day 1.

I Hate Bacon.

"You can make me hiiiiiiiiiiigh, you can make me flyyyyyy. Jakku bogosipeoseo~"

I lifted my head sleepily from my pillow and rubbed my eyes. I slumped out of bed with my fist in a ball, ready to go on a killing spree. Then I remembered I wasn't in my apartment. I was at EXO-K's residence. 

I yanked open my door. I wasn't a morning person. I heard Ga In's "Bloom" blasting in the room next to mine. Baekhyun's room, how delightful. I pounded on the door but remembered how carelessly he'd left my door open after his dismissal last night. So I carelessly threw open his door. There I saw Baekhyun practicing his moves in front of the mirror. 

"YAH!" I screamed over the music. Baekhyun didn't even seem to care nontheless act as if he hadn't seen me enter abruptly. He kept at his moves until the song neared its end. By the time it was quiet he turned to me and smiled. 

"Ah, did you sleep well?" he shouted cheerfully. If I hadn't lost my hearing already I was sure to go deaf by lunch time. I returned his nasty sarcastic smile that played across his face and looked around his room for an item, any item that was throwable. His room was a mess. Now that I took the time to smell the air, it stunk of molded bread and dirty socks. I pinched my nose shut. He seemed to look a bit startled at this and cocked his head to the side. Could he not smell that? I'd never sleep in here. His sparkled diva clothes hung from his chair. His desktop held many scribbled yellow sticky notes. I found books over the floor. He read? I picked one up and turned it observingly in my hands.

"What'd I say about touching my stuff with your filthy hands wench?" Did he just call me a wench?

I chucked the book at his stomach and with much failure at dodging it, he stumbled over. 

"Do you smell this room? Filthy? You're filthy. And try using words from this generation next time you insult me. Also, never blast your music this early again or your equipment will be in the pool." I smiled and exited the room hurriedly. I was thankful to breathe fresh air. I entered the bathroom which was at the end of the long hall. There I checked my reflection and brushed the tangles out of my hair. I washed up and went back into my room, changing into a floral blue skirt that ruffled at the ends. I pulled over a white tank and lastly fit a black belt over my hip. Letting my hair fall naturally, I applied little black liner to my eyelids. I glossed my lips and hung flowers onto my ears. Wah, I finally looked like Rin. 

I left my room nearly knocking into Chanyeol. He looked shocked both to be so closely pressed against me and then his jaw dropped at my appearance. I blushed and greeted him, half bowing. 

"Can you get any cuter?!" Channie squealed, clapping his hands in approval. The mansion was quiet; too quiet. I held a finger up to my lips hoping this would shush him. I pulled him into my room and shut the door.

"Isn't everyone still sleeping?" Chanyeol laughed at this and toured himself through my room. He picked up several useless things and when he put them back they were sprawled in all different areas. I had to arrange everything and return it back to its position. Chanyeol watched me and put down my pig-rabbit plushie that lay on my bed. 

"Ah, mian. I'm easily fascinated." His face broke out into a light red. No need to take notes, I've already labeled Chanyeol as the baby in the group. His cheeks were plump round and his cheekbones were placed onto his face just right. Did I mention he looked great in the morning? He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at me. 

"Stop staring, I feel self consious." a half groan half laugh escaped his pursed lips. I had to bite my lip at this. I was really feeling Channie-Oppa this morning.

Chanyeol looked to me as if on cue for me to interject his self bashing. 

"As far as I can glean, you glow especially mornings." This seemed to be a good enough answer because he went back to his smiling face except it smiled bigger than before. He ran his hands onto my water bed and watched it jiggle.

"So this is where you sleep" if it'd been coming from someone like Kai or Baekhyun I'd have shoved the erts out of the room, but the way Chanyeol said this I knew he was just admiring- me? I let this sink in for the first time but shook the thought off. EXO-K rapper Park Chanyeol? What's there to admire but himself? Though I convince myself of this I found Chanyeol rubbing his hands over the blanket. I furrowed my brows and opened my mouth to say something, but really what was there to even say. It's cool if Chanyeol has a for sheets or water beds. 

Chanyeol was finally finished inspecting my every item that lay in my room when I was typing away on twitter. I tried to stay away from tweets that had to do with residing with EXO though everyone already knew of this. Their Agent thought it would be great to tell press and have them issue an article. I felt my hair being tugged at and I turned to see chanyeol's fingers interlocked in strands of my hair. I felt my face get hot and he brought his closer- only to poke my cheeks. 

"So yeppeo." he grinned and didn't move away. Can I leave the premises before I die in front of my bias. I tried backing away with my rolling chair. I nodded then looked to the floor hoping he'd take the hint. Chanyeol moved and that's when I noticed something he'd been messing with that'd been laying on the floor. But it was too late. He tripped over it and came stumbling onto me. I couldn't very well dodge or push him off so I froze as Chanyeol's arms naturally fell around me. 

"Rin are you up?" Perfect timing. Suho knocked on my door and opened it to my dismay. When he saw the scene his eyes bulged out of his sockets and he closed it quickly. Chanyeol was just as startled to have fallen on top of me. He pushed himself off me and stood there awkwardly. I uncomfortably sat up. My heart was racing. I liked it. I wasn't supposed to though.

"I uh.. I'm going to go clear things up with Hyung before he tells the rest and they get insane ideas." He tripped over his words and hurried himself out of both my room and the awkward tension.

Wah, welcome to officially day 1. 




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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^