First Meeting

Step to the Rhythm


A couple days later, Umma announced that I would be meeting someone important for the first time.

“Who?” I asked, totally intrigued. She wouldn’t tell me, though, no matter how much I nagged.

“Just get ready to go. And PLEASE, leave your Ipod here.” She smiled at me, as if that would make up for the loss of my precious item that was on my person at all times. Scowling, I handed my beautiful blue baby to Gang Daeho. He gave me an apologetic smile that my Umma couldn’t see has he put it in his pocket.

An hour later, I was in the car. Unfortunately, the window tints were on, and I couldn’t look around. Was It supposed to be a surprise or something? Maybe it was someone famous who didn’t want anyone to figure out where they lived. But if that was the case, obviously Gang Daeho knew where they lived, and it wasn’t like I was going to stalk them or anything. I wasn’t the ‘crazy fangirl’ type. Plus, I had an ‘image’ to uphold. But whatever.

Soon, we arrived at our destination. Once the door opened, I saw what looked like a normal building. I really had no idea where I was though, and I didn’t like the feeling. I made a vow to study a map of Seoul when we got back. I wanted to know my way around instead of being so totally lost. We went into the office-looking building and Umma walked right up to the receptionist’s desk.

“I have an appointment.”

“Name?” The woman looked up at Umma through thick glasses.

“Min Haneul.”

The woman nodded and typed something into her computer.  Then she held down a button with one of her long, slender fingers and spoke into a microphone.

“Mr. Kang, your guest has arrived.” After a little while, she waved us up. “Third floor, fifth door on the right.”“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be telling you this, but you’re going to be meeting Nu’EST.” Gang Daeho whispered to me.

“Chincha?” This did nothing to calm my nerves. I was a true L.O.V.E., but I knew that I shouldn’t act like a fangirl in front of them. I wasn’t much of a fangirling type, like I said, but still…

As we got to the fifth door on the right, I steadied my nerves and relaxed my face. I had this. It would be so much better in my normal clothes, though, and not this stupid outfit.  Umma carefully knocked on the door with her perfect, manicured fist. The door was opened by a smiling man who looked to be around forty.

“Please come in,” he said, ushering us inside. “The boys have been waiting for you.”

When I stepped inside, I was greeted by five smiling faces. Ren, JR, Aron, Minhyun, and Baekho. I knew their names right off the top of my head, and it felt so surreal to actually be standing in front of them. But I just smiled politely.

“ANNYOUNG!~” They chorused. “WE ARE NU’EST, URBAN ELECTRO BAND,” They introduced themselves one by one, striking poses. I stood in a slightly shocked silence.

Until JR fell on his .

Umma laughed her tinkling little laugh as he got back up, pouting. He reminded me of Sanghyo.

“How about we all go somewhere?” Umma suggested.

“Yeah!” Agreed Baekho immediately. “Let’s go shopping!”


Gang Daeho raised his eyebrows when we all walked out.

“Where are we going, Ma’am?”

Umma looked to Baekho to answer.

“Where do you guys want to go?” he asked the group.

I spent the next 2 hours at the mall with Nu’est. It was like a dream. They were all very nice to me, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. I knew there were millions of fangirls in the world who would kill to be in my place. But as awesome as it was… it didn’t feel real. They were perfect in every way, but that made them seem fake. Maybe it was just me, but… I don’t know. It was everything I could have expected, and I knew I should be grateful. So I smiled and had a good time.

JR reminded me so much of Sanghyo. I couldn’t talk to him straight, because he was so like the friend I had left behind. I’m sure he thought I was weird, but I didn’t care. We looked through the different stores, looking at all of the odd things and even making Ren try on a couple different things. In the end, it was the most fun I had had in weeks. I felt relieved to let go and laugh, just realizing how uptight I had been since I got there.


The next couple weeks passed, and Umma introduced me to lots of other people. None of them really stood out to me, though. At least, not in a good way. Until one afternoon…

A/N: I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I explained in my blog, if you didn't read it... My laptop was taken away from me. I didn't clean my room...haha....
Also, I'm sorry for being lazy at the end! I really have no good excuse for that. But SHINee is coming up soon! Don't worry!
With Love <3


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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]