Whipped-Just the Yolk

Step to the Rhythm




"What? You did what??" Jonghyun was freaking out. Minho had just told him that he had seen Heechan after Jonghyun had the day before.

"I know! And..." Minho continued sheepily. "She fell asleep. She is so cute when she sleeps..." Jonghyun stared. Minho was WHIPPED. But Jonghyun couldn't help but feel... Jealous? Jonghyun had tried so hard to cheer Heechan up, gone out of his way, even, and Minho just happened to run into her and do just what Jonghyun had failed to do. He knew he shouldn't think so selfishly, but he had wanted to be the one to cheer Heechan up.

*No, it's better this way.* he thought. *Minho has a good chance now. I should be a good friend and root for him.*



Mina sighed. How perfect was he? His sharp jawline, his thin, gorgeous eyes, the confidence that radiated from his every pore-she wished she could be like him. Of course, she would never tell her other members how she felt. She knew they would make fun of her- she had gained the nickname 'BEAU-TIE's Ice Princess' since their debut. But a small part of her (SMALL, she insisted to herself) fangirled over him incessantly. Everything she saw now reminded her of him. Even though she had only talked to him once, impersonally, she still daydreamed that she had a chance.

"Unnie!~" she heard Jinyu call out. Cursing, she quickly exited the window on her laptop and swiveled to see her groupmate, her customary glare replaced in her face and all signs of the dreamy state she had just been in obliterated.

"What do you want?"

"We're having ramyun for dinner, Ashley wants to know if you want egg. She forgot." Jinyu replied, shrugging her long blonde hair over her shoulder; she was oblivious to Mina's attempt at intimidation. Mina sighed.

"Yes. Just the yolk, please." Jinyu nodded and went off to report to Ashley. Once she was sure she was safe once again, Mina reopened the page and continued stalking. Er... Looking.

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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]