Chapter 8

My Personal Jerk


“So you really can’t go out today?” Minsoo whined as he walked with you to the library. Earlier today Minsoo had invited you to join one of the clubs he was in, but Eli had already pestered you earlier this week to finish the paper today.

You sighed and looked at Minsoo’s sad face. You felt guilty, but you had to get the paper done. “I have to get this done.” You replied sadly. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed. “Alright, but next time will you come?” he asked while pouting. You smiled and nodded.

“Well I have to go so text me later!” he shouted as he ran back towards the campus. You walked up to the library and waited outside in the pavilion for Eli. This afternoon would surely be an awkward one. While you waited for Eli, you decided to take out some earphones and listen to music that was on your phone. As you unlocked the screen, you noticed that you had a text messaged notification. You had two texts. One was from Eli and the other was from a random number.

Caveman: I’m gonna be a few minutes late. Don’t put a curse on me okay piggy? :P

You rolled your eyes and went to the next message. You slowly read the text and gulped at it.

Unknown: Why won’t you stay away from Oppa you pig? We mean it! Or else you’ll get what’s coming to you!

You looked from your phone’s screen and searched for anyone that might’ve been around watching you. Everyone else was talking to someone else or casually walking towards their destination. “Maybe they have the wrong number.” You tried to convince yourself. It was probably little kids with the wrong number.

“Hey piggy!” you heard someone shout behind you. Eli smirked and placed his hands in his pockets. You sighed and opened the red doors to the library. The library wasn’t full, but it wasn’t empty either. As you walked straight ahead to the staircase with blue carpeting, you noticed that the computer labs were near the front right and then rest of the areas were filled with tables for study groups. Some tables were with groups and others had students whom were studying on their own. If it weren’t for the fact that the books you two might need were on the second floor, then you would be staying here.

“You walk so slow!”   Eli groaned as he pushed you up the stairs to go faster. You turned your head and looked down to see the librarian glaring at the both of you.

“Could you be anymore barbaric?!” you whispered loud enough for him to speak. You finally reached the top of the staircase and looked around at the tables. After you quickly debated with yourself on which one you wanted, you headed towards the back of the floor and sat down at a desk that was meant for two and had a lamp in between the two chairs that were placed right beside each other.

You placed your book bag on the tabled and took out your folder and laptop. Eli set his backpack next to him and then took out his materials as well. Hopefully you two would finish paper today. Eli took out his part of the paper as you took your laptop. You then gave him a printed out copy of your part as well.

“Piggy, this is wrong.” Eli stated as he continued to read the rest of the paper. Without even taking his eyes off of the paper, he grabbed a pen from the wooden desk and started marking your paper.

“Yah! What are you doing?!” you shouted a whisper as you gave Eli a bewildered look. He chuckled and held up the paper. “This. Is. Wrong.” He said while pointing at the area he wrote on.

“No it’s not.” You replied bluntly. Why were you two always arguing or disagreeing?

Eli put the paper down. “It is.” He stated once again with confidence. You were now determined to prove him wrong. You got up from your chair and headed towards the bookcases. “The book you used has bound to be here still.” You told yourself. “Where are you going?!” Eli asked as you walked past him. You just shook your head and continued to walk past bookshelves. After about two minutes, you managed to find the book, but the only problem with it was that the book was too high up for your reach. You stood on your tippy toes and stretched your arm as far as you could to try to get the book, but ultimately failed.

You still attempted to reach it, but then found a longer arm getting the book for you. “You needed this?” Eli said from behind you. You turned around and him standing less than a foot away from you and looking down at you with the book in his hand. You tried to back away from him, but found yourself constricted of area to move around. “Yah! Give it to me!” you demanded while reaching up for it, but Eli just held the book up even higher. For you to reach the book you had to stand on your tippy toes since there were no ways you would reach it with his height. As you reached upwards, you ended up losing your balance and falling on Eli. It all happened so sudden that Eli was also stunned and ended up losing his balance.

Eli groaned and while he closed his eyes as though that was going to help ease the pain. You could feel the adrenaline rushing after the whole fiasco had finished. It only took about a few seconds for your brain to register that you were laying on top of Eli and as soon as you did, Eli opened his eyes to find you gaping at him. Your face started to feel hot again as you looked down at him.

“Are you going to get off of me?!” Eli asked irritably. Completely flustered. You didn’t even think of a comeback this time as you scrambled over the floor to get off of him. Eli then got up as well then awkwardness began to fill the atmosphere.

Eli cleared his throat and looked over at you with a smirk. “How about we make a bet?” Even though you were still flustered, you looked over at him with a curious face. His ears seemed to be burning red as well. “If I’m right, you have to do what I say for a week. If you win then I’ll do the same.”

You gently smiled at him. You weren’t intimidated by him at all. Eli’s smirk started to turn into a kind smile. He was starting to feel flustered too. “Deal.” You replied as you took the book from him to look for the answer.

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3/12 - I will update this week!


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Chapter 21: so sweet...update soon^^
Janghaeyo #2
Chapter 21: Eunmiiiii u errything up omg !!!
jsw19_ #3
Chapter 21: Hello there author!! I love your story!! Please, please update soon!! =D
Liyanamyssha #4
Chapter 21: This story is great. Please update soon....!
Chapter 21: Omgsh i absolutely love this story!! Please continue.
Kissme1626 #6
Chapter 21: Update soon please! I miss reading this fanfic! I really love it. ^^
Chapter 21: I miss here ):
Chapter 21: Please update soon T-T
I waited for the new update..
I refresh it all the time, to see if there's a new chapter :(
jessicawangsa #10
Chapter 21: get out from Eli's life, Eunmi err