Debt is a Big Thing

Step to the Rhythm


The next day was Saturday and I had hip hop class at 10. I walked into the studio, turning on the lights as I went. I was always the first person in the studio, sometimes even before my coach. But today Coach Kim beat me there, and she was filling out paperwork in her office.

“Hey, Coach Kim.” I said, greeting her.

“Sup, Chan?” replied Coach Kim, looking up from the form she was filling out.

“How much are we learning today?” We were learning the choreography for a new rap song in class.

“A lot. We’re going to work hard today!” The Coach smiled and went back to her paperwork.

“Good.” I went to go set up the dance room. As I flipped on the lights, I saw about 10 refelctions of myself in the mirrors. I just stood there for a while, absorbing the feeling I get when I am in the studio. I shivered and glanced towards an open window on the far side of the room. Who would leave the window open overnight? Mo. I walked over and closed the window, then the space heater.

Then, Rebecca came. Rebecca was a short kid, and the youngest of all the dancers. Her rhythm and sharpness were good, but she needed to work on her footwork. Rebecca was only 12. There were 7 girls in my dance class, with ages ranging from Rebecca’s to mine. From youngest to oldest, there was Rebecca, Kelly, Samantha, Gwen, Fyra, Danielle, and me.

As soon as everyone arrived, Coach Kim started practice. The moves were complicated, lyrical in some parts and sharp in others. It was fun, though, and by the time we were done, I was worked out but happy and energized. Coach Kim gave us a sign-up sheet for the recital in spring. I was so excited, I started filling it out before class was over.

Since Samantha and I lived near each other, we walked home together. The dance studio, unlike everything else around here, was near enough to my house to walk to. It was very convenient for Appa, because he had lots of stuff he needed to be doing besides driving me to dance every other day.

As we walked, we talked about dance today. Sam complained about one move towards the middle of the tutting section, and we walked and laughed as I tried to show it to her and we both ended up looking like idiots.

When I got home, Appa was in the bathroom. I went to go put the sign-up form on his desk, when I saw a letter addressed to our house. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. It had already been opened. Inside there was just a piece of paper folded into thirds. It was a really nice piece of paper, too, pretty stationary with birds along the edges. But I forgot about that as soon as I saw the contents.

Kae, when are you going to tell Heechan

 about the move? Debt is a big thing, you can’t

 hide that from her for long. You got yourself

into this mess, and It’s a pity you had to

drag my daughter into it.

I’ll be waiting.

 Don’t be late!

From Ha Neul

Haneul… that was my mother’s name. The move? What was this? We were moving? What did she mean by ‘debt is a big thing’… was Appa hiding something from me? He looked so stressed when he was paying the taxes. But another thing… Why is my mother writing my father? They had been divorced for a long time, and I’m pretty sure she hates him. So why…

“Hey, ChaCha-“ started Appa, coming out of the restroom. When he saw the paper in my hand, his eyes got wide.

“Appa…” I held up the paper. “What is this?”


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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]