Dont Forget Me

Dancing in the rain


Kaia diddn't want to be rude so she turned around to show to Leeteuk that she wasn't snooping. Knowing that Leeteuk couldn't see her expressions, Kaia smiled to herself.

Kaia POV

I had never been so happy in my life, this man was so kind and considerate, I had never met anyone like him, and he had even asked me about my life what was happning in my life not anyone elses, my life.
Did he even care? Was he really intrested? Or was he just speaking with no words? Because I have had that many times, even with my paitents when I was a theorpest, they just diddnt care what they said or how I replyed even if its for their own good.
But that diddn't have to be him, I really diddn't want him to be one of thoes guys, Jung soo was better than that surly...
Without wanting to, he wasn't being discrete on the phone, I caught small snippits of his convosation as they came my way.

Leeteuk:"-why call?"

             "-go back to bed"

              "-well then find another pillow"

              "-it's late!"

              "-go to sleep"

               "-tell him to get off his game!"

               "-no you cant touch my stuff!"

               "-shut him up then!"

I heard him punch the 'end call' on his phone so I turned back around to face his dripping wet features of his perfect face.

Leeteuk:"I'm really sorry about that"

Kaia:"No thats fine. Here," I reached for my umbrella on the puddled floor beside the bench and held it above us both when I made my way over to him.

Leeteuk:"thank you" He said ducking under the umbrella.

His face, that perfect face, was right infront of mine and our noses touched, I could feel his warm breath on my cheek, his hand on my arm, his chest slid closer to mine.
I lent my head in closer to his, he diddnt stop me nor did he push me away, my heart beat harder against my chest fluctuating at each beat, my breathing inceaced so much so  that I could hardly keep it on track.
But I felt his breath do the same, I was glad, that meant that I wasnt the only one, his hand started to slowly drift up my arm my bare wet skin onto my sholder and cuped the back of my neck.


Leeteuk POV

What was I doing? Why did I feel this way? I had only just met her and yet I never want to leave her. I moved my hand up her arm feeling her damp body against my skin and continued to the back of her neck.
I had to stop before this got too far, but I diddnt want to, my mananger would kill me if he found out, and I had to get back to the others, they were all wake and my boss might hear and relise Im not there. I couldn't let down the others by getting them into somthing that had nothing to do with any of them.
My mind screamed at me to forget them and carry on but I couldnt, this grl deserved someone better than me, I couldnt be there for her all the time, she shouldnt have that, I dropped my hand form her neck and pulled away from her face.

Leeteuk:"No, I cant Im sorry, I have to go"


Kaia POV

I felt like crying but I quickly composed myself and staightend myself.

Kaia:"Oh ... Ok, um who was that on the phone? Was it your girlfriend or...?"

Leeteul:"No! No, no girlfriend, I dont have a girlfriend. I-it was just my room mate, w-wondering where I am..."

I could see him bite away tears of his own, which made me smile insde. So he was sad to make me go, he wasn't just getting rid of me, he too wanted me to stay. I truly hoped I was right.

Kaia:"Oh ok, well I dont want to hold you back," I really did.

He pulled one of his fake smiles and backed out of the umbrella. My heart followed him out as he solemly turned around and trudged off in the rain,

Kaia:"WAIT!" I ran after him "wait!" It was hard to run with the umbrella so I let it go

He spun to face me


I stopped infront of him the rain pouring infront of my eyes again

Kaia:"C-can I see you again?"

A true smile streached across Leeteuks face and he nodded quickly

Leeteuk:"Yes, yes of course I'd love to,"

My heart jumped back to place and my head screamed.

Kaia:"Ok... heres my number"

I quickly pulled my card out of my pocket and handed it to him, he grabed it and placed it in his pocket quickly so it  wouldnt get wet.

Leeteuk:"thank you, so...'till next time"

I nodded, smiling as I felt cheeks blush.

Kaia:"Until next time"

He smiled at me then contiued to his appartment, as he reached the door I called out to him again

Kaia:"Whatever you do ... Dont Forget Me!"

Leeteuk:"I wouldnt dream of it!"

He called back and with that he open the door and passed through.

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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!