So Warm...

Will you ever be mine?


I sang to Krystal and she sang back. I scowled inside. We stared at eachother, but I wasn't thinking of her. I was thinking of how I could explain this to Taemin. I didn't even notice him come up behind me, that was my biggest mistake. 

"Get off of him Krystal" he whispered. I jumped and looked around to see Taemin looking at Krystal with a dangerous face. But Krystal didn't budge. 

"Taemin whats wrong?" I can explain backstage..backstage

"YOU KNOW WHATS WRONG!" he yelled. Fans screamed in shock. No Taemin don't start a scene here please please no

"Taemin...lets just talk about this later please" I pleaded. Please I beg of you...

"NO CHOI MINHO. No." he lowered his voice to a whisper. At least fans can't hear...but what is he gonna do next?

"You are never getting him" Krystal said.  Krystal just shut your mouth please!

"I am " Oh cra--

He kissed me on the lips. It lasted for a few seconds. I didn't want to let go but I had to, I had to put on a face of shock and fury. Mianhae Taemin..I'm sorry

"YAH! LEE TAEMIN! WHY DID YOU KISS ME?!" I said, trying to make a shocked expression. I moved away from him dragging Krystal with me. I saw tears in his eyes.

I almost cried myself, but I kept it in. I can't believe I did this to you Taemin, I'm so so sorry. So sorry. I just wanted to die. 

Will he forgive me this time?


I was alone. Again. Fans cheered

"2MIN! 2MIN! 2MIN! 2MIN!" I put my hands on my ears. Stop stop stop stop. I started to cry. "2MIN! 2MIN!" the fans cheered even louder.

I felt a strong pair of hands pull me and push me backstage. They sat me down on a chair. I looked up to see Jonghyun staring at me. 

"Taemin..what? What are you doing.." he said and bent down so we were eye level.

"Care to explain?" he said. I knew he wasn't mad..but he wasn't pleased either.

"I-I hyung I don't know it just" I cried harder "I didn't know what was happening I just--I DON'T KNOW HYUNG!" and I cried even harder.

He pulled me into a hug. "It's ok Taemin, shh" he said and ruffled my hair. "We can talk about this later" he said and smiled at me.

I warmed me up a bit. I smiled weakly back at him. Thank you hyung...

"I'll go get some drinks" he said and went off. I started looking for Key Umma.

As if he could hear my thoughts he appeared in front of me.

"Taemin-ah" he said and started crying. He embraced me.

"Yah--hyung why are you crying?" I asked

"I'm so sorry..I can't believe MEANho did this to you!" he said, sobbing. Aish...what a diva.

"It's fine..why are you saying sorry?" I whispered.

"I just feel so..terrible Taemin! I'm so sorry. But Taemin" he looked at me with serious eyes. "never forget, as much as Minho may hurt you, never forget that he loves you. Trust me, he does" and with that he went away.

I stood there, confused. Never forget that he loves you...

I walked to the vending machine to find Jonghyun and Key kissing. I should leave. I thought and tiptoed away. Where is Onew hyung?

I turned around and bumped into someone. "AH! MIANHAE!" I said.

"Its fine Tae" I looked up to see Sulli.

"Oh hi Sulli!" I said and smiled. 

"You ok?" she said with worry on her face.

"Yeah sure why?" I said.

"I know you love Minho...I'm sorry" I gasped in surprise.

"How did--"

"I just know Tae!" she said and smiled. "but Taemin seriously..never forget. He loves you. Never forget that..and trust me, I'm like your sister right?" she said and smiled. Manager was calling her.

"I have to go now, annyeong!" she said and waved and walked away.

Never forget that he loves me? Thats the second time I've heard that today.

"Its true Taemin..never forget that I love you." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see Minho.

"Minho hyu--"

He pushed me up against the wall.

"Do you want to know why I'm with Krystal?" he said staring at me.

"" say it Taemin..say it "yes. I do want to know." I said

"B-because.." he hesitated

"It's fine if you don't want--"

"We are dating." he said

My eyes widened. I looked to the ground in dissapointment. Of course Taemin..

"For fanservice. Manager told me I had to or I would get fired." he added.

Fanservice?! Krystal?! Minho?! I sighed in relief. At least he doesn't love her...

"But Taemin I love you so much.." he breathed in my ear. I shivered.

"Are you mad?" he asked.

"Of course not pabo!" I said and pecked his lips.

He smiled. "thank you Taemin" 

He pecked me back.

"You're welcome..."

I hugged him. His embrace felt so good..

So warm..


Hi guys I finally got the whole fanservice thing out of the way! YAY! and thanks to all my subscribers and always

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Chapter 25: That was so sweet, though I wish that there were a few more chapters! (^_^)
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 25: aww love tis its sweet
SohAnna #3
Chapter 25: Nice ending!!! But its too fast... ;_; it was truly a wondeful story!!!
Chapter 25: Waaaaa..... It's ended.. :) Of course, Taemin will always be Minho's. What? Minho's unlucky?? LOL! And oh, jongkey... <3 Everybody!! Happy ending, sweet.... :')
Chapter 24: finally onew got a date..yaaaa!! so happy.. btw the necklace is so yoy know where to get one?? :D
Chapter 2: fanservice?? yeahhhhh..