Will I See You Again?

Step to the Rhythm


Soon, I began attending a girl’s private school in Seoul. The school was nice, and I got along okay with the other girls. On the first day, I managed to go by mostly unnoticed, which was how I liked it. On the bus ride home, though, my thoughts were on a totally different subject.

Meeting SHINee had been so much fun. I remembered meeting Nu’est and how it had seemed not quite real to me, that they were too perfect. Meeting SHINee had been different. I wasn’t sure how, but they felt like normal kids, people I could actually get to know. Maybe I would be lucky enough to get to know them. I truly hoped I would, but a part of me insisted that I was nothing but another stuck-up famous person’s daughter to them.

Maybe I could change that.

When I got home, I asked Umma if I could meet SHINee again.

“I’m sure they’re very busy, Heechan dear, I don’t see why they would need to see you again. You already met them once.” She offered me a slice of the apple she was cutting for herself. I took it and sat down on the bar stool next to her.

“Yeah, but I really liked them, and I want to hang out with them more. I don’t have any friends here, Umma. Can’t you just ask them for me?”

“Why don’t you have friends at school? There are plenty of nice girls there; I know most of them myself.” I was sure that the girls Umma thought she knew weren’t the same in school as they were meeting their parents’ friends. Sure, the girls had been nice to me today, but I wasn’t sure how long that was going to last.

“That just isn’t the same. Will you please ask for me? Please?” Umma looked at me for a while and then finally nodded.

“Alright. I’ll ask. But if you get into any trouble or cause a burden to them in any way, you won’t be able to see them again. Arasso?”


Heh. She seemed like a pretty okay umma then.


I decided to write my first letter to Sanghyo. I admit, I had been procrastinating . But I figured I owed her this much. As I sat down to write, I found that I didn’t have much to say. I decided to start simple.


You have no idea how much I miss you! I wish you could be here in Seoul with me. It’s so pretty here. Spring will be coming soon, and I will get to see the city in full bloom. How are you? How is Appa? How is Coach Kim? I have so much I want to tell you, please write back. I’m sorry for not writing sooner. I’m sorry I sent that bear, but it was for the best. Please tell me all about how things are going back home, I hope to see you soon.



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Chapter 21: Nice!~ Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 8: Wahhh! True L.O./\.E here!!! >w< of course i'm also a shawol :3 Fighting~!
Chapter 2: Hetalia references in the second chapter? I think I'm gonna like this story~ ^^
Chapter 19: Awh Minho has a little crush!!! That's cute! I honestly thought it would be Jonghyun that likes her! Great update and a happy new year! ^^
Chapter 19: Omo, Minho...and happy new year! :]