He kissed me.

Will you ever be mine?

Hi guys I'm really happy cuz like...i dont know. I watched the last episode of To the Beautiful You and I'm starting the Panda and hedgehog one (WITH DONGHAE :D) yayyyy happiness. AND SHINEES NEW SONG IS COMING OUT TOMORROW AND IM SPAZZING AND DYING.

ok back to some sad stories :(


He hates me. How will I face him tomorrow? Maybe I shoud just stay in my room...avoid him. I thought, tears running down my face. I needed a tissue. I looked around my room. Crap no tissues...they're in...the living room. No. I don't want to go. But I knew I had too since the manager wouldn't want my eyes all red and puffy and plus, we had a show tomorrow. Ugh. I reluctantly got up.

I opened my door inch by inch and checked if anyone was there. The coast was clear. I scurried to the stairs to the living room and spotted my saviour! Yes! Just get done with it and go! I tiptoead really fast (if thats possible...) and took the box. I started to run back up the stairs when I strong arm grasped me by the waist. Not Minho...crap.


"Let go Minho please" I squeaked. So embarrasing.

I struggled but Minho held me even tighter. I knew I couldn't escape from his strong arms, he went to the gym almost everyday. It hurt.

"Taemin why did you run" he breathed in ear and I shivered.

"Minho I just..want some time to myself. Just leave me alone" I tried to get away but he still held on. Ouch.

"I wont let you go. Ever." he said. He used his free hand to turn my face towards his. He leaned in and pressed really hard on my stomach.

"OUCH MINHO STOP" I screamed in pain. But he didn't. 

"STOP. PLEASE. IT HURTS TO MUCH OUCHH AHHH!!!" I started crying. Ouchhhh it hurts so much stop Minho. He stopped when he saw my tears. 

"Taemin are you alright?" he said, letting me go.

"OF COURSE I'M NOT" I said and ran up and locked the door behind me.


Crap I hurt him again. He looked so beautiful and delicate. I looked at the arm which had caused him so much pain. "..."

I slouched up to my room. From the other side I could hear silent cries of pain. My heartbroke. How could I do this to him? He was 2 years younger than me and I inflicted so much pain upon him. I forced him to have  with me. While he was drunk. 

"I'm sorry Taemin...I didn't mean to take advantage of you" I whispered to the wall, knowing there was no one there to answer. 

At that point I decided. No matter what I would get him. I would confess. 

No matter what.


I walked over to my bed and broke down into tears again. Before I knew it I had gone off to sleep, cried myself to sleep. 

Bright light hurt my eyes. "Ugh..." I got up and scratched my head. Outside it was a sunny day but I could see storm clouds approaching. Rubbing my eyes I got out of the bed and was amazed at what I saw. I mountain of tissues was lying on my bedside table. If Key Umma sees this he'll be worried I thought picking them up and throwing them all into the trash. I went to the bathroom and saw my hair was a mess. There was extreme pain in my lower back. I stretched it and almost screamed. I never knew something could hurt so much. Physically and Emotionally. Ugh. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair and with much diffuculty, stepped into the shower. I let the warm water was all the dirt off of me. I walked out and dried myself and put on my outfit. We were going to perform many songs at our concert. (this is the concert where they performed Kiss Kiss Kiss...loved that performance so much and its one of my favorite songs thats why I chose it).

I walked downstairs and the smell of Key's cooking wafted towards me. It smelled so nice.

"Hi Taebaby breakfast time!" he said, flipping pancakes. At the table where Jonghyun, Onew, and Minho.

"We were waiting for you, do you shower in super slow motion or something?" said Jonghyun.

"I lost my pants rippito flippito sippi slow motionnn" Onew sang (yes he does watch eatyourkimchi XD)

I rolled my eyes. 

Minho ignored me completely. Yup I was right...he hates me. I felt tears springing in my eyes but I stopped them. This is no time for tears, Taemin.

Suddenly Minho got up.

"Taemin I need to talk to you." he said and took me by the hand and pulled me outside. He started running.

"Yah Minho...whats up with you today?" I asked, surprised. He ignored me...once again.

We finally stopped at a park. I looked up at Minho.

"Minho why did you take me here? Was it to tell how much you regreted what you did with me last night. I know you feel that way. I also feel regret that--"

"Stop. talking." he said

Then he took me by the head and bent down.

He kissed me. 

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Chapter 25: That was so sweet, though I wish that there were a few more chapters! (^_^)
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 25: aww love tis its sweet
SohAnna #3
Chapter 25: Nice ending!!! But its too fast... ;_; it was truly a wondeful story!!!
Chapter 25: Waaaaa..... It's ended.. :) Of course, Taemin will always be Minho's. What? Minho's unlucky?? LOL! And oh, jongkey... <3 Everybody!! Happy ending, sweet.... :')
Chapter 24: finally onew got a date..yaaaa!! so happy.. btw the necklace is so cool..do yoy know where to get one?? :D
Chapter 2: fanservice?? yeahhhhh..