Let's Just Rant

Step to the Rhythm


I walked into Seoul Private Academy for what felt like the millionth time that year. I hurriedly walked to my locker, not really talking to anyone. I wasn’t particularly shy or bullied or anything, but… I felt like I didn’t quite fit in here. All of the other girls were pretty and the stereotypical ‘rich girls’. They had shortened their skirts, wore lipstick that’s brightness could burn your eyes out, and I’m pretty sure at least ¾ of them wore circle lenses on a daily basis. Like, seriously.

“Heechan!” Seohyun called in a sickly sweet voice, running to me. Ugh, I couldn’t stand her. I turned around and smiled.

“What’s up?” I said in English. Apparently everyone thought that it was really cool to speak English. Whatever.

“I have … a… question.” She said in broken and heavily accented English. She smiled proudly and continued in Korean. “Which hair bow do you like better?” She put two different hair bows up to her perfectly styled hair and struck a pose.

“Hm… the blue one.” I said, pointing.

“You’re right! Thank you!~” She giggled and went back to her friends. Like I said, nobody didn’t like me, as far as I knew, but I was just… kind of on my own. I have Chaera, but even she has her own little group of friends. They’ve been in school together for so long that it didn’t feel right to be hanging out with them, and they were constantly having to explain inside jokes to me. So I pretty much just stayed by myself, bared it through the day, and then relaxed more when I got home.

I slid into my seat a second before the bell rang and proceeded to daze off for the full period. Actually, every period until lunch. I’m pretty good at that. So anyway, it was lunchtime. This particular rich kid school has a nice café and tables instead of the general ‘school food’ and semi-cleanliness that I had been used to in my old school. You see, at my old school, you went through a lunch line, and then sat down at your class table and ate with people  that you could stand. Oh no, not at SPA. Here, you picked one of the freaking RESERAUNTS that were there, bought your food, and chose one of the little tables that sat anywhere from 2-6 people and sat with your friends. It was like a mall food court, I swear.

Nobody brought their lunch. Nope, nobody. Even the nerdiest, dorkiest girl in the school bought the cheapest lunch there rather than bring her own lunch. That just goes to show what a terrible place I’m in. I might really die here.

Also, has anyone else noticed Jonghyun acting weird lately? That kid is always up to something.

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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]