Chapter 15

My Personal Jerk


“What’s taking them so long?!” Dongho griped as he sulked on the tabled. The locks of his black hair lay on the table as he lays his head down on it.

Eli brushed his hair back with the arm that wasn’t around your shoulder. “Well if you hadn’t ordered something to go then we would’ve left by now.” He remarked. Eunmi and her clones passed by your table as her group shot glares at you. Eli protectively pulled you in closer as the girls walked by and left the restaurant.

“Isn’t that right ____?” Eli asked you as he looked at you. The dark chocolate eyes that were gazing down at you were making you shift uncomfortably in your seat. The sudden attention was too much to handle. So all you could do was nod and shift around in your seat. It’s not that you didn’t want his attention in such a way; In fact you would be more than trilled if it all didn’t come at once. Without putting any thought into your response, you nodded your head in agreement.

“Thank you! Come again!” the cashier chirped as AJ paid her. Her enthusiasm feeling out of place as the group of youths stood before her. AJ took the receipt from the cashier and handed it to Kevin so that he could examine the totals.

Everyone walked out of the restaurant in silence as they feed the awkward atmosphere that had been created earlier at the restaurant. How were they supposed to react anyway? At first Kevin was confused on what was going on since he talked to the both of you often and nothing lead him to think you two were dating. AJ was also puzzled by it all, but immediately understood why he said that to Eunmi. Dongho on the other hand was completely baffled by all of it. Then there was you: completely and utterly confused.

 Dongho who felt the most awkward out of all of them walked in front of AJ and Kevin, thus leaving you in the back with Eli. He didn’t say much. He just walked along side you. He simply looked at the shops you all passed by as if nothing had happened.


A bewildered Eunmi looked at you and then at Eli. “You’re lying.” Eunmi kept a firm face as she stared down Eli. Eli then rested his head on your shoulder. His soft locks brushing the side of your face as he moved his head.

“I’m not. Kwon ____ is my girlfriend. Right jagiya?” Eli cooed from your shoulder. Eli had never been so close to you for so long. He could probably feel your heartbeat racing through your chest, your body’s heat radiating, the uncontrollable, nervous shaking, or possibly all of them together. Either way all your mind could process was Eli’s body near yours.

Eli nudged you and you finally jolted into the baffling reality. You nodded your yes and took Eli’s hand into yours as his fingers slowly entwined with your own. His surprisingly cold fingers now gaining warmth through your own.

And with that Eunmi and her clones stormed away deep into the restaurant.


“Ahh I’m tired!” Dongho yawned as he approached Eli’s car. “Hyung, can you take us home?” he asked as he approached Eli’s car. His obvious attempt to run away from the new situation set an ease to everyone else around him.

After everyone got in the car and Eli started driving, the one thing that could be heard was the sound of the radio that played some dance mixes of the current mainstream music in Korea. AJ stared at the window as his thoughts wandered while the night life of the city passed by. Dongho was staring out the opposite window as well. Kevin on the other hand was falling asleep between the two boys.

Eli finally came to a stop and let the boys out who apparently were going to sleep over at Kevin’s house as they had a project to work on for one of their classes. AJ put Kevin on his back and proceeded into the building with Dongho who was walking beside as they whispered to each other before looking back at the car. Dongho had obviously asked him a question about the two of you. Though you wouldn’t be able to read his mind, so your mind just wandered off into various results. Eli waited for the three of them to enter the building and then put the car into drive.

All you could think about were reasons why Eli would act the way he could. Several theories running through your mind as you played dectective. How were you supposed to understand his mind though? One theory that seemed to make sense in your mind was that he actually had feelings for Eunmi and was using you as a way to get revenge. You sighed as you stared out the window. Nothing seemed to make sense at the moment and for some reason you couldn’t savor the moment.

Silence filled the car as Eli passed by several houses and turned into the direction of your home. The street lights lightly dimming the pathway as Eli drove. You turned to him and looked at him His gaze was fixed on the road.

Even though he was fully aware of the eyes that were on him, he continued to keep his eyes on the road. He knew you were waiting for an explanation, but he could think of what to say. There were too many things going on through his mind. He honestly didn’t know what to say. In fact, he wasn’t too sure what he had done today. He was running out of time as the distance to your house shortened. He took a deep breath, his way to mentally prepare himself, as he parked in front of your house.

“I know you’re confused.” Eli blurted out, hands still on the steering wheel as his eyes avoided eye contact with you. His eyes were still fixed on the road even though the car wasn’t moving. It was his way of easing some of the uneasy feeling he had.

Eli’s long fingers released the grip on his steering wheel. He didn’t like talking about his feelings and it was certainly showing as he struggled to get his main point out.

“Right now I can’t explain what’s going on, but just do me this one favor and go with it will you?” he asked as he looked at you with pleading eyes: Those pleading eyes that had now become hard to deny.

“For how long?” you asked softly. He took your question as an acceptance to the agreement and slumped his shoulders in relief. “I’m not sure right now.” He sighed. His uncertainty confused you even more. What were his intentions with the whole situation and was he being truly honest?

As you were still unsure of actually agreeing, you sighed in frustration. “What do I get out of it?” you smiled as you tried to hide your inner enthusiasm.

Eli smirked. “Devious witch, you get to have me as your companion.” You rolled your eyes at him and smiled. His insults were starting to feel foreign as few were being exchanged throughout the last couple of encounters.

“A dog is a better companion than you.” You snickered as you lightly pushed him. Eli blushed and pushed you back. “So then yes?” he asked as he wanted more reassurance. Under the dim lighting to the street lamp, Eli tried to hide his pleading expression as he still wanted to keep his man pride.

“Fine, but you have to do as I say this time.” You smiled innocently at him. He groaned, but then held his hand out in agreement. Why he wished to make this contract was unknown to you, but the one thing that was for sure was that your excitement was overwhelming. Perhaps this was a way of him confessing.

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3/12 - I will update this week!


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Chapter 21: so sweet...update soon^^
Janghaeyo #2
Chapter 21: Eunmiiiii u errything up omg !!!
jsw19_ #3
Chapter 21: Hello there author!! I love your story!! Please, please update soon!! =D
Liyanamyssha #4
Chapter 21: This story is great. Please update soon....!
Chapter 21: Omgsh i absolutely love this story!! Please continue.
Kissme1626 #6
Chapter 21: Update soon please! I miss reading this fanfic! I really love it. ^^
Chapter 21: I miss here ):
Chapter 21: Please update soon T-T
I waited for the new update..
I refresh it all the time, to see if there's a new chapter :(
jessicawangsa #10
Chapter 21: get out from Eli's life, Eunmi err