
Dancing in the rain

Leeteuk POV

I grabbed Kaia's hand and ran out of the dorm. Leading her through all the small corridors of the hotel to the front desk and out the front door for the first time.


Kaia:"Where are we going?"


Leeteuk:"It's a surprise!"


I ran down the pavement and turned the corner to SM entainment.


Kaia:"What are we doing?"


Leeteuk:"It is a surprise, don't worry,"


I slowed down to a walk and entered the large front door of SM. The guards noticed me immediately and smiled.


Guard:"Hello Leeteuk, nice to see you again. Who's with you?"


Leeteuk:"My girlfriend," Kaia smiled as I spoke, "Do you mind if i just wonder around today, I got a free schedule you see?"


Guard:"Sure, anything. Just as long as all the others don't come rambling in,"


Leeteuk laughed:"No their off on their own, just me today,"


Guard:"Sure head on in... oh and thank you for the card, my wife really appreciated it,"


Leeteuk:"That's okay, I'll look forward to a picture of the baby,"


Guard:"I'll get you one soon,"


I bowed, even Kaia, and we both headed off deep into SM.


Kaia snuck her hand into mine and held on, smiling at me with her beautiful eyes:"Can you tell me where we're going now?"


Leeteuk:"The fact that we're in SM doesn't mean I can tell you," I smirked back.


We walked through the overly large corridors, until we met a large double door at which I stopped.


Leeteuk:"Here's the surprise,"


Kaia's eyes widened and she went to push open the door, but I caught her hand before she could.


Leeteuk:"Na,na,na,na. Wait, wait wait. Now before you go in... I have to tell you that, it is not the real thing... SM use this place for ideas of space and movement on stage, just so you know,"


Kaia frowned:"What?"


I gripped the handle and opened the door... kaia's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. She looked at me, then back to the sight on the other side.


Kaia:"No way!" she beamed, "No way!... I'm alowed in here?!"


Leeteuk:"Not on your own... but with me, you can,"



Kaia held her hands over and once again shot her eyeline to me and the stage on the otherside of the door:"Well, can I go in?"


Leeteuk:"Ye-" Before I could even finish that one word, Kaia darted through the door and down ther steps to the stage.


Leeteuk:"Hey wait!" I sprinted after her, soon filling the space between us.


Kaia:"Come on slow coach!" she called back.


Leeteuk:"Is that a challange!?"


Noticing I was right behind her kaia turned left and ran through a row of seats, I turned through the row in front knowing that she would head straight to the stage and going this way would block her off. I was right. As she turned to go back down the steps to the stage I caught her and swipped her off her feet, lifting her up bridal style.


Leeteuk:"Got 'cha," I smiled, staring into her eyes. "See, I'm actually faster than I look,"


Kaia:"I never doubted that," she beamed, blushing a bit as she wrapped her arms around my neck.


Kaia POV


I wrapped my hands around his neck, securing myself in his arms. No words were said between the both of us as we looked into each others eyes. I could feel my heart beating faster. throbbing against my ribs. I could even feel Leeteuk's doing the same. So I wasn't alone in that.


My eyes drifted from his eyes to his lips and my head tilted towards them. With my hands on his neck I could tell he was doing the same. So in one movement I pulled his head to mine and our lips met.


I loved his kisses, they were so soft and kind. My hands pulled on the hair on the back of his head as the kiss continued. I could feel his tongue poking on my lips, asking to join mine, so I opened my mouth and granted him entry. Our heads turned side to side as our tongues joined in a fencing match.


My heart was leaping beats. Butterflies had taken over my stomach and were fluttering around the rest of my body. The kiss was going to have to break soon because I was starting to go mad with butterflies. So I broke off. Still keeping my forehead on his.


Leeteuk:"I love you Kaia,"


My heart stopped... he had said it. He had said 'I love you'. It may be a bit quick in the relationship. But I didn't care. I felt the same way.


Kaia:"I love you to... Oppa,"


Leeteuk:"I love it when you call me Oppa,"


Kaia:"Oppa," I repeated.


Leeteuk laughed and turned his attention to the stage:"Shall we?"


Kaia:"You can put me down if you want,"


Leeteuk:"No way, I'll carry you to the stage,"


He did as he said he would, and carried me all the way to the stage.


Kaia:"Oh my god, this place is huge!" My voice echoed throughout the stage hall, almost making me jump. Leeteuk put me down when me arrived at the middle of the stage. I ran around the space and waved my arms above my head, shouting to the empty seats.


Kaia:"It's amazing! And you hav to perform on this?"


Leeteuk:"Well, we do... ut today you will,"




Leeteuk:"You can dance here, today,"


Kaia:"Say what? I can't dance to a live audience without practice... or...or-"


Leeteuk walked away and headed to the closest seat and sat down:"Well then, I'll be the only audience member,"




Leeteuk:"I found the song you danced to when we first met,"


Kaia:"How? All I did was dance... how did you get the song?"


Leeteuk:"I don't sleep much, so I just did some re-search, and found it... here," he pulled out a small remote looking object from his pocket and clicked it.


The song popped out the speakers and the whole stage was filled with the hall. < click for song


Kaia:"Oh my god! You got it? You really did?!"


Leeteuk:"You sound surprised," he smirked.


I smiled and caught the beat of the music. I knew the moves well so I could start from anywhere in the song. So I began. The stage was all mine. And I intended to give it my best shot.




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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!