Dancing in the rain

Leeteuk let out a sigh of relief as the manager left the room along with Eunhyuk, Donghae and Siwon. Everyone turned back to Kaia in the bed as a little voice called out.


(?):"Have they gone?"


Hangeng turned around, hearing the voice behind him:"Heechul you have a really girly voice,"


All eyes then fell on Heechul:"Was that you?"


Leeteuk:"Guys, seriously, stop that," 


Kyuhyun:"Yeah Kangin,"


Kangin:"What the hell!?"


Another argument broke out among the members. So Leeteuk turned back to Kaia.


Leeteuk:"You gonna come out of that bed anytime soon?" He giggled pulling the duvet from her head bringing it to the light. She climbed out and stood beside Leetuk as the members continued to argue.


Sungmin:"Hyung, are those your pajamas?"


Leeteuk didn't answer, but just returned to Kaia:"Here are your clothes, you can change in the room over there,"


He pointed to the door in the corner of the room and Kaia headed over, the room fell silent as she did. The moment the door closed behind her every one turned to Leeteuk and surrounded him.


Super junior:"So...?" They all began to advance forward.


SuJu:"s she your girlfriend?"

       "Have you kissed?"

        "Held hands?"

       "What about a hug?"

        "Why is she wearing your pajamas?"

        "They are his pajamas?"


They all shuffled closer and closer like a huddle of penguins pushing him backwards.


        "How long have you known her?"


Leeteuk was forced onto the bed, but they all continued to push forward. He crawled backwards, trying to put some distance between them, but they kept advancing.


         "Does she know who we are?"

         "Has she ever mentioned my name?"

         "Do you like her?"


Leeteuk's head bashed into the wall at the end of the bed, and he was pressed up against it by the others.


        "Do you love her?"


Leeteuk finally managed to get a word through:"Please stop!"


Kaia, who had just come out of the spare room in her clothes spotted what was happening and didn't quite understand:"What's going on?"




Out of no where the door suddenly unlocked and swiftly flew opened so quickly that no one had anytime to react.


Henry:"How much where the glasses?"


Zhou mi:"I can't remember, but they look good on me... don't you thin-" he looked around the room and froze, Henry soon following the same thing "What did we miss?"




Leeteuk explained everything to them both, telling tehm the same thing he had told to Kyuhyun, before ordering them to have their day off. They all left in packs. Hangeng and Heechul. Shindong henry and Zhou mi. Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Sungmin. Leaving Yesung and Kangin together. Finally the room was quiet.


Kaia:"Well that went well," She smiled at Leeteuk, who smiled back before standing up and positing himself in front of her.


Leeteuk:"Follow me, I want to show you something,"


He gripped her hand and walked her from the dorm.



xxx Sorry for late update, and it is kinda rushed, I have checked it for mistakes, but if you fine any I'm sorry xxx







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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!