Fight the Bad Feeling

Step to the Rhythm


I woke up on Chaera’s couch. It was light outside, but just barely. I had a splitting headache. I groaned and pulled myself up. There were empty food containers and playing cards strewn all over the living area, and Chaera was asleep on the floor, holding her favorite stuffed cheetah. She sure was a wuss for a 17 year old girl. I carefully stepped over her and began cleaning up. I’m not SO mean of a person that I would leave her house with a mess. I stacked the playing cards on the coffee table and put the empty boxes and containers on the kitchen counter. Then I carefully stepped past her sleeping form and out the door.

Outside, the air was still and humid, and the sun was halfway up the sky. I guessed it was about 8:00. As I walked the mile back to my house, I remembered the events of yesterday.

‘The Events of Yesterday.’, huh. Like some sort of national disaster.

Sanghyo called for the first time in four months… Had  I really yelled at her like that? My head throbbed.

I finally reached the front door of my – Umma’s – house. I wasn’t out of breath. Even though it wasn’t running, I was proud of myself.

I opened the front door and a wave of cool air greeted me. I guess Umma had finally the air conditioning. Speaking of the witch, as soon as I opened the door her heels clicked up to me angrily. I squeezed my eyes shut as the sound bore a hole through my skull with every step she took.

“KAE HEECHAN!” she yelled.

“Bouyo? Umma, I have a headache…” she pretended not to hear the last part and stormed on.

“Where were you? You never told me you were going out! I had no way to know where you were! What if you had died?? Do you know what would happen to me then?? The press would have a field day!!!” I glared up at her, headache forgotten. Was her career really all she cared about?


“Are you suddenly and irresponsible child?!” she spat. “YOU NEED TO TELL ME WHERE YOU’RE GOING OR I WILL WORRY!!”

“Yeah, you’ll worry, but not about me! You only care about me to boost your career! YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF! WHY DIDN’T YOU EVEN THINK OF TELLING ME ABOUT MY APPA, HUH? SAD DAUGHTERS BAD FOR PUBLICITY??”

“Your father isn’t important! He’s a piece of trash, and if he’s dying, even better! You don’t need to be influenced by someone like that, so the quicker he gets out of your life and you forget about him, the better!”

I stared. I pretty much knew my parents hated each other, but I had no idea that she could want him DEAD. I was young when they divorced, so I don’t remember what happened, but it must have been a million times worse than I imagined. I laughed slightly.

“It’s really a good thing your fans don’t know the real you. Your career would fall apart.” I glared daggers at her and stormed up the stairs to my room.

The blanket on the bed and the floor were perfectly clean of blood, and even the trash can was empty of a broken glass picture frame. It was as if nothing happened. I jumped onto the bed and flipped on the television, switching through the channels until I landed on something interesting.

Very interesting.

It was an interview of ‘The new rookie group from TS, BEAU-TIE.’

The interview was by that one guy who is ALWAYS on Korean TV. I don’t even know his name. There were seven girls on the screen, laughing and answering the questions he asked.

One girl had long, dark hair and dark eyes.

One had bright eyes and a weird but cute laugh.

Another girl was very serious-looking with cat-like eyes and layered hair.

The fourth member was interesting. She had on bright makeup and lots of accessories, but she didn’t look bad, not at all.

Two more of the girls looked like twins. One had long black hair and one had long bleached hair. The one with black hair had bigger eyes. They looked sweet and innocent, the one with bleached hair not as much as the black-haired one.

And finally, the maknae. You could just tell she was the maknae by looking at her.




So I guess this was her group. BEAU-TIE. The one that was debuting in two weeks. I watched the interview intently. The mean-looking girl with dark eyes was telling a story that made the light-haired twin-looking girl blush.

“It wasn’t anything what we expected! It was so out of the ordinary, you know?” the other members laughed and nodded while the girl with the bleached hair stared at her feet.’

“Mi Na, You weren’t supposed to tell anyone about that!” whispered the dark haired- twin like girl. The mean-looking one, Mi Na I suppose, covered a little and giggled.

“Sorry!” The interviewer guy laughed and began asking another question.

“Sung Ah, who has the best style in the group?” he pointed the absurdly colorful microphone at the girl with cat eyes.

“Well, I would think it would be obvious. Tiara has the most style of all of us put together.”

“And the attitude to match!” chimed in the girl with the doe-like eyes. More laughter. They seemed really close to me. The girl in the colorful makeup, Tiara, leaned forward.

“I like fashion. I think to have a good style that is all your own is very appealing  and it gives you individuality.”

“Good answer!” said Interview Guy.

The pair of dark hair- light hair twins got the next question.

“Okay! Jinyu and Minyu. You two are unrelated,” they nodded. “But, you look very much  alike and your names are similar. People are already calling you two the ‘twins of BEAU-TIE. How do you feel about that?”

The girl with the bleached hair, either Minyu or Jinyu, took the microphone. “It’s a very interesting experience for us. I have no siblings, so having Minyu with me and being called her twin is nice for me, it’s like she’s actually my sister. We’re all family, we live together, and I think it’s a great experience overall.” I guess her name was Jinyu then. I know I’m going to get them mixed up.

“Good answer!” the man said again. “Alright, BEAU-TIE! How about we play a game? I will ask a question, and you point to whoever the answer is! You all have seen this before, right?” he seemed overly cheerful.

The girl named Minyu cheered and whispered something to Jinyu.

“Okay! Question 1! Who eats the most? 1, 2, 3!” Three people pointed to Sanghyo and four pointed to Sungah. Sanghyo had pointed to herself, I noted with a small laugh. That girl ate like a pigwhale.

“Looks like SungAh wins with one vote!”

“I guess I do eat a lot, but I like to think I exercise a lot and dance to balance it out.” Sungah said with  a laugh. “I pointed to Sanghyo! She eats SO much!” Sanghyo and the others laughed.

“Okay, next question! Which member has the weirdest sleeping habits?” everyone but Tiara pointed to Sanghyo. Tiara had pointed to Jinyu, but then she switched to Sanghyo when she saw that she was the only one who hadn’t picked her.

“Sanghyo screams in her sleep! It’s scary!!” said Minyu.

“What? She screams?”

“Only when I have weird dreams!” said Sanghyo.

“One time I woke up to screaming, and I thought that someone was being attacked! So I ran into Sanghyo’s room and she was still asleep! It scared me out of my pajamas!” laughed Jinyu.

“Yeah right it’s only weird dreams, you must have strange dreams all the time! Someone needs to buy you a muzzle, really…” said Ashley.

I smiled a little and flipped off the TV. I had homework, and it was only like 8:30 in the morning, but I rolled over and tried to get some sleep. I felt like I deserved it, anyway.

OTL I can't believe this... It took me so long for this chapter! I totally procrastinated, I don't think I've updated since Thanksgiving! Please forgive me! It's so long, too.... geez.... but I just got updates on my braces! Powerchains and rubber bands, ow... Plus it's the holidays. *excuses* I will try to do better in the future!! Hope you liked it, anyway~~

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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]