at him in awe until he'd turned to me. His eyes were dark.

"Mwoh?" he asked naggingly. I scowled at him and turned back to the screen. If only he'd act as dreamy as he looked, psh. Like that's ever going to happen. I wonder though, why did he dislike me so much? Or was he truly this way with everyone. But if he did dislike me he wouldn't be in my room. On my bed. Close to me.

I smacked my face and tried to shake the erted thoughts away. 

"This is the deal." I heard Baekhyun breathe out. I turned to him. The deal? What deal? 

"Since you're my girlfriend now-"

"It's fake. Fake girlfriend. And I'm not yours." He'd said it so coolly that I thought I needed to remind him. The tone of his voice had been so annoying even up until now that I couldn't even allow my heart to flutter at this.

"Right. Anyway, I hope you're good at acting. I want to maintain my perfect image for my fans. However they treat you is your problem. Not mine." My mouth fell open at this and I gaped at him.

"Where are you even getting at?" I spat.

"1. Don't touch my stuff 2. Don't think we're cool because you're just another irrelevant girl breathing my air 3. 30 days, not 31 days. 4. Don't fall in love with me 5. Do something with yourself." He looked me up and down and shook his head.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You think you're so great, right? Says the one sitting in my room on my bed."

"You mean ours." He corrected. 

"Right. But mine for the 30 days. And also," I laughed before I could continue, "Fall in love with you? That cute act you pulled on me before we signed this contract. The flattering and the sweet cute perfect idol image; that's all fake. You're fake. If your fans knew this, tsk. I wonder what would happen to you." Baekhyun's eyebrows rose at this. He scooted closer to me and put his face up to mine. 

"Yah, I'm saying all this because I feel burdened with you eating and breathing in my house, even needing to act like we're all over each other, and calling you girlfriend out in public. I could have at least gotten someone prettier. But what's this? Threatening me? That's not common girlfriend courtesy." He poked my forehead and I slapped his hand away. 

"Get out." I had nothing more to say to him. Someone I'd cheered for, someone I saw as down to earth and sweet. That someone was gone. All I saw before me was this arrogant boy who had so much more to learn about life. Quite obviously. I'd much rather have gotten shipped back to America. 

"Gladly." He arose from my bed and walked out, not even bothering shutting my door. I threw a Rilakkuma stuffy at him but it was too late. It did  take care of the opened door though. After the door broke the distance between it and the hallway, I didn't bother getting up and shutting it all the way. 

I shut off the tv and as I was getting settled under the covers I heard a knock at my door.

"Want to talk about it?" It was Meghan's voice. She sounded really sympathetic for me. I buried my head in my pillow. I wanted to say I was fine, but I wasn't.

With no response, I heard the door shut slowly. Dragging footsteps back into the room across from me. I'd probably woken her up. I'll apologize tomorrow morning.

I shut my eyes tight and tried to clear my mind. I couldn't. All I knew was I wanted these 29 days to be over already. I could tell it was going to be a long month. I sighed and hugged my pillow, praying to get some sleep tonight. 


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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^