Arrival and Min Ha Neul

Step to the Rhythm


I ‘Crayon’ by GDragon as I sat in the airplane. The lively song didn’t reflect my mood, unfortunately. I was so sad to leave Sang Hyo behind. I wondered if Skype would work halfway across the world. It was supposed to, but it didn’t work all that well when she visited Australia over Christmas last year. What would Christmas be like in South Korea? Would it be like it is in Kdramas? Probably not, the people and places in Kdramas were usually too good to be true. Although Umma is famous… Then, it could also be a lot of boring social parties where I didn’t know anyone. If only Sanghyo were with me…

Thinking in loops that way, my strange mind went all over the place. The nice Korean lady next to me had her laptop on and was watching…was that Secret Garden?

I stepped out of the terminal, scanning the crowd for Umma and pulling my wheeled suitcase behind me. The Incheon airport was huge, nothing like BWI. Everything here was made of steel and glass, it was very modern.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion to my left. I turned to see a sophisticated- looking lady striding confidently in my direction, a crowd of fans surrounding her. She came up to me and studied my face, then put her arm around me and turned to face her little audience.

“This is my daughter, Hee Chan.” She said, smiling. I was instantly surrounded by fangirls and fanboys alike, snapping photos on their phones and squealing.


We walked side by side through the airport. Umma was pretty, and she wore tall heels and dark sunglasses. She smiled at everybody, and everyone seemed to hold a great respect for her. People stared and whispered when they saw her walk by, and I felt special just by being near her.

We got to the main entrance of the airport. Outside, a sleek black car with dark windows was parked, waiting for us. My eyes widened.

Dang, she was rich!

I knew she was well known, but not like this… I guess those websites didn’t do her much justice. Or was this small for South Korea? If Umma was this rich, I could only imagine what the big-shot K-Pop artists were like. I hoped I would get to meet them.

A man in a black suit opened the door for me and took my suitcase to the trunk. I felt like a princess, which was actually pretty ironic.

Umma and I got in the backseat of the car, and she took off her sunglasses. For the first time, I got a good look at her. She was really pretty, with long slender legs and shoulder length hair. Her eyes were almond shaped with thick dark lashes, and she had high cheekbones. I could see a lot of my face in her. She was wearing expensive-looking, fashionable clothes, a miniskirt and a jacket over a sky blue blouse. It was nice, but I personally preferred my comfortable uniform of distressed jeans and a t-shirt.

“Heechan,” she said, smiling at me. “I’ve missed you so much. How are you? You’re going to have to tell me all about life in the States.”

The drive to the house from the airport took about 20 minutes. Along the way, we passed large houses and shopping centers. It was really weird to see Korean writing everywhere. I hadn’t really paid much attention to how much writing was all around me, on signs and roads, until I couldn't read it.

Soon, the black car pulled into a sweeping circular driveway. I gazed up at my new home. It was much larger than my house in America, but just about every house was. The door was opened by the same man in the black suit, and I was led inside. I almost expected to see servants running around doing chores, but the house was empty. Umma came in behind me.

“Come on, let’s show you to your room.” She led the way up two flights of stairs to a bedroom painted navy blue. My favorite color. I set my suitcase on the bed.

“Wow. Thank you so much!” I turned to my Umma, smiling.

“Of course, honey. Oh,” she said, as if she had suddenly thought of something. “You listen to K-pop, of course, right?”

“Mhm.” I really didn’t know what she was going to say.

“What’s your favorite group?” Whatever I was expecting, it wasn’t that.

“Nu’est,” I said, probably looking surprised and curious and kind of stupid.

She thought. “The newer group, huh? Interesting.” She turned back to me. “You have good taste.” She patted me on the back and began to walk out the door. “Why don’t you go ahead and unpack. Just call me if you need anything!”

I nodded and ped my suitcase. I wondered why she cared about my K-pop preferences. 

A/N: Sorry, This was a really short chapter for such a long break. ^^; But  I plan to do better soon! I finally have it all laid out, so  I will be working hard. Also, please answer my poll! <3 thank you for reading!

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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]