The Breakfast Meet

I Hate Bacon.

"Mamaaaa, Mamaaaa~" 

I heard EXO-K's "Mama" play faintly in the room next to the lounge-like one we were all standing in.

"Ah, Mama is playing on the radio again." Kyung nodded to himself. He then turned to give me another smile before leading me out. But he stopped when Kai said:

"Ah, should have known she belonged to Baekhyun. He's bringing girls home a lot these days, but i didn't expect one to be here this early." Kai snickered. Kyung rolled his eyes and walked out, still gripping my wrist. I didn't know what to think of what I just heard, and it was probably in my best interest to forget what I was just told.

The kitchen smelled of omelets and bacon. There was also a pot for ramen. I looked at Kyung quizically. 

"Sehun won't eat anything other than ramen and rice." I nodded; it definitely fit Sehun's personality. Nothing more to it than ramen and rice until you add some flavor. 

"Where's Baekhyun?" I questioned as I ran my hands along the soft, gray-some marble counters.

"He had to go take care of something outside the gate." Kyung stated before smoothly placing omelets one by one on 6 plates, not including Sehun's bowl which will be filled with-check this out-plain ramen. 

I took a seat at the barlike counter across from the cooking Kyungsoo, pulling up my stool so I could observe him. I rested my chin in my hand and watched, admiring the way Kyung placed and handled the food delicately. He then moved over to retrieve the ketchup from the fridge, carefully sprinkling it onto all the omelets except one, which I later find out is due to Suho's dislike of ketchup. I watched him place the finishing touches and smiled to myself, now fully understanding why all EXO members called him "mom". 


I sat between Baekhyun who was finally back from his mysterious trip and an empty seat. I picked the food with my fork slowly, unable to eat because of the certain set of eyes watching me. I looked up to see EXO-K observing my actions; Suho-who had just came back from his book club meeting- and Kyung smiling, and Kai who I didn't even want to make eye contact with. That leaves Sehun who eyed his Ramen carefully, picking one by one strand with his black chopsticks, and Baekhyun who didn't even touch his food, but was too infatuated with the racing game on his phone. I rolled my eyes. All were here except Chanyeol. 

"Ah, so that's what happened." Suho smiled at me.

Out of everyone I have to say my two favorite were Kyung and Suho. Suho was so bubbly and although sometimes ditsy and clumsy, I could tell he was someone I'd enjoy having around every day. Then of course there was Baekhyun who'd been my heartthrob for 3 years, and Chanyeol who I couldn't not love. 

"She's welcome here whenever, she's cute." Suho  grinned before cutting a piece of his omelet and jamming it in his mouth cutely. Kyung nodded in agreement, shoveling bacon in his mouth. I hate the way boys eat, it grosses me out, but they're too cute with just about anything they do. 

"She's staying?" Sehun looked up from his bowl for the first time and blinked, not even looking my direction. I began to wonder if he had some kind of issue with me. If he'd been this way to every girl, fans would be disappointed. Tsk tsk tsk.

"I'm not." once I responded Sehun looked my way for the first time since breakfast and stared me down.

"Oh, you're eating breakfast with us? Hm." Sehun turned back to his ramen, picking strand after strand up with his chop sticks precisely. Kyungsoo  gave him a cold stare.

"Mian." Kyung whispered next to me. I managed to smile and shake it off despite wanting to reach across the table and dump Sehun's face in his ramen. I could tell if I were to deal with this every day I'd probably beat him. 

"Ahem, where's Chanyeol anyway?" Suho broke the tension, smiling at me. "He'd be super happy to meet our guest."

"He texted me a couple minutes ago actually. He was volunteering at the Vet Clinic down a couple streets, he should be here any second." Kai replied, messing around on his iPhone.

Suho nodded taking his full glass of milk that I later find out is what he breathes. I picked up my fork and knife gently cutting the omelet before sticking a piece in my mouth slowly, sure to present myself as a lady at the table. I chewed and digested it slowly, and my face lit up instantly.

"This is so good Kyung!" I exclaimed after swallowing the broken down omelet piece. If I'd been at home, as hungry as I was I would have inhaled this in a matter of seconds. Nevertheless, I kept my posture and set down my silverware, grabbing the glass of refreshing Orange Juice Suho had set out for me. He was so sweet. 

I was about to thank everyone for everything they've done for me that I could before now only dream. Before I could mouth a word I heard a door slam outside the Kitchen. 

"Hyung's here!" Suho stood and waited. Surely enough, an exhausted Park Chanyeol shuffled into the kitchen. I had picked up my fork and knife again but nearly dropped it when I saw him. He took my breath away. I swallowed hard and that's when Baekhyun looked up. He turned to me and stared at me. I caught his eyes on me and inhaled deeply, setting down my silverware steadily. 

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting Hyungs! I'm here!" Chanyeol managed to breath out before bending over and resting his hands on his legs, panting.

While he managed to breathe out I managed to keep alive, slumping in my chair at the beautiful soul that appeared before me. 







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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^