The Encounter I Later Regret

I Hate Bacon.

"All my love's for you, nothing left to lose~" 

SNSD's "All My Love For You" rang in my headphones. My Shiba Inu  pulled on his leash as I tried to keep my pace with him. It was a Sunday morning and I was doing my daily run with my Benji, who seemed to enjoy it more than I did. After running for an hour already and going on another one, I stopped by a bench to catch my breath.

"Benji, sit boy." I commanded as he obeyed me. I sat on the bench and let the breeze run through my hair that was pinned up in a messy ponytail. I panted and ran my hands through my side swept bangs. That's when I dropped the leash.

Now usually Benji wouldn't even think about leaving my side, I even questioned why I put him on leashes during these runs altogether. But now i'm glad I hadn't left without it. Benji took off running 930429820 miles per hour it seemed, chasing after a cat that had crossed the street. I panicked suddenly and hopped off the bench almost losing my balance and took off running.

I swear my legs were about to fall off. I turned left and right and ran back and forth trying to keep up. I called Benji's name several times but it seemed he was tuning me out. How dare him. I thought i was going to pass out; everything hurt. Benji crossed the street as the stop light turned green and luckily he made it across. But now i was stuck on the other side pleading for the light to shine red. 

It felt like forever until the stop light finally turned a bright red. I sprinted across the street nearly hitting a car on the way. I was completely unaware of what direction Benji fled off to and by now my head was hurting. I really hadn't planned on running a marathon today. Regardless, I couldn't give up on him. Benji was my life; he was my closest friend and the only companion I had here besides my best friend Meghan Farr. God I could use her right now.

A couple korean youngsters eyed me suspiciously as i ran past them. I stopped, deciding it would be smart to ask someone for help, anyone. I turned back and jogged up to them panting. They looked at me before asking "Gwenchana?" 

I used my hands to my best efforts while picking out korean words so they could understand that I lost my dog. It was quite difficult seeing as I didn't have hardly any time so I was breathing in and out deeply between every word. Eventually the youngest boy who looked about 14 grabbed my hands and lowered them for me.

"I speak english. A little bit, ha."

"Have you seen a big white fluffy dog about yay big that ran past here?" I had no time to thank him, only to give a description of Benji. He nodded and pointed the direction he went. 

"Straight ahead. There's a park nearby, maybe someone found him." I bowed down and thanked not only him but his friends numerous times and then took off running again. 

i ran down not too far until i came across a park where people sat at benches and layed on blankets cuddling with their loved ones. I prayed Benji wasn't too far; he loves people. 

I stopped for a moment and contemplated which direction to take. Just as I took to my left, I heard barking in the distance opposite from me. I instantly turned around just to see Benji some feet away, someone's face. I released a puff of air and felt my heart beat again. 

I started to inch closer to Benji and his new friend. A boy was kneeling down- was it a boy?- patting Benji's head and laughing at how energetic he was. He was wearing a light teal kind of blue sweater with jeans that fit around his ankles just right. His hair was a dark chesnut brown and his fingers that were rubbing Benji's pointed ears were long and delicate. He seemed almost familiar from the back, this which I knew was not possible. 

"Benji!!" my dog recognized my voice but didn't move an inch. The only one who reacted to me was the boy, who turned to meet my gaze not too far from him. My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped; he knocked the air out of me.

I instantly knew why he'd looked so familiar even from the back. In front of me stood a boy I'd thought I'd only see through my computer screen. Where 1080p was the closest I'd come to watching him. In front of me stood Byun Baekhyun of EXO-K. Or was it an angel? I'm still deciding to this day.

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Chapter 17: Omg omg omg hi!! this was really good! kyungsoo's so sneaky! where'd he get the handcuffs from ;) update soon! 사랑해!
Chapter 16: Hey. this is my third time re-reading this. You need to update Rin! you can message me if need ideas. ill talk it out with you. talk to me on fb!
Chapter 16: i love it. i miss you. cant wait till you update!
Chapter 15: ^__^ I like it update soon
Chapter 13: update again plisshhhh
Chapter 10: omo!! stupid magizine people!!!
Chapter 9: Lol meg should of believed you shame lol ^__^
Chapter 8: Aww that's cute!! ^____^ I'll be waiting for the next chapter .-.
Chapter 7: <3 it sooooooooo much!!!
It nice! Good job lol very exzilerating love the relation ship lol ^__^