Jonghyun's Attempt

Step to the Rhythm

Narrator POV

"Alright. Kim Jonghyun, you've got this~" Jonghyun told himself, calming his nerves as he stood in front of Heechan's house. He knocked on the door. 
Jonghyun had decided that since none of his other bandmates seemed to have the initiative to try and help Heechan get over her grief for her father, including Minho who allegedly had a crush on her, he would step up. Heechan needed a friend, and Jonghyun decided that he was perfect for the job. His plan was to get her out of the house and distract her, to take her out somewhere where her problems wouldn't seem to matter so much anymore and she could feel better. If he was honest, he had no confidence that this was the right way to go about it, but seeing as he couldn't come up with anything better he decided that he would just try his best. 
The door opened to reveal Gang Daeho, Haneul's personal assistant that Jonghyun was familiar with. 
"Hello, Jonghyun-ssi" said Gang Daeho with an air of surprise. "Are you here to see Heechan, by yourself?" The SHINee boys came over to see Heechan a lot, but Jonghyun couldn't remember ever going there alone. He always at least had one other member along in the past. 
"Neh," replied Jonghyun. "The others were busy..." 
"I see." Gang Daeho said and ushered him in. "Miss Heechan is in her room, but she's in a really foul mood today..." He continued in a whisper. "Min Haneul and she had a fight earlier today."
Jonghyun nodded. "Thanks, I hope I can cheer her up. I'm sure it's fine if I take her out?"
Gang Daeho nodded. "Normally I would tell you to ask Min Haneul, but I think she would be glad just to have Heechan out of the house right now."
Jonghyun thanked him again as he took off his shoes and started climbing the stairs to Heechan's bedroom. The door was closed, and when he knocked he was met with a very grumpy-looking Heechan. 
"Jonghyun? What are you doing here?"
Jonghyun grinned. "Come on and get ready, we're going shopping!"
I groaned as Jonghyun dragged me to yet another store. We had been in the mall all afternoon. Shopping never was my thing, and we had almost gotten caught by fangirls twice. I honestly didn't see the point in coming. 
"Heechan, come on!" Jonghyun whined, adjusting his sunglasses. 
"I'm not Key, you know! I don't just walk around stores for fun." I scowled, catching up to him. 
"I know you're not..." He started, confused. Then he seemed to shake the thought. "But you need to get away from things! Have fun!"
"Thanks, Jonghyun, but I don't think that that's going to happen when you keep repeating that. My 'problems' won't just go away from shopping. I don't even have problems... I just want to be left alone." Seeing the hurt look on his face, I added, "But thank you for trying to help, and thinking of me. I'm sure you have much better things to do. I'm very grateful."
He sort of nodded and I grinned. "Don't you think Key would love that bag?" I asked, pointing. Jonghyun looked over at it. 
"Yeah, he would! He-" Jonghyun saw my face and realized I was teasing. "Yah!!!" I laughed. 
Sort of. 
I spent the last few hours before dinner on a bench in the park. I just laid on it and stared up at the clouds, grateful to them and the dimming light  for hiding the bright sun that would normally irritate my sensitive eyes from laying like this. I closed my eyes and just mulled over today's events. The fight with Umma. I don't even remember what that was about...
"Heechan? Is that you?" A familiar voice. Minho? My eyes flew open just as the clouds moved out of the sunlight and it hit me full in the face, causing my eyes to water badly. I quickly moved my arm up to dab at my eyes with my sleeve.  I was still laying down, but I could hear footsteps coming my way and soon Minho's large eyes were in my line of sight. 
"Are you crying??" He asked, sounding stressed. 
"No, no. It's the sun..." I assured him, finishing wiping my eyes. He didn't look convinced. I sighed and sat up. 
"No, it's okay, lay back down!" He said. 
"Ohkayyy" I laid back down and covered my eyes with my arms to keep out the sun. 
"What are you doing out here?" He asked. I heard him sit on the grass next to the bench. 
"Pouting..." I said. "And avoiding my umma."
"...You can't avoid her forever, you know." Minho said after a moment.
"Yeah," I agreed, my eyes still covered. "But she's such a pain... I don't know what my appa saw in her."
Honestly, I felt terrible. I had lived alone with Appa for 13 years, so I should be worse now that he's dead, right? I felt like I didn't feel sad enough. I felt detached from him somehow, as if maybe this was all a dream and soon I would wake up in my bedroom with glow stars. I'm not in denial, I know it's happening, but things were so surreal. The last year had gone by too fast. 
"Nevertheless, she's all you have left now." Minho's voice snapped me back to reality.
"That's not true. I have Gang Daeho. And you guys."
"Yeah, you do." He said confidently. "Definitely. But she's also your family, and she can't be completely bad. I know her well too, and I think she just wants to help you..."
"Yeah, you're right." I shrugged and readjusted my sweater over my face.  "But, why are you out here, Minho?" He hesitated, as though debating whether or not to tell me something. "I was taking a walk."
"Taking a walk?"
"Yeah... You know, to clear my mind?" He said the last part as a question. 

I shot straight up and almost fell off the bench. It was dark outside. I had fallen asleep???
"Good morning, sunshine." I must have jumped a mile. 
"Minho! You startled me! You... Why are you still here?" I started to get worried. "Did you stay here the whole time? What time is it? Aren't you tired? Don't you have schedules?" I said all in one breath. Minho blinked before attempting to answer. 
"Yes, I did. No, and it's almost 9:30. Not right now." He grinned "Did that cover everything?"
"Yeah...." I stared at him in bewilderment. "You just... Sat there? What? Don't tell me you're not tired, you guys work so hard! Don't let me be a problem." He just smiled. 
"It's okay. I wanted to." I continued to  stare at him. 
"Boy, you cray."



tl;dr I'm not doing so good on writing quicker chapters... OTL I wish I could update faster at least! Anyway, please enjoy~

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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]